Robert Bridge
December 4, 2019
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When it comes to protecting children, families and Russian traditions, Vladimir Putin has few rivals in the developed world. But will Russia be able to holdout forever against the globalists’ ultra-liberal agenda now threatening the planet?

Had Peter the Great known what strange ideas would come to fixate the Western mind, perhaps he never would have built his northerly city of St. Petersburg, designed to throw open a ‘window to the West’. Indeed, he most likely would have evacuated the swampland, ditched his Europe-inspired beard tax and retreated inland as far as possible.

There is some craziness in this world, however, that could not have been predicted 30 years ago, to say nothing of 300 years. The new realities have forced Russian lawmakers to reflect upon the future of Russian identity in the face of radical liberal tendencies emanating from the West like some modern plague.

“You said the word mother ‘can’t be replaced.’ It turns out, perhaps, it can,” Putin reminded delegates at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, a Kremlin advisory group. “In some countries, they now have ‘parent number one’ and ‘parent number two.’ I hope we never have that (in Russia).”

The Russian leader’s comment elicited chuckles from the assembled officials, long inured to the occasional Western crackups. Yet that good-natured response masked the looming uneasiness that yet another crazy train has departed the Western station and is on a collision course with Russia, as well as the rest of the world.

Indeed, Putin was referencing a law passed in France earlier this year that mandates schools refrain from using ‘mother’ and ‘father,’ substituting it for ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ in an effort to accommodate passage of a 2013 same-sex marriage law.

“We have families who find themselves faced with tick boxes stuck in rather old-fashioned social and family models,” said Valérie Petit, MP from the party of President Emmanuel Macron. “For us, this article is a measurement of social equality.”

In case anyone thought that would settle the confusion, the issue has now turned to the question as to which parents will be designated ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2.’

Marine Le-Pen, leader of the far-Right National Rally, remarked that “the mask has fallen” from the Macron government regarding its views on family values.

Meanwhile, back in Russia, Putin began adjusting his country’s sails against such radical liberal experiments back in June 2013 with passage of a federal law entitled, ‘Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values’. Western media outlets quickly pounced on the legislation, portraying it as dangerous to homosexuals, even warning they risked arrest if they visited the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

As Harvey Fierstein argued in the New York Times, for example, Putin’s ‘anti-gay’ law means that “any Olympic athlete, trainer, reporter, family member or fan who is gay — or suspected of being gay, or just accused of being gay — can go to jail.”

That was either deliberate fake news or extremely shoddy journalism, but since the New York Times article cited Huff Post, which in turn quoted an obscure travel blog, we’ll give the Grey Lady some benefit of the doubt and go with the latter possibility.

The fact is, what the Russian law explicitly forbids is the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relationships” to children. Full stop. Adults can behave any way they want in the privacy of their own homes or hotels, but please keep the underage children away from the spectacles. Sounds pretty logical, right? In fact, if the Western media had not become sold-out sycophants of the LGBTQ movement, together with the insidious induction of children into the act, they would probably find that the overwhelming majority of Westerners would gladly stand behind the Russian law as well.

“We have no problem with LGBT persons,” Putin said in an interview with the Financial Times. “God forbid, let them live as they wish. But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.”

He added: “Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that. But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”

This is an issue that few Western leaders are willing or able to promote: the traditional family, which is increasingly portrayed as some sort of radical institution in Western eyes. At the same time, the average citizen has absolutely zero say in the LGBTQ indoctrination program that is happening practically everywhere in the West, including inside of the public school system.

As a consequence of the madness, the West is facing demons of its own making as hundreds of adolescents who underwent so-called ‘sexual reassignment surgery’ – the removal of the breasts in women, the penis in men, together with the ingestion of powerful and potentially deadly sex hormones – want to change back to their original selves. Unfortunately for them, that is nearly mission impossible.

Meanwhile, transgender females, that is, biological males at birth, are now triumphing on the field of dream against their female competition. Needless to say, this radical new development in the world of sports has set back feminism to the somewhere around the time of the Moon landing.

And here is where the next great East-West showdown will get ugly – at some future Olympic event when the West insists on fielding transgender females against the East’s more feminine counterparts. In fact, the debate on the transgender issue is already underway ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Games.

One thing is clear from all of this nonsense: Vladimir Putin and other likeminded leaders have their work cut out for them in a world gone absolutely mad.

