Declan Hayes
August 29, 2023
© Photo: Social media

Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date.

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Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date. This is because Mongolia is totally surrounded by China on one side and Russia on the other and those two giants dominate its economy, with China taking 90% of Mongolia’s exports and Russia supplying 90% of Mongolia’s energy requirements.

Although the CIA has scored some significant triumphs in Mongolia, most notably with Mongolia sending token troop contingents to help the Yanks slaughter the Iraqis, Mongolia’s economy is dominated by its two giant neighbours who have plans afoot to construct a natural gas pipeline from Russia to China through Genghis Khan’s old Mongolian stomping ground, whose economy, along with its people, has suffered immensely since the break up of the Soviet Union.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, is awash with the impoverished and the problems synonymous with them. It is largely within those hopelessly poor that Catholic missionary sisters work and that, cynics could say, Pope Francis will piggyback on, when he visits Mongolia’s House of Mercy, which was founded by French and Italian missionaries and is now staffed by equally saintly Indians.

Although Mongolia lies on the far eastern side of Eurasia, that has not stopped the CIA trying to embroil Mongolia, the ‘sixteenth Republic’ (of the former USSR), in its Ukrainian intrigues. Because Ukrainian mobster President Zelensky spent part of his childhood in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father was involved in the establishment and early years of the Erdenet mining and metallurgical complex, the CIA have tried to pretend that Mongolia, beset with its own massive social problems, is preoccupied with subsidising the gangster Kiev regime’s welfare. The suspicion has to be that Pope Francis’s visit, augmented by USAID and other CIA affiliated NGOs on the ground, is a part of that CIA drive to spread Kiev’s sectarian toxins into the heart of Mongolia’s giant neighbours.

This suspicion is fuelled by the fact that Mongolia is one of the least Catholic countries in the world and it is surrounded on all sides by China and Russia, two behemoths the CIA, MI6 and their allies are, along with Belarus, hell bent on destroying. And Pope Francis has, of course, an unenviable track record of supporting the Kiev Nazis, even going so far as to wave one of their battle standards about the Vatican.

Although the Vatican has complained that Belarus is spying on its sizable Catholic and Greek Uniate minorities, given what elements of those churches are up to in Ukraine, Belarus’ protective measures should not come as a surprise. The Pope cannot be complicit in the torching of Orthodox churches in Ukraine and expect the authorities in Minsk and Moscow to simply ignore its role.

And nor can the Vatican honestly complain about the terrible pogroms the authorities are instituting against the Catholics of India and Pakistan if it is complicit in similar atrocities in Ukraine whilst also actively opposing Romanian Orthodox bishops who defend Ukrainian Christians against Zelensky’s Nazis. Much the same goes for Nicaragua, where the Jesuits are being expelled and their properties confiscated. As long as the Pope’s Jesuits run the CIA spawning grounds of Georgetown University, they must expect blowback, no matter how unjust that blowback may appear when viewed through the Vatican’s blinkers. The Argentinian Holy Father could also do worse than wonder why the front runner in Argentina’s Presidential election calls him an imbecile and a son of a bitch.

Although some 87.1 percent of Mongolians who express a religious identity claim to be Buddhists, Pope Francis singled Siberia’s Buddhists out for particular opprobrium when he castigated Russia’s ongoing defence of Ukrainian Christians. Perhaps when Pope Francis meets the tenth reincarnation of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the third-highest spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism globally, he can apologise for his rank ignorance not least because ethnic Mongolians outnumber ethnic Tibetans among Tibetan Buddhists globally and Shamanism blends almost seamlessly into Mongolian Buddhist rites as well.

Although the Pope, given his antipathy to the Buryati, might not be too interested in any of that, the Chinese just over the border in Inner Mongolia are highly interested, as are the CIA, who have traditionally used Tibetan Buddhism and the exiled Dalai Lama to attack Beijing.

Although relations have often been tense between Ulaanbaator and Beijing, so also has China’s relationships with the Vatican been equally fraught as both sides want to control the appointment of bishops and the Chinese delight in rewriting the Bible to accord with Confucian principles.

