Tim Kirby
July 12, 2019
© Photo: Flickr/ukti

The scandal factory that is the Trump presidency continues to churn out goodies for the Mainstream Media but this time it is not big mouth that is in trouble, instead it is the British ambassador’s low opinion of America’s leader that is the question. Of course, this school yard spat between important political players made big news, but the answer to why it made front page headlines is far more important than what was actually said by an Englishman in private. So, first let’s take a look at the actual “scandal” in question.

Sir Nigel Kim Darroch the British Ambassador to the United States, according to CNN said the following about Trump in private diplomatic cables sent back home to London…

  1. (Trump is) “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent.”
  2. (Trump’s presidency could) “end in disgrace”
  3. (Regarding Russian collusion) “the worst cannot be ruled out.”

Trump haters would mostly agree with this, while his supporters would rule out everything except the possibility of his career ending in disgrace. Not to say that Trump has been a disgraceful president from a factual standpoint, but because his enemies (mostly in the Democrats) are obsessed with getting him impeached even after the Mueller Report turned out to be a nothing burger we can’t rule out an ugly end to his political mission.

Trump’s Twitter response as always came out very blunt and yet slightly childish in tone.

The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. He should speak to his country, and Prime Minister May, about their failed Brexit negotiation, and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was…

So will this “scandal” have any affect on US-British relations? No, none besides the Brits having to relieve Darroch of his post (which they have already done) and possibly writing an apology on fancy stationary with one of those signet pressed wax seals on it to be extra dandy.

International relations are mostly founded on common interest and/or a dominant/submissive (lord/vassal) relationship between the two countries, not some sort of emotional friendship based on good feelings. People often make the horrible mistake of seeing politics/geopolitics as a reflection of their own lives. Humans are very emotional and we see things mostly from our own perspective which is a terrible perspective to have when thinking about international relations. The methods of interaction between “you and I” do not apply to “Country X and Country Y”.

If your girlfriend called you an idiot to her friends behind your back and you were shown proof of it then you would probably dump her and delete her number and you may well just never speak to her again. This is a mature response in our human to human world, but the US cannot dump Britain as a partner in NATO (and much more) over insulting the US President in what was supposed to be a private.

Viewing the world of international relations/geopolitics from the standpoint of how people interact makes the world a baffling place…

Iran, which Trump despises, says horrible things about America in its propaganda, but so does North Korea, with whom Trump is willing to work. Saudi Arabia is the antithesis of American values but finds itself an ally to America in the Middle-East while secular nations theoretically much closer to a Democratic mindset like Iraq, Libya and Syria had to be destroyed to for a brighter future. Russia bought the US a 9/11 memorial that is quite classy and was the first to offer aid to America in their darkest hour and where did that get them? The Russians also tried to make peace with Hitler, had their elite learn and read French almost universally and utterly capitulated to “democratic values” in the 90s, and that didn’t seem to stop them from being under attack from any of the above.

It is legend within Russia that Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder got along extremely well because he hates speaking English and Putin is fluent in German. But did this linguistic kinship woo Germany into Russian orbit, or break it away from NATO, or make it impossible for them to eventually vote for sanctions during the Merkel period? No, no and again no. Being friendly in real life sure helps and is important, but in international relations, ultimately it is interests and power that determine action not spouting spiffy quips over champagne to make ambassadors laugh. Anyone can get along at a meeting or dinner party but questions geopolitical importance go far beyond and have a distinctly different nature.

The Mainstream Media and especially CNN should know and understand this and inform the public that this issue of insults is not particularly critical, that London will just slide in a new Ambassador with better verbal self-control into the same position and that ultimately nothing will change between London and Washington. That would be a responsible and reasonable action from “journalists”.

They could do that, but this event provides the excuse to repeat in big words and letters over and over again that a highly qualified big-time player in politics said Trump is “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent”. That is why they are doing this, to send that message ad nauseum to our subconscious. The main goal is not to inform but to continue to plant the idea that Trump is horrible as a US President and as a person.

These insults from a member of the UK’s establishment is the type of thinking that the Mainstream Media want to push hard and so they do it without a gram of shame or respect for trying to properly inform the public as to the nature of politics/geopolitics. This is extremely disrespectful to the American public, but they have the funding and a lot of support from inside the Beltway so they can get away with it.

Remember the whole Victoria Nuland “F*** the EU” recorded phone conversation? Did it have any affect on US-EU relations? No it didn’t, it did however show a certain attitude towards the EU from the American establishment. Maybe it also revealed the nature of the power dynamic between Washington and Brussels. Perhaps there is a strong dislike for Trump within the British Establishment, but what are they going to do about it? Nothing. They will just keep talking behind Trump’s back. They certainly aren’t going to dump NATO the Shanghai Cooperation Organization over it, that can be assured.

