Tatiana Obrenovic
March 14, 2023
© Photo: Public domain

The Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia.

This article is based on the article and a complementary video by a renowned Serbian journalist Nikola Vrzic for RT Balkans. It is hereby translated and minimally adapted for the sake of the appropriate translation of cultural references.

Before having paled into insignificance, Federica Mogherini used to be what Joseph Borell is today. She used to voice her optimism in the same way that Joseph Borell is doing now, and the same are their paymasters, that the official Belgrade and Pristina are soon to reach an agreement required by those (corrupt) paymasters of theirs. It is to do with the agreement, which Mogherini kept announcing, which was supposed to resolve all the open issues, including the Kosovo recognition. The schedule is rather ambitious – the German newspaper portal Deutsche Welle remarked on that occasion, because Federica Mogherini was hoping for success, in the following few months, until the end of the year, anyways.

In the spirit of the same said enthusiasm, Hashim Thachi who used to lead Kosovo at the time in the same way as is Albin Kurti doing now, used to send a message that the right moment for a legally binding agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is right now, and then that the main goal of that agreement was (is) the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and its joining EU, NATO and UN. The aforesaid deadline by the end of the year expired at the end of that year of 2019 (lest we forget), Hashim Thaci is in prison now. Federica Mogherini is not yet in prison but she handed in her resignation from her position as a member of the board of a non-government organization heavily involved in the corruption Qatar-gate scandal, which has for months rattled the Brussels cage. We are yet to see what is to come out of it.

And the agreement which used to be repeatedly announced by the two of them with that enthusiasm of theirs, was not signed. In that year of 2019, they were in a hurry, for Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement because in the forthcoming years back then, the elections were fast approaching: the presidential elections in the USA and the ones in Europe were for the European Parliament, so they knew they would be absorbed with their own issues to deal with rather than by ours. The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled for 2024 and the presidential elections in the USA as well. They are in a hurry again to strong-arm Belgrade to agree with Pristina. It goes without saying that we are to agree the way they want us to agree, so that the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo may become a UN member, which without the consent of Serbia, it cannot do so under any circumstances.

With this goal in mind the meeting was accommodated for in Brussels on Monday (February 27, 2023) between Alexander Vucic (the President of Serbia) and Albin Kurti by Joseph Borrell, the acting deputy to said Federica Mogherini. Their expectations ran high the same as their wish to finally pressurize us into capitulation in the war they declared even back in the day when Richard Holbrook proclaimed that Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists were/are not terrorists at all. Their ‘civil’ servant, Miroslav Lajcak, who in line with his duties carried out the orders to (to completely politically) carve up the then union of states of Serbia and Montenegro and now it is his (butcher’s) duty to carve up Serbia as well, so that he convened this Brussels meeting scheduled with that goal in mind, where he was both straightforward and arrogant, when he said ‘We are sure the agreement will be accepted. We think it is clear to everybody that one cannot say a resounding No to the EU and the USA’. This plan by the EU and the USA to which one is not supposed to say ‘No’, Lajcak pointed out the crux of the matter as well, represents a de facto recognition of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, and is not subject of debate at that and any changes to the wording of the agreement shall not be allowed.

Earlier on even NATO threatened that they expected Kurti and Vucic to carry out that plan in the shortest timespan possible. The U.S. Radio Free Europe had announced earlier on Monday that it was to be the D-Day for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, accordingly. It is common knowledge that that news channel was founded by the CIA to ‘objectively’ inform the general public. Truth be told, the ex-director of CIA, Mike Pompeo, admitted by famously saying : ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’ We ran complete training courses for it, Pompeo said. So this circumstance should be taken into consideration for drawing any further conclusions. Alas, to our relief, at least a temporary one, that D-day turned out to be ‘yet another Monday’ (like any other) and that afterwards, a rather ordinary-looking Tuesday dawned the next day, on which the Resolution 1244 continued to be applicable as if nothing had happened with TANJUG reporting that one more registration of the pseudo-state Kosovo to join Interpol was rejected.