Although the Vatican see themselves as the good guys in all this, their collusion with the anti-Christian supremacists in Langley, Israel and Kiev, as well as their constant pandering to King Charles’ supremacist Anglican cult, together with their constant slanders against Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill suggest otherwise.

Invoking St Bartholomew, one of the stalwarts of the Eastern churches as some sort of protector for Zelensky’s anti-Christian rump Reich, likewise does not pass muster. The Eastern Churches are being assailed this very day in Syria, in Armenia, in Iraq, in India, in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Tigray and those the Pope collaborates with are most complicit in torturing and tormenting them and those he castigates, the Buddhists of the Russian Armed Forces for one, are most to the fore in defending them in Armenia and Syria.

Those persecuted Christians, together with the Buddhists of Siberia and Mongolia, are not asking that the Pope builds a Xanadu by the Tiber or any such thing for them. All they ask is that the Pope stops playing his juvenile games and that he sees Mongolia, Siberia, Syria, Iraq and all the world not as his fellow schemers in Rome see it but as it actually is, and that he works as an honest, adult broker with Moscow, Beijing and anyone else who can make that part of our common world a better place for everyone, Buddhists, Shamanists and Indian missionaries included who lives there and that if that is too much to ask, that he should stay in Rome, Kiev or Buenos Aries where his stock has plummeted, as it will in Beijing, if he and his handlers continue to take the Chinese and their Russian and Mongolian neighbours for idiots.

Pope Francis Gambling on His Mongolian Crusade Splitting Russia From China?

Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date.

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Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date. This is because Mongolia is totally surrounded by China on one side and Russia on the other and those two giants dominate its economy, with China taking 90% of Mongolia’s exports and Russia supplying 90% of Mongolia’s energy requirements.

Although the CIA has scored some significant triumphs in Mongolia, most notably with Mongolia sending token troop contingents to help the Yanks slaughter the Iraqis, Mongolia’s economy is dominated by its two giant neighbours who have plans afoot to construct a natural gas pipeline from Russia to China through Genghis Khan’s old Mongolian stomping ground, whose economy, along with its people, has suffered immensely since the break up of the Soviet Union.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, is awash with the impoverished and the problems synonymous with them. It is largely within those hopelessly poor that Catholic missionary sisters work and that, cynics could say, Pope Francis will piggyback on, when he visits Mongolia’s House of Mercy, which was founded by French and Italian missionaries and is now staffed by equally saintly Indians.

Although Mongolia lies on the far eastern side of Eurasia, that has not stopped the CIA trying to embroil Mongolia, the ‘sixteenth Republic’ (of the former USSR), in its Ukrainian intrigues. Because Ukrainian mobster President Zelensky spent part of his childhood in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father was involved in the establishment and early years of the Erdenet mining and metallurgical complex, the CIA have tried to pretend that Mongolia, beset with its own massive social problems, is preoccupied with subsidising the gangster Kiev regime’s welfare. The suspicion has to be that Pope Francis’s visit, augmented by USAID and other CIA affiliated NGOs on the ground, is a part of that CIA drive to spread Kiev’s sectarian toxins into the heart of Mongolia’s giant neighbours.

This suspicion is fuelled by the fact that Mongolia is one of the least Catholic countries in the world and it is surrounded on all sides by China and Russia, two behemoths the CIA, MI6 and their allies are, along with Belarus, hell bent on destroying. And Pope Francis has, of course, an unenviable track record of supporting the Kiev Nazis, even going so far as to wave one of their battle standards about the Vatican.

Although the Vatican has complained that Belarus is spying on its sizable Catholic and Greek Uniate minorities, given what elements of those churches are up to in Ukraine, Belarus’ protective measures should not come as a surprise. The Pope cannot be complicit in the torching of Orthodox churches in Ukraine and expect the authorities in Minsk and Moscow to simply ignore its role.

And nor can the Vatican honestly complain about the terrible pogroms the authorities are instituting against the Catholics of India and Pakistan if it is complicit in similar atrocities in Ukraine whilst also actively opposing Romanian Orthodox bishops who defend Ukrainian Christians against Zelensky’s Nazis. Much the same goes for Nicaragua, where the Jesuits are being expelled and their properties confiscated. As long as the Pope’s Jesuits run the CIA spawning grounds of Georgetown University, they must expect blowback, no matter how unjust that blowback may appear when viewed through the Vatican’s blinkers. The Argentinian Holy Father could also do worse than wonder why the front runner in Argentina’s Presidential election calls him an imbecile and a son of a bitch.