Foreign Words Cannot Change America

The scandal factory that is the Trump presidency continues to churn out goodies for the Mainstream Media but this time it is not big mouth that is in trouble, instead it is the British ambassador’s low opinion of America’s leader that is the question. Of course, this school yard spat between important political players made big news, but the answer to why it made front page headlines is far more important than what was actually said by an Englishman in private. So, first let’s take a look at the actual “scandal” in question.

Sir Nigel Kim Darroch the British Ambassador to the United States, according to CNN said the following about Trump in private diplomatic cables sent back home to London…

  1. (Trump is) “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent.”
  2. (Trump’s presidency could) “end in disgrace”
  3. (Regarding Russian collusion) “the worst cannot be ruled out.”

Trump haters would mostly agree with this, while his supporters would rule out everything except the possibility of his career ending in disgrace. Not to say that Trump has been a disgraceful president from a factual standpoint, but because his enemies (mostly in the Democrats) are obsessed with getting him impeached even after the Mueller Report turned out to be a nothing burger we can’t rule out an ugly end to his political mission.

Trump’s Twitter response as always came out very blunt and yet slightly childish in tone.

The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. He should speak to his country, and Prime Minister May, about their failed Brexit negotiation, and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was…

So will this “scandal” have any affect on US-British relations? No, none besides the Brits having to relieve Darroch of his post (which they have already done) and possibly writing an apology on fancy stationary with one of those signet pressed wax seals on it to be extra dandy.

International relations are mostly founded on common interest and/or a dominant/submissive (lord/vassal) relationship between the two countries, not some sort of emotional friendship based on good feelings. People often make the horrible mistake of seeing politics/geopolitics as a reflection of their own lives. Humans are very emotional and we see things mostly from our own perspective which is a terrible perspective to have when thinking about international relations. The methods of interaction between “you and I” do not apply to “Country X and Country Y”.

If your girlfriend called you an idiot to her friends behind your back and you were shown proof of it then you would probably dump her and delete her number and you may well just never speak to her again. This is a mature response in our human to human world, but the US cannot dump Britain as a partner in NATO (and much more) over insulting the US President in what was supposed to be a private.

Viewing the world of international relations/geopolitics from the standpoint of how people interact makes the world a baffling place…

Iran, which Trump despises, says horrible things about America in its propaganda, but so does North Korea, with whom Trump is willing to work. Saudi Arabia is the antithesis of American values but finds itself an ally to America in the Middle-East while secular nations theoretically much closer to a Democratic mindset like Iraq, Libya and Syria had to be destroyed to for a brighter future. Russia bought the US a 9/11 memorial that is quite classy and was the first to offer aid to America in their darkest hour and where did that get them? The Russians also tried to make peace with Hitler, had their elite learn and read French almost universally and utterly capitulated to “democratic values” in the 90s, and that didn’t seem to stop them from being under attack from any of the above.

It is legend within Russia that Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder got along extremely well because he hates speaking English and Putin is fluent in German. But did this linguistic kinship woo Germany into Russian orbit, or break it away from NATO, or make it impossible for them to eventually vote for sanctions during the Merkel period? No, no and again no. Being friendly in real life sure helps and is important, but in international relations, ultimately it is interests and power that determine action not spouting spiffy quips over champagne to make ambassadors laugh. Anyone can get along at a meeting or dinner party but questions geopolitical importance go far beyond and have a distinctly different nature.

The Mainstream Media and especially CNN should know and understand this and inform the public that this issue of insults is not particularly critical, that London will just slide in a new Ambassador with better verbal self-control into the same position and that ultimately nothing will change between London and Washington. That would be a responsible and reasonable action from “journalists”.

They could do that, but this event provides the excuse to repeat in big words and letters over and over again that a highly qualified big-time player in politics said Trump is “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent”. That is why they are doing this, to send that message ad nauseum to our subconscious. The main goal is not to inform but to continue to plant the idea that Trump is horrible as a US President and as a person.

These insults from a member of the UK’s establishment is the type of thinking that the Mainstream Media want to push hard and so they do it without a gram of shame or respect for trying to properly inform the public as to the nature of politics/geopolitics. This is extremely disrespectful to the American public, but they have the funding and a lot of support from inside the Beltway so they can get away with it.

Remember the whole Victoria Nuland “F*** the EU” recorded phone conversation? Did it have any affect on US-EU relations? No it didn’t, it did however show a certain attitude towards the EU from the American establishment. Maybe it also revealed the nature of the power dynamic between Washington and Brussels. Perhaps there is a strong dislike for Trump within the British Establishment, but what are they going to do about it? Nothing. They will just keep talking behind Trump’s back. They certainly aren’t going to dump NATO the Shanghai Cooperation Organization over it, that can be assured.

The scandal factory that is the Trump presidency continues to churn out goodies for the Mainstream Media but this time it is not big mouth that is in trouble, instead it is the British ambassador