On that day, six U.S. senators published a rather bewildering press release in which they stated that the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo announced a temporary agreement on the normalization of relations and resolving the issue on the use of the official car plates of the Serbian ethnic minority. It is absolutely unclear how come they are now talking about the car plates? All of a sudden they are congratulating both governments in Belgrade and Pristina on reaching temporary agreements on the normalization of their relations and they remind us that after all the two leaders must align with it all and reach an agreement on the annex on the implementation, which will be ‘a roadmap’ for said normalization of the relations between the two countries.

And the media in Serbian language, the editorial puppet masters of which are based abroad, which recognized the pseudo-independence of the southern province of Serbia, who in their executive management structures have the former director of that CIA ‘with the training courses for lying and cheating’, published some claims which have since sowed serious confusion; namely that President Vucic allegedly signed the European plan by which Serbia de facto recognizes the independence of its own southern province and essentially autonomous province, with the elaboration that such agreement does not have to be signed i.e. that the acceptance of the wording of the text is equal to its ratification.

Alas, what really happened on Monday in Brussels? That matter (it is a most pressing issue of utmost importance for our country after all) is far too serious to be left unresolved. All the more so because after the meeting in Brussels, describing its outcome, Joseph Borrell said that President Vucic and Kurti agreed that further discussions were not necessary about the EU proposal on the agreement to the pathway to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia. That is the same agreement, lest we forget, for which Miroslav Lajcak, even before the meeting said that it was non-negotiable and any changes to its wording shall not be allowed, thus the issue about which agreement for those further discussions which were not needed, was Borrell talking about, if exactly those discussions he mentioned were forbidden even prior to the meeting?

To put it more simply, why would Vucic and Kurti even begin negotiating ‘that paper’, if they had been told they were not allowed to talk about it. This dilemma and the key issue of whether Serbia, God forbid, on Monday in any manner, legally bound itself to any recognition of Kosovo, on Thursday during the parliamentary debate in Pristina Albin Kurti got to shed light on mercifully. At the trilateral meeting Kurti said, KOHA reports, I recommended my official signature of the prime minister to the EU on the basis of the agreement, which had to (must) be signed by the high representative Borell and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Kurti confirmed ‘Vucic rejected my proposal instantly and categorically and Borell’s position was that this document was not to be discussed any more.

Therefore, the text was finalized and published on the EU website, the two sides agreed on that issue but it does not mean that they officially accepted the agreement. The agreement is accepted by being signed by signatories of all (contractual) parties. Serbia does not agree to it. That is what Kurti says. It is worth remembering that on the first Brussels Agreement in 2013, both (contractual) parties had to pencil down their signatures and Catherine Ashton together with them on behalf of the EU (provided anybody remembers her anymore?… and we thought at the time she was very important, eh? Even though she was only doing her job.

Anyways, if the signature is not mandatory, why are they demanding the paper to be signed? The same goes when they want to rip our Kosovo from us because it is ours and not theirs. The EU spokesperson, though all of a sudden, now claims that it is obvious that the signing never happened and that this unsigned document is now an agreement and its ‘roadmap towards normalized relations…….How is it possible it is totally irrelevant?

Then again, one must not lose sight of the need by the EU to embellish what really happened in Brussels on Monday. The need gets somewhat bigger if what had been announced prior to it did not happen at all. Exactly that is the interpretation by Daniel Server, the U.S. diplomat and pro-Albanian lobbyist, who, given that he is the pro-Albanian lobbyist, was proclaimed to be an expert for the Balkan region. Namely, he does point out that the meeting was finished without the agreement to the normalization of the relations. This is viewed as a failure, particularly after expectations running high for months on end. That is why, Server writes on his blog, the EU simply decided to continue the dialogue on the basis of an unsigned document. That is the best they could come up with.

The next step will be the implementation plan. This comes across as rather absurd, one should say, but this is exactly what is happening now, because Kurti in Pristina on Thursday announced that the implementation plan will be negotiated on and that nothing has been agreed on in that respect. Pertinent to that, Server predicts that it will not be simple at all to convince Vucic to give up on the ZSO (i.e. the Association of the Serbian municipalities) or to carry out any directive which are favorable to Albin Kurti’s cause. In doing so, he is not singing praises for the President of Serbia but he is calling for the competent authorities ‘to snatch away all the proverbial carrots’ from him and switch to the sticks-only approach i.e. to go on bashing Vucic any way imaginable.

