Editor's Сhoice
October 1, 2019
© Photo: Wikimedia


The term pedophrasty is a relatively new word — not currently accepted by an official dictionary — but that has a powerful meaning in today’s political and media environment. Pedophrasty is an “argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children: nobody has the heart to question the authenticity or source of the reporting. Often done with the aid of pictures.” We have seen this tactic employed by both the left and the right sides of the political spectrum and it is, unfortunately, highly effective.

If you’ve turned on your television this week, you’ve likely seen 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg. No one here at the Free Thought Project are climate scientists, so we will abstain from commenting on her agenda. However, neither is she. But I digress. The political and mainstream media machine’s exploitation of Thunberg is a perfect example of pedophrasty.

If Thunberg’s activism actually wakes people up to pollution and incites a peaceful and a voluntarily implemented environmental benefit — without ushering in a tyrannical climate change police state — we fully support her endeavors. Wanting to save the world is a noble cause and if children want to try to do that, by all means, have at it—just don’t take away anyone’s life or liberty in the process.

The subsequent sh*t storm that was sparked online by Thunberg’s coverage — entailing both support and hatred — however, is a different story. It served as a perfect distraction to things that actually matter in our lives. As videos of Thunberg meeting with Barack Obama went viral (I’ll get to that irony in just a second), extremely important events unfolded around us, which were entirely ignored by the mainstream media.

Before I list these major stories passed over by the media, I would be remiss if I failed to point out the irony of the Obama/Thunberg meeting. Sorry.

Barack Obama advocated for, approved, and oversaw eight wars in various different countries which brought death and destruction to millions of innocent people. Under his watch, tens of thousands of warheads fell all over the Middle East ensuring a lifetime of pollution and suffering for the people who managed not to be blown up by them. What’s more, under his (and yes, Trump’s too) presidency, the US military contributed more pollution to the planet than 140 countries, combined. This has made the United States military the largest polluter on the planet. But, by all means, he fist-bumped Greta, so, all good man.

Back to the point.

As the media circus distracted and divided the masses, major stories unfolded and we felt it necessary to cover them. Below is that list.

1. CNBC Anchor Admits Building 7 Brought Down in ‘Controlled Implosion’

As Americans fought over who hated or who liked Thunberg more, a bombshell revelation on 9/11 was made.

On the 18th anniversary of 9/11 earlier this month, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his experience of being at Ground Zero on that horrifying day in American history.

As A&E for 9/11 Truth reports, approximately eight minutes into the interview, Insana made a statement regarding the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 — which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11 — that is truly stunning, especially considering his access to the scene and his job as a prominent news anchor:

Well, remember 7 World Trade had not yet come down. And so when I went down to the [New York Stock] Exchange that Wednesday morning [September 12], I was standing with some military and police officers, and we were looking over in that direction. And if it had come down in the way in which it was tilting, it would have wiped out everything from where it stood to Trinity Church to the Exchange to, effectively, you know, the mouth of the Hudson. And so there were still fears that if that building had fallen sideways, you were going to wipe out a good part of Lower Manhattan. So they did manage for one to take that down in a controlled implosion later on. And the Exchange was up and running the following Monday. [Emphasis added.]

To read why this is so important, click here.

2. Senator Behind Child Abuse Reform Arrested for Possessing, Distributing Child Porn

As Thunberg calls on politicians to implement climate change reform to save the planet for the future children, we’d be willing to bet she has no idea how many of these politicians couldn’t care less about the well-being of children. In case after horrifying case, the people responsible for implementing legislation that may or may not benefit the environment, are caught preying on children.

Proving this notion, this month, Senator Mike Folmer, from Pennsylvania, who was an advocate for child abuse reform—was busted distributing and possessing horrific child porn. Authorities launched their investigation into Folmer after they received a tip that he was uploading child porn to the popular website Tumblr.

The senator now faces a multitude of charges including sexual abuse of children, possession of child pornography and criminal use of a communication facility.