From Russia With Sense: Putin Says ‘Nyet’ to PC Radicals Replacing ‘Mothers’ and ‘Fathers’

When it comes to protecting children, families and Russian traditions, Vladimir Putin has few rivals in the developed world. But will Russia be able to holdout forever against the globalists’ ultra-liberal agenda now threatening the planet?

Had Peter the Great known what strange ideas would come to fixate the Western mind, perhaps he never would have built his northerly city of St. Petersburg, designed to throw open a ‘window to the West’. Indeed, he most likely would have evacuated the swampland, ditched his Europe-inspired beard tax and retreated inland as far as possible.

There is some craziness in this world, however, that could not have been predicted 30 years ago, to say nothing of 300 years. The new realities have forced Russian lawmakers to reflect upon the future of Russian identity in the face of radical liberal tendencies emanating from the West like some modern plague.

“You said the word mother ‘can’t be replaced.’ It turns out, perhaps, it can,” Putin reminded delegates at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, a Kremlin advisory group. “In some countries, they now have ‘parent number one’ and ‘parent number two.’ I hope we never have that (in Russia).”

The Russian leader’s comment elicited chuckles from the assembled officials, long inured to the occasional Western crackups. Yet that good-natured response masked the looming uneasiness that yet another crazy train has departed the Western station and is on a collision course with Russia, as well as the rest of the world.

Indeed, Putin was referencing a law passed in France earlier this year that mandates schools refrain from using ‘mother’ and ‘father,’ substituting it for ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ in an effort to accommodate passage of a 2013 same-sex marriage law.

“We have families who find themselves faced with tick boxes stuck in rather old-fashioned social and family models,” said Valérie Petit, MP from the party of President Emmanuel Macron. “For us, this article is a measurement of social equality.”

In case anyone thought that would settle the confusion, the issue has now turned to the question as to which parents will be designated ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2.’

Marine Le-Pen, leader of the far-Right National Rally, remarked that “the mask has fallen” from the Macron government regarding its views on family values.

Meanwhile, back in Russia, Putin began adjusting his country’s sails against such radical liberal experiments back in June 2013 with passage of a federal law entitled, ‘Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values’. Western media outlets quickly pounced on the legislation, portraying it as dangerous to homosexuals, even warning they risked arrest if they visited the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

As Harvey Fierstein argued in the New York Times, for example, Putin’s ‘anti-gay’ law means that “any Olympic athlete, trainer, reporter, family member or fan who is gay — or suspected of being gay, or just accused of being gay — can go to jail.”

That was either deliberate fake news or extremely shoddy journalism, but since the New York Times article cited Huff Post, which in turn quoted an obscure travel blog, we’ll give the Grey Lady some benefit of the doubt and go with the latter possibility.

The fact is, what the Russian law explicitly forbids is the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relationships” to children. Full stop. Adults can behave any way they want in the privacy of their own homes or hotels, but please keep the underage children away from the spectacles. Sounds pretty logical, right? In fact, if the Western media had not become sold-out sycophants of the LGBTQ movement, together with the insidious induction of children into the act, they would probably find that the overwhelming majority of Westerners would gladly stand behind the Russian law as well.

“We have no problem with LGBT persons,” Putin said in an interview with the Financial Times. “God forbid, let them live as they wish. But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.”

He added: “Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that. But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”

This is an issue that few Western leaders are willing or able to promote: the traditional family, which is increasingly portrayed as some sort of radical institution in Western eyes. At the same time, the average citizen has absolutely zero say in the LGBTQ indoctrination program that is happening practically everywhere in the West, including inside of the public school system.

As a consequence of the madness, the West is facing demons of its own making as hundreds of adolescents who underwent so-called ‘sexual reassignment surgery’ – the removal of the breasts in women, the penis in men, together with the ingestion of powerful and potentially deadly sex hormones – want to change back to their original selves. Unfortunately for them, that is nearly mission impossible.

Meanwhile, transgender females, that is, biological males at birth, are now triumphing on the field of dream against their female competition. Needless to say, this radical new development in the world of sports has set back feminism to the somewhere around the time of the Moon landing.

And here is where the next great East-West showdown will get ugly – at some future Olympic event when the West insists on fielding transgender females against the East’s more feminine counterparts. In fact, the debate on the transgender issue is already underway ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Games.

One thing is clear from all of this nonsense: Vladimir Putin and other likeminded leaders have their work cut out for them in a world gone absolutely mad.