The portal Albanian Post, which have so far proven that they do have rather decent sources of information, when they a few months earlier published this European proposal, reports that it is now ‘approved’ by not being approved, after its approval by its non-approval, at that they quote an international source who warns that Vucic and Kurti have a deadline till March 18 to align their own misunderstandings and sign the agreement. Nonetheless, Vucic, after that on Tuesday evening on RTS (Serbian National TV) said that negotiations, talks and then the implementation of the ZSO are to yet to come and then the negotiations of the implementation of the customs stamps, university degrees, regional representation, car plates and so on. He mentioned buying time as a negotiation tactic, for which he should not be denounced at all.

As for the time factor, Russian Ambassador in Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko, recently told the BETA agency that the Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia. ‘In the conflict between the Collective West and Russia, Russia is bound to win’, the Russian Ambassador said. Only then will the new multipolar world be established, in which the Collective West will not have a crucial role. All in all, for the sake of precision, those who recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry; those who do not recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry either. ‘Nuff said.

At the end of the day, they were in a hurry in 2019 too and we are only supposed to do the same as we did with the very same offer in 2007 and in 2013. And in doing so, we should be aware that they are not in a hurry because they are getting stronger each day but because they do know that they will be getting weaker with the passage of time, starting from that March 18 2023, by way of which we are being threatened in the same manner the Collective West and Kurti thumped their bare chests at us threateningly on February 27, 2023.

The U.S. and EU Sowing Serious Political Discord in Serbia

The Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia.

This article is based on the article and a complementary video by a renowned Serbian journalist Nikola Vrzic for RT Balkans. It is hereby translated and minimally adapted for the sake of the appropriate translation of cultural references.

Before having paled into insignificance, Federica Mogherini used to be what Joseph Borell is today. She used to voice her optimism in the same way that Joseph Borell is doing now, and the same are their paymasters, that the official Belgrade and Pristina are soon to reach an agreement required by those (corrupt) paymasters of theirs. It is to do with the agreement, which Mogherini kept announcing, which was supposed to resolve all the open issues, including the Kosovo recognition. The schedule is rather ambitious – the German newspaper portal Deutsche Welle remarked on that occasion, because Federica Mogherini was hoping for success, in the following few months, until the end of the year, anyways.

In the spirit of the same said enthusiasm, Hashim Thachi who used to lead Kosovo at the time in the same way as is Albin Kurti doing now, used to send a message that the right moment for a legally binding agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is right now, and then that the main goal of that agreement was (is) the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and its joining EU, NATO and UN. The aforesaid deadline by the end of the year expired at the end of that year of 2019 (lest we forget), Hashim Thaci is in prison now. Federica Mogherini is not yet in prison but she handed in her resignation from her position as a member of the board of a non-government organization heavily involved in the corruption Qatar-gate scandal, which has for months rattled the Brussels cage. We are yet to see what is to come out of it.

And the agreement which used to be repeatedly announced by the two of them with that enthusiasm of theirs, was not signed. In that year of 2019, they were in a hurry, for Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement because in the forthcoming years back then, the elections were fast approaching: the presidential elections in the USA and the ones in Europe were for the European Parliament, so they knew they would be absorbed with their own issues to deal with rather than by ours. The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled for 2024 and the presidential elections in the USA as well. They are in a hurry again to strong-arm Belgrade to agree with Pristina. It goes without saying that we are to agree the way they want us to agree, so that the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo may become a UN member, which without the consent of Serbia, it cannot do so under any circumstances.

With this goal in mind the meeting was accommodated for in Brussels on Monday (February 27, 2023) between Alexander Vucic (the President of Serbia) and Albin Kurti by Joseph Borrell, the acting deputy to said Federica Mogherini. Their expectations ran high the same as their wish to finally pressurize us into capitulation in the war they declared even back in the day when Richard Holbrook proclaimed that Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists were/are not terrorists at all. Their ‘civil’ servant, Miroslav Lajcak, who in line with his duties carried out the orders to (to completely politically) carve up the then union of states of Serbia and Montenegro and now it is his (butcher’s) duty to carve up Serbia as well, so that he convened this Brussels meeting scheduled with that goal in mind, where he was both straightforward and arrogant, when he said ‘We are sure the agreement will be accepted. We think it is clear to everybody that one cannot say a resounding No to the EU and the USA’. This plan by the EU and the USA to which one is not supposed to say ‘No’, Lajcak pointed out the crux of the matter as well, represents a de facto recognition of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, and is not subject of debate at that and any changes to the wording of the agreement shall not be allowed.