3. Instead of Arresting a Homeless Population, City Paying Them to Pickup Trash

As politicians argue over how to clean up their cities and help the homeless populations, one town stopped arguing and started doing. In a win win situation, homeless folks in Arkansas can get paid to clean up the city. Imagine that.

The Bridge to Work program started in April in Little Rock, Arkansas and pays homeless individuals $9.25 an hour to tidy up the metropolis and capitol city of the state.

Canvas Community Church runs the program which was only slated to last 6 months but it was extended due to its overwhelming benefit to both the homeless population and the environment. See what happens when you stop begging the government to make laws and start taking action yourself? It is pretty damn powerful.

4. Report Reveals DMVs Across the US are Selling Your Personal Info and Making Millions

The same government that people are calling on to “fix the planet” is the same government that wages endless wars and illegally spies on their citizens. Oh, and that largest polluter in the world thing mentioned above too. Somehow people keep forgetting these facts when asking the State to fix something.

A perfect example of this corruption surfaced this month as a new report showed that the power-tripping bureaucrats at DMVs across the country are selling your data to private entities.

This extremely personal information is easily obtained by private investigators, credit agencies, and data leeching companies like LexisNexis. According to its website, LexisNexis sells dozens of various reports to anyone who wants it, all of which contain information on you.

But we can totally trust these same people to help stop pollution, right?

5. A US Drone Massacred Dozens of Afghan Farmers as They Slept

Back to the war machine. You know, the largest polluter on the planet which the environmentalists are begging to fix the climate? Yeah, that one.

Earlier this month, after hundreds of pine nut farmers laid down to rest for the night, drone missiles rained down on them. The attack slaughtered 30 innocent civilian farmers as they rested from a long day’s work and mangled dozens of others. This attack ensured the future creation of terrorists, therefore ensuring years of war to come, all in a days work, I mean murder, yeah, murder.

Perhaps if we simply drone bomb the folks who want to drive gas cars, maybe then we can solve the problem of climate change. Who knows, it may be worth a shot. Fist bump, Obama?


The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
5 Stories the Media Ignored While Dividing the Country With Greta Thunberg


The term pedophrasty is a relatively new word — not currently accepted by an official dictionary — but that has a powerful meaning in today’s political and media environment. Pedophrasty is an “argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children: nobody has the heart to question the authenticity or source of the reporting. Often done with the aid of pictures.” We have seen this tactic employed by both the left and the right sides of the political spectrum and it is, unfortunately, highly effective.

If you’ve turned on your television this week, you’ve likely seen 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg. No one here at the Free Thought Project are climate scientists, so we will abstain from commenting on her agenda. However, neither is she. But I digress. The political and mainstream media machine’s exploitation of Thunberg is a perfect example of pedophrasty.

If Thunberg’s activism actually wakes people up to pollution and incites a peaceful and a voluntarily implemented environmental benefit — without ushering in a tyrannical climate change police state — we fully support her endeavors. Wanting to save the world is a noble cause and if children want to try to do that, by all means, have at it—just don’t take away anyone’s life or liberty in the process.

The subsequent sh*t storm that was sparked online by Thunberg’s coverage — entailing both support and hatred — however, is a different story. It served as a perfect distraction to things that actually matter in our lives. As videos of Thunberg meeting with Barack Obama went viral (I’ll get to that irony in just a second), extremely important events unfolded around us, which were entirely ignored by the mainstream media.

Before I list these major stories passed over by the media, I would be remiss if I failed to point out the irony of the Obama/Thunberg meeting. Sorry.

Barack Obama advocated for, approved, and oversaw eight wars in various different countries which brought death and destruction to millions of innocent people. Under his watch, tens of thousands of warheads fell all over the Middle East ensuring a lifetime of pollution and suffering for the people who managed not to be blown up by them. What’s more, under his (and yes, Trump’s too) presidency, the US military contributed more pollution to the planet than 140 countries, combined. This has made the United States military the largest polluter on the planet. But, by all means, he fist-bumped Greta, so, all good man.

Back to the point.

As the media circus distracted and divided the masses, major stories unfolded and we felt it necessary to cover them. Below is that list.