Although some 87.1 percent of Mongolians who express a religious identity claim to be Buddhists, Pope Francis singled Siberia’s Buddhists out for particular opprobrium when he castigated Russia’s ongoing defence of Ukrainian Christians. Perhaps when Pope Francis meets the tenth reincarnation of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the third-highest spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism globally, he can apologise for his rank ignorance not least because ethnic Mongolians outnumber ethnic Tibetans among Tibetan Buddhists globally and Shamanism blends almost seamlessly into Mongolian Buddhist rites as well.

Although the Pope, given his antipathy to the Buryati, might not be too interested in any of that, the Chinese just over the border in Inner Mongolia are highly interested, as are the CIA, who have traditionally used Tibetan Buddhism and the exiled Dalai Lama to attack Beijing.

Although relations have often been tense between Ulaanbaator and Beijing, so also has China’s relationships with the Vatican been equally fraught as both sides want to control the appointment of bishops and the Chinese delight in rewriting the Bible to accord with Confucian principles.

Although the Vatican see themselves as the good guys in all this, their collusion with the anti-Christian supremacists in Langley, Israel and Kiev, as well as their constant pandering to King Charles’ supremacist Anglican cult, together with their constant slanders against Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill suggest otherwise.

Invoking St Bartholomew, one of the stalwarts of the Eastern churches as some sort of protector for Zelensky’s anti-Christian rump Reich, likewise does not pass muster. The Eastern Churches are being assailed this very day in Syria, in Armenia, in Iraq, in India, in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Tigray and those the Pope collaborates with are most complicit in torturing and tormenting them and those he castigates, the Buddhists of the Russian Armed Forces for one, are most to the fore in defending them in Armenia and Syria.

Those persecuted Christians, together with the Buddhists of Siberia and Mongolia, are not asking that the Pope builds a Xanadu by the Tiber or any such thing for them. All they ask is that the Pope stops playing his juvenile games and that he sees Mongolia, Siberia, Syria, Iraq and all the world not as his fellow schemers in Rome see it but as it actually is, and that he works as an honest, adult broker with Moscow, Beijing and anyone else who can make that part of our common world a better place for everyone, Buddhists, Shamanists and Indian missionaries included who lives there and that if that is too much to ask, that he should stay in Rome, Kiev or Buenos Aries where his stock has plummeted, as it will in Beijing, if he and his handlers continue to take the Chinese and their Russian and Mongolian neighbours for idiots.

Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date.

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Although the Vatican can market Pope Francis’ forthcoming trip to Outer Mongolia as a pastoral visit to the 1,000 or so Catholics who live in that land-locked country, it is easily his most blatant political intervention to date. This is because Mongolia is totally surrounded by China on one side and Russia on the other and those two giants dominate its economy, with China taking 90% of Mongolia’s exports and Russia supplying 90% of Mongolia’s energy requirements.

Although the CIA has scored some significant triumphs in Mongolia, most notably with Mongolia sending token troop contingents to help the Yanks slaughter the Iraqis, Mongolia’s economy is dominated by its two giant neighbours who have plans afoot to construct a natural gas pipeline from Russia to China through Genghis Khan’s old Mongolian stomping ground, whose economy, along with its people, has suffered immensely since the break up of the Soviet Union.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, is awash with the impoverished and the problems synonymous with them. It is largely within those hopelessly poor that Catholic missionary sisters work and that, cynics could say, Pope Francis will piggyback on, when he visits Mongolia’s House of Mercy, which was founded by French and Italian missionaries and is now staffed by equally saintly Indians.

Although Mongolia lies on the far eastern side of Eurasia, that has not stopped the CIA trying to embroil Mongolia, the ‘sixteenth Republic’ (of the former USSR), in its Ukrainian intrigues. Because Ukrainian mobster President Zelensky spent part of his childhood in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father was involved in the establishment and early years of the Erdenet mining and metallurgical complex, the CIA have tried to pretend that Mongolia, beset with its own massive social problems, is preoccupied with subsidising the gangster Kiev regime’s welfare. The suspicion has to be that Pope Francis’s visit, augmented by USAID and other CIA affiliated NGOs on the ground, is a part of that CIA drive to spread Kiev’s sectarian toxins into the heart of Mongolia’s giant neighbours.