Earlier on even NATO threatened that they expected Kurti and Vucic to carry out that plan in the shortest timespan possible. The U.S. Radio Free Europe had announced earlier on Monday that it was to be the D-Day for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, accordingly. It is common knowledge that that news channel was founded by the CIA to ‘objectively’ inform the general public. Truth be told, the ex-director of CIA, Mike Pompeo, admitted by famously saying : ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’ We ran complete training courses for it, Pompeo said. So this circumstance should be taken into consideration for drawing any further conclusions. Alas, to our relief, at least a temporary one, that D-day turned out to be ‘yet another Monday’ (like any other) and that afterwards, a rather ordinary-looking Tuesday dawned the next day, on which the Resolution 1244 continued to be applicable as if nothing had happened with TANJUG reporting that one more registration of the pseudo-state Kosovo to join Interpol was rejected.

On that day, six U.S. senators published a rather bewildering press release in which they stated that the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo announced a temporary agreement on the normalization of relations and resolving the issue on the use of the official car plates of the Serbian ethnic minority. It is absolutely unclear how come they are now talking about the car plates? All of a sudden they are congratulating both governments in Belgrade and Pristina on reaching temporary agreements on the normalization of their relations and they remind us that after all the two leaders must align with it all and reach an agreement on the annex on the implementation, which will be ‘a roadmap’ for said normalization of the relations between the two countries.

And the media in Serbian language, the editorial puppet masters of which are based abroad, which recognized the pseudo-independence of the southern province of Serbia, who in their executive management structures have the former director of that CIA ‘with the training courses for lying and cheating’, published some claims which have since sowed serious confusion; namely that President Vucic allegedly signed the European plan by which Serbia de facto recognizes the independence of its own southern province and essentially autonomous province, with the elaboration that such agreement does not have to be signed i.e. that the acceptance of the wording of the text is equal to its ratification.

Alas, what really happened on Monday in Brussels? That matter (it is a most pressing issue of utmost importance for our country after all) is far too serious to be left unresolved. All the more so because after the meeting in Brussels, describing its outcome, Joseph Borrell said that President Vucic and Kurti agreed that further discussions were not necessary about the EU proposal on the agreement to the pathway to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia. That is the same agreement, lest we forget, for which Miroslav Lajcak, even before the meeting said that it was non-negotiable and any changes to its wording shall not be allowed, thus the issue about which agreement for those further discussions which were not needed, was Borrell talking about, if exactly those discussions he mentioned were forbidden even prior to the meeting?

To put it more simply, why would Vucic and Kurti even begin negotiating ‘that paper’, if they had been told they were not allowed to talk about it. This dilemma and the key issue of whether Serbia, God forbid, on Monday in any manner, legally bound itself to any recognition of Kosovo, on Thursday during the parliamentary debate in Pristina Albin Kurti got to shed light on mercifully. At the trilateral meeting Kurti said, KOHA reports, I recommended my official signature of the prime minister to the EU on the basis of the agreement, which had to (must) be signed by the high representative Borell and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Kurti confirmed ‘Vucic rejected my proposal instantly and categorically and Borell’s position was that this document was not to be discussed any more.

Therefore, the text was finalized and published on the EU website, the two sides agreed on that issue but it does not mean that they officially accepted the agreement. The agreement is accepted by being signed by signatories of all (contractual) parties. Serbia does not agree to it. That is what Kurti says. It is worth remembering that on the first Brussels Agreement in 2013, both (contractual) parties had to pencil down their signatures and Catherine Ashton together with them on behalf of the EU (provided anybody remembers her anymore?… and we thought at the time she was very important, eh? Even though she was only doing her job.

Anyways, if the signature is not mandatory, why are they demanding the paper to be signed? The same goes when they want to rip our Kosovo from us because it is ours and not theirs. The EU spokesperson, though all of a sudden, now claims that it is obvious that the signing never happened and that this unsigned document is now an agreement and its ‘roadmap towards normalized relations…….How is it possible it is totally irrelevant?