1. CNBC Anchor Admits Building 7 Brought Down in ‘Controlled Implosion’

As Americans fought over who hated or who liked Thunberg more, a bombshell revelation on 9/11 was made.

On the 18th anniversary of 9/11 earlier this month, CNBC senior analyst and former anchor Ron Insana went on Bernie and Sid In the Morning on New York’s 77 WABC Radio to share his experience of being at Ground Zero on that horrifying day in American history.

As A&E for 9/11 Truth reports, approximately eight minutes into the interview, Insana made a statement regarding the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 — which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11 — that is truly stunning, especially considering his access to the scene and his job as a prominent news anchor:

Well, remember 7 World Trade had not yet come down. And so when I went down to the [New York Stock] Exchange that Wednesday morning [September 12], I was standing with some military and police officers, and we were looking over in that direction. And if it had come down in the way in which it was tilting, it would have wiped out everything from where it stood to Trinity Church to the Exchange to, effectively, you know, the mouth of the Hudson. And so there were still fears that if that building had fallen sideways, you were going to wipe out a good part of Lower Manhattan. So they did manage for one to take that down in a controlled implosion later on. And the Exchange was up and running the following Monday. [Emphasis added.]

To read why this is so important, click here.

2. Senator Behind Child Abuse Reform Arrested for Possessing, Distributing Child Porn

As Thunberg calls on politicians to implement climate change reform to save the planet for the future children, we’d be willing to bet she has no idea how many of these politicians couldn’t care less about the well-being of children. In case after horrifying case, the people responsible for implementing legislation that may or may not benefit the environment, are caught preying on children.

Proving this notion, this month, Senator Mike Folmer, from Pennsylvania, who was an advocate for child abuse reform—was busted distributing and possessing horrific child porn. Authorities launched their investigation into Folmer after they received a tip that he was uploading child porn to the popular website Tumblr.

The senator now faces a multitude of charges including sexual abuse of children, possession of child pornography and criminal use of a communication facility.

3. Instead of Arresting a Homeless Population, City Paying Them to Pickup Trash

As politicians argue over how to clean up their cities and help the homeless populations, one town stopped arguing and started doing. In a win win situation, homeless folks in Arkansas can get paid to clean up the city. Imagine that.

The Bridge to Work program started in April in Little Rock, Arkansas and pays homeless individuals $9.25 an hour to tidy up the metropolis and capitol city of the state.

Canvas Community Church runs the program which was only slated to last 6 months but it was extended due to its overwhelming benefit to both the homeless population and the environment. See what happens when you stop begging the government to make laws and start taking action yourself? It is pretty damn powerful.

4. Report Reveals DMVs Across the US are Selling Your Personal Info and Making Millions

The same government that people are calling on to “fix the planet” is the same government that wages endless wars and illegally spies on their citizens. Oh, and that largest polluter in the world thing mentioned above too. Somehow people keep forgetting these facts when asking the State to fix something.

A perfect example of this corruption surfaced this month as a new report showed that the power-tripping bureaucrats at DMVs across the country are selling your data to private entities.

This extremely personal information is easily obtained by private investigators, credit agencies, and data leeching companies like LexisNexis. According to its website, LexisNexis sells dozens of various reports to anyone who wants it, all of which contain information on you.

But we can totally trust these same people to help stop pollution, right?

5. A US Drone Massacred Dozens of Afghan Farmers as They Slept

Back to the war machine. You know, the largest polluter on the planet which the environmentalists are begging to fix the climate? Yeah, that one.

Earlier this month, after hundreds of pine nut farmers laid down to rest for the night, drone missiles rained down on them. The attack slaughtered 30 innocent civilian farmers as they rested from a long day’s work and mangled dozens of others. This attack ensured the future creation of terrorists, therefore ensuring years of war to come, all in a days work, I mean murder, yeah, murder.

Perhaps if we simply drone bomb the folks who want to drive gas cars, maybe then we can solve the problem of climate change. Who knows, it may be worth a shot. Fist bump, Obama?