This suspicion is fuelled by the fact that Mongolia is one of the least Catholic countries in the world and it is surrounded on all sides by China and Russia, two behemoths the CIA, MI6 and their allies are, along with Belarus, hell bent on destroying. And Pope Francis has, of course, an unenviable track record of supporting the Kiev Nazis, even going so far as to wave one of their battle standards about the Vatican.

Although the Vatican has complained that Belarus is spying on its sizable Catholic and Greek Uniate minorities, given what elements of those churches are up to in Ukraine, Belarus’ protective measures should not come as a surprise. The Pope cannot be complicit in the torching of Orthodox churches in Ukraine and expect the authorities in Minsk and Moscow to simply ignore its role.

And nor can the Vatican honestly complain about the terrible pogroms the authorities are instituting against the Catholics of India and Pakistan if it is complicit in similar atrocities in Ukraine whilst also actively opposing Romanian Orthodox bishops who defend Ukrainian Christians against Zelensky’s Nazis. Much the same goes for Nicaragua, where the Jesuits are being expelled and their properties confiscated. As long as the Pope’s Jesuits run the CIA spawning grounds of Georgetown University, they must expect blowback, no matter how unjust that blowback may appear when viewed through the Vatican’s blinkers. The Argentinian Holy Father could also do worse than wonder why the front runner in Argentina’s Presidential election calls him an imbecile and a son of a bitch.

Although some 87.1 percent of Mongolians who express a religious identity claim to be Buddhists, Pope Francis singled Siberia’s Buddhists out for particular opprobrium when he castigated Russia’s ongoing defence of Ukrainian Christians. Perhaps when Pope Francis meets the tenth reincarnation of the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, the head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the third-highest spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism globally, he can apologise for his rank ignorance not least because ethnic Mongolians outnumber ethnic Tibetans among Tibetan Buddhists globally and Shamanism blends almost seamlessly into Mongolian Buddhist rites as well.

Although the Pope, given his antipathy to the Buryati, might not be too interested in any of that, the Chinese just over the border in Inner Mongolia are highly interested, as are the CIA, who have traditionally used Tibetan Buddhism and the exiled Dalai Lama to attack Beijing.

Although relations have often been tense between Ulaanbaator and Beijing, so also has China’s relationships with the Vatican been equally fraught as both sides want to control the appointment of bishops and the Chinese delight in rewriting the Bible to accord with Confucian principles.

Although the Vatican see themselves as the good guys in all this, their collusion with the anti-Christian supremacists in Langley, Israel and Kiev, as well as their constant pandering to King Charles’ supremacist Anglican cult, together with their constant slanders against Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill suggest otherwise.

Invoking St Bartholomew, one of the stalwarts of the Eastern churches as some sort of protector for Zelensky’s anti-Christian rump Reich, likewise does not pass muster. The Eastern Churches are being assailed this very day in Syria, in Armenia, in Iraq, in India, in Eritrea, Ethiopia and Tigray and those the Pope collaborates with are most complicit in torturing and tormenting them and those he castigates, the Buddhists of the Russian Armed Forces for one, are most to the fore in defending them in Armenia and Syria.

Those persecuted Christians, together with the Buddhists of Siberia and Mongolia, are not asking that the Pope builds a Xanadu by the Tiber or any such thing for them. All they ask is that the Pope stops playing his juvenile games and that he sees Mongolia, Siberia, Syria, Iraq and all the world not as his fellow schemers in Rome see it but as it actually is, and that he works as an honest, adult broker with Moscow, Beijing and anyone else who can make that part of our common world a better place for everyone, Buddhists, Shamanists and Indian missionaries included who lives there and that if that is too much to ask, that he should stay in Rome, Kiev or Buenos Aries where his stock has plummeted, as it will in Beijing, if he and his handlers continue to take the Chinese and their Russian and Mongolian neighbours for idiots.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 8, 2025
January 11, 2025

See also

January 8, 2025
January 11, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.