Then again, one must not lose sight of the need by the EU to embellish what really happened in Brussels on Monday. The need gets somewhat bigger if what had been announced prior to it did not happen at all. Exactly that is the interpretation by Daniel Server, the U.S. diplomat and pro-Albanian lobbyist, who, given that he is the pro-Albanian lobbyist, was proclaimed to be an expert for the Balkan region. Namely, he does point out that the meeting was finished without the agreement to the normalization of the relations. This is viewed as a failure, particularly after expectations running high for months on end. That is why, Server writes on his blog, the EU simply decided to continue the dialogue on the basis of an unsigned document. That is the best they could come up with.

The next step will be the implementation plan. This comes across as rather absurd, one should say, but this is exactly what is happening now, because Kurti in Pristina on Thursday announced that the implementation plan will be negotiated on and that nothing has been agreed on in that respect. Pertinent to that, Server predicts that it will not be simple at all to convince Vucic to give up on the ZSO (i.e. the Association of the Serbian municipalities) or to carry out any directive which are favorable to Albin Kurti’s cause. In doing so, he is not singing praises for the President of Serbia but he is calling for the competent authorities ‘to snatch away all the proverbial carrots’ from him and switch to the sticks-only approach i.e. to go on bashing Vucic any way imaginable.

The portal Albanian Post, which have so far proven that they do have rather decent sources of information, when they a few months earlier published this European proposal, reports that it is now ‘approved’ by not being approved, after its approval by its non-approval, at that they quote an international source who warns that Vucic and Kurti have a deadline till March 18 to align their own misunderstandings and sign the agreement. Nonetheless, Vucic, after that on Tuesday evening on RTS (Serbian National TV) said that negotiations, talks and then the implementation of the ZSO are to yet to come and then the negotiations of the implementation of the customs stamps, university degrees, regional representation, car plates and so on. He mentioned buying time as a negotiation tactic, for which he should not be denounced at all.

As for the time factor, Russian Ambassador in Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko, recently told the BETA agency that the Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia. ‘In the conflict between the Collective West and Russia, Russia is bound to win’, the Russian Ambassador said. Only then will the new multipolar world be established, in which the Collective West will not have a crucial role. All in all, for the sake of precision, those who recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry; those who do not recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry either. ‘Nuff said.

At the end of the day, they were in a hurry in 2019 too and we are only supposed to do the same as we did with the very same offer in 2007 and in 2013. And in doing so, we should be aware that they are not in a hurry because they are getting stronger each day but because they do know that they will be getting weaker with the passage of time, starting from that March 18 2023, by way of which we are being threatened in the same manner the Collective West and Kurti thumped their bare chests at us threateningly on February 27, 2023.

The Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia.

This article is based on the article and a complementary video by a renowned Serbian journalist Nikola Vrzic for RT Balkans. It is hereby translated and minimally adapted for the sake of the appropriate translation of cultural references.

Before having paled into insignificance, Federica Mogherini used to be what Joseph Borell is today. She used to voice her optimism in the same way that Joseph Borell is doing now, and the same are their paymasters, that the official Belgrade and Pristina are soon to reach an agreement required by those (corrupt) paymasters of theirs. It is to do with the agreement, which Mogherini kept announcing, which was supposed to resolve all the open issues, including the Kosovo recognition. The schedule is rather ambitious – the German newspaper portal Deutsche Welle remarked on that occasion, because Federica Mogherini was hoping for success, in the following few months, until the end of the year, anyways.

In the spirit of the same said enthusiasm, Hashim Thachi who used to lead Kosovo at the time in the same way as is Albin Kurti doing now, used to send a message that the right moment for a legally binding agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is right now, and then that the main goal of that agreement was (is) the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and its joining EU, NATO and UN. The aforesaid deadline by the end of the year expired at the end of that year of 2019 (lest we forget), Hashim Thaci is in prison now. Federica Mogherini is not yet in prison but she handed in her resignation from her position as a member of the board of a non-government organization heavily involved in the corruption Qatar-gate scandal, which has for months rattled the Brussels cage. We are yet to see what is to come out of it.