When it comes to protecting children, families and Russian traditions, Vladimir Putin has few rivals in the developed world. But will Russia be able to holdout forever against the globalists’ ultra-liberal agenda now threatening the planet?

Had Peter the Great known what strange ideas would come to fixate the Western mind, perhaps he never would have built his northerly city of St. Petersburg, designed to throw open a ‘window to the West’. Indeed, he most likely would have evacuated the swampland, ditched his Europe-inspired beard tax and retreated inland as far as possible.

There is some craziness in this world, however, that could not have been predicted 30 years ago, to say nothing of 300 years. The new realities have forced Russian lawmakers to reflect upon the future of Russian identity in the face of radical liberal tendencies emanating from the West like some modern plague.

“You said the word mother ‘can’t be replaced.’ It turns out, perhaps, it can,” Putin reminded delegates at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, a Kremlin advisory group. “In some countries, they now have ‘parent number one’ and ‘parent number two.’ I hope we never have that (in Russia).”

The Russian leader’s comment elicited chuckles from the assembled officials, long inured to the occasional Western crackups. Yet that good-natured response masked the looming uneasiness that yet another crazy train has departed the Western station and is on a collision course with Russia, as well as the rest of the world.

Indeed, Putin was referencing a law passed in France earlier this year that mandates schools refrain from using ‘mother’ and ‘father,’ substituting it for ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ in an effort to accommodate passage of a 2013 same-sex marriage law.

“We have families who find themselves faced with tick boxes stuck in rather old-fashioned social and family models,” said Valérie Petit, MP from the party of President Emmanuel Macron. “For us, this article is a measurement of social equality.”

In case anyone thought that would settle the confusion, the issue has now turned to the question as to which parents will be designated ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2.’

Marine Le-Pen, leader of the far-Right National Rally, remarked that “the mask has fallen” from the Macron government regarding its views on family values.

Meanwhile, back in Russia, Putin began adjusting his country’s sails against such radical liberal experiments back in June 2013 with passage of a federal law entitled, ‘Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values’. Western media outlets quickly pounced on the legislation, portraying it as dangerous to homosexuals, even warning they risked arrest if they visited the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

As Harvey Fierstein argued in the New York Times, for example, Putin’s ‘anti-gay’ law means that “any Olympic athlete, trainer, reporter, family member or fan who is gay — or suspected of being gay, or just accused of being gay — can go to jail.”

That was either deliberate fake news or extremely shoddy journalism, but since the New York Times article cited Huff Post, which in turn quoted an obscure travel blog, we’ll give the Grey Lady some benefit of the doubt and go with the latter possibility.

The fact is, what the Russian law explicitly forbids is the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relationships” to children. Full stop. Adults can behave any way they want in the privacy of their own homes or hotels, but please keep the underage children away from the spectacles. Sounds pretty logical, right? In fact, if the Western media had not become sold-out sycophants of the LGBTQ movement, together with the insidious induction of children into the act, they would probably find that the overwhelming majority of Westerners would gladly stand behind the Russian law as well.

“We have no problem with LGBT persons,” Putin said in an interview with the Financial Times. “God forbid, let them live as they wish. But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.”

He added: “Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that. But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”

This is an issue that few Western leaders are willing or able to promote: the traditional family, which is increasingly portrayed as some sort of radical institution in Western eyes. At the same time, the average citizen has absolutely zero say in the LGBTQ indoctrination program that is happening practically everywhere in the West, including inside of the public school system.

As a consequence of the madness, the West is facing demons of its own making as hundreds of adolescents who underwent so-called ‘sexual reassignment surgery’ – the removal of the breasts in women, the penis in men, together with the ingestion of powerful and potentially deadly sex hormones – want to change back to their original selves. Unfortunately for them, that is nearly mission impossible.

Meanwhile, transgender females, that is, biological males at birth, are now triumphing on the field of dream against their female competition. Needless to say, this radical new development in the world of sports has set back feminism to the somewhere around the time of the Moon landing.

And here is where the next great East-West showdown will get ugly – at some future Olympic event when the West insists on fielding transgender females against the East’s more feminine counterparts. In fact, the debate on the transgender issue is already underway ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Games.

One thing is clear from all of this nonsense: Vladimir Putin and other likeminded leaders have their work cut out for them in a world gone absolutely mad.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.