And the agreement which used to be repeatedly announced by the two of them with that enthusiasm of theirs, was not signed. In that year of 2019, they were in a hurry, for Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement because in the forthcoming years back then, the elections were fast approaching: the presidential elections in the USA and the ones in Europe were for the European Parliament, so they knew they would be absorbed with their own issues to deal with rather than by ours. The elections for the European Parliament are scheduled for 2024 and the presidential elections in the USA as well. They are in a hurry again to strong-arm Belgrade to agree with Pristina. It goes without saying that we are to agree the way they want us to agree, so that the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo may become a UN member, which without the consent of Serbia, it cannot do so under any circumstances.

With this goal in mind the meeting was accommodated for in Brussels on Monday (February 27, 2023) between Alexander Vucic (the President of Serbia) and Albin Kurti by Joseph Borrell, the acting deputy to said Federica Mogherini. Their expectations ran high the same as their wish to finally pressurize us into capitulation in the war they declared even back in the day when Richard Holbrook proclaimed that Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists were/are not terrorists at all. Their ‘civil’ servant, Miroslav Lajcak, who in line with his duties carried out the orders to (to completely politically) carve up the then union of states of Serbia and Montenegro and now it is his (butcher’s) duty to carve up Serbia as well, so that he convened this Brussels meeting scheduled with that goal in mind, where he was both straightforward and arrogant, when he said ‘We are sure the agreement will be accepted. We think it is clear to everybody that one cannot say a resounding No to the EU and the USA’. This plan by the EU and the USA to which one is not supposed to say ‘No’, Lajcak pointed out the crux of the matter as well, represents a de facto recognition of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, and is not subject of debate at that and any changes to the wording of the agreement shall not be allowed.

Earlier on even NATO threatened that they expected Kurti and Vucic to carry out that plan in the shortest timespan possible. The U.S. Radio Free Europe had announced earlier on Monday that it was to be the D-Day for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, accordingly. It is common knowledge that that news channel was founded by the CIA to ‘objectively’ inform the general public. Truth be told, the ex-director of CIA, Mike Pompeo, admitted by famously saying : ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’ We ran complete training courses for it, Pompeo said. So this circumstance should be taken into consideration for drawing any further conclusions. Alas, to our relief, at least a temporary one, that D-day turned out to be ‘yet another Monday’ (like any other) and that afterwards, a rather ordinary-looking Tuesday dawned the next day, on which the Resolution 1244 continued to be applicable as if nothing had happened with TANJUG reporting that one more registration of the pseudo-state Kosovo to join Interpol was rejected.

On that day, six U.S. senators published a rather bewildering press release in which they stated that the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo announced a temporary agreement on the normalization of relations and resolving the issue on the use of the official car plates of the Serbian ethnic minority. It is absolutely unclear how come they are now talking about the car plates? All of a sudden they are congratulating both governments in Belgrade and Pristina on reaching temporary agreements on the normalization of their relations and they remind us that after all the two leaders must align with it all and reach an agreement on the annex on the implementation, which will be ‘a roadmap’ for said normalization of the relations between the two countries.

And the media in Serbian language, the editorial puppet masters of which are based abroad, which recognized the pseudo-independence of the southern province of Serbia, who in their executive management structures have the former director of that CIA ‘with the training courses for lying and cheating’, published some claims which have since sowed serious confusion; namely that President Vucic allegedly signed the European plan by which Serbia de facto recognizes the independence of its own southern province and essentially autonomous province, with the elaboration that such agreement does not have to be signed i.e. that the acceptance of the wording of the text is equal to its ratification.

Alas, what really happened on Monday in Brussels? That matter (it is a most pressing issue of utmost importance for our country after all) is far too serious to be left unresolved. All the more so because after the meeting in Brussels, describing its outcome, Joseph Borrell said that President Vucic and Kurti agreed that further discussions were not necessary about the EU proposal on the agreement to the pathway to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia. That is the same agreement, lest we forget, for which Miroslav Lajcak, even before the meeting said that it was non-negotiable and any changes to its wording shall not be allowed, thus the issue about which agreement for those further discussions which were not needed, was Borrell talking about, if exactly those discussions he mentioned were forbidden even prior to the meeting?

To put it more simply, why would Vucic and Kurti even begin negotiating ‘that paper’, if they had been told they were not allowed to talk about it. This dilemma and the key issue of whether Serbia, God forbid, on Monday in any manner, legally bound itself to any recognition of Kosovo, on Thursday during the parliamentary debate in Pristina Albin Kurti got to shed light on mercifully. At the trilateral meeting Kurti said, KOHA reports, I recommended my official signature of the prime minister to the EU on the basis of the agreement, which had to (must) be signed by the high representative Borell and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Kurti confirmed ‘Vucic rejected my proposal instantly and categorically and Borell’s position was that this document was not to be discussed any more.

Therefore, the text was finalized and published on the EU website, the two sides agreed on that issue but it does not mean that they officially accepted the agreement. The agreement is accepted by being signed by signatories of all (contractual) parties. Serbia does not agree to it. That is what Kurti says. It is worth remembering that on the first Brussels Agreement in 2013, both (contractual) parties had to pencil down their signatures and Catherine Ashton together with them on behalf of the EU (provided anybody remembers her anymore?… and we thought at the time she was very important, eh? Even though she was only doing her job.

Anyways, if the signature is not mandatory, why are they demanding the paper to be signed? The same goes when they want to rip our Kosovo from us because it is ours and not theirs. The EU spokesperson, though all of a sudden, now claims that it is obvious that the signing never happened and that this unsigned document is now an agreement and its ‘roadmap towards normalized relations…….How is it possible it is totally irrelevant?

Then again, one must not lose sight of the need by the EU to embellish what really happened in Brussels on Monday. The need gets somewhat bigger if what had been announced prior to it did not happen at all. Exactly that is the interpretation by Daniel Server, the U.S. diplomat and pro-Albanian lobbyist, who, given that he is the pro-Albanian lobbyist, was proclaimed to be an expert for the Balkan region. Namely, he does point out that the meeting was finished without the agreement to the normalization of the relations. This is viewed as a failure, particularly after expectations running high for months on end. That is why, Server writes on his blog, the EU simply decided to continue the dialogue on the basis of an unsigned document. That is the best they could come up with.

The next step will be the implementation plan. This comes across as rather absurd, one should say, but this is exactly what is happening now, because Kurti in Pristina on Thursday announced that the implementation plan will be negotiated on and that nothing has been agreed on in that respect. Pertinent to that, Server predicts that it will not be simple at all to convince Vucic to give up on the ZSO (i.e. the Association of the Serbian municipalities) or to carry out any directive which are favorable to Albin Kurti’s cause. In doing so, he is not singing praises for the President of Serbia but he is calling for the competent authorities ‘to snatch away all the proverbial carrots’ from him and switch to the sticks-only approach i.e. to go on bashing Vucic any way imaginable.

The portal Albanian Post, which have so far proven that they do have rather decent sources of information, when they a few months earlier published this European proposal, reports that it is now ‘approved’ by not being approved, after its approval by its non-approval, at that they quote an international source who warns that Vucic and Kurti have a deadline till March 18 to align their own misunderstandings and sign the agreement. Nonetheless, Vucic, after that on Tuesday evening on RTS (Serbian National TV) said that negotiations, talks and then the implementation of the ZSO are to yet to come and then the negotiations of the implementation of the customs stamps, university degrees, regional representation, car plates and so on. He mentioned buying time as a negotiation tactic, for which he should not be denounced at all.

As for the time factor, Russian Ambassador in Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko, recently told the BETA agency that the Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia. ‘In the conflict between the Collective West and Russia, Russia is bound to win’, the Russian Ambassador said. Only then will the new multipolar world be established, in which the Collective West will not have a crucial role. All in all, for the sake of precision, those who recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry; those who do not recognise Kosovo do not seem to be in a hurry either. ‘Nuff said.

At the end of the day, they were in a hurry in 2019 too and we are only supposed to do the same as we did with the very same offer in 2007 and in 2013. And in doing so, we should be aware that they are not in a hurry because they are getting stronger each day but because they do know that they will be getting weaker with the passage of time, starting from that March 18 2023, by way of which we are being threatened in the same manner the Collective West and Kurti thumped their bare chests at us threateningly on February 27, 2023.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 27, 2025
March 30, 2025

See also

March 27, 2025
March 30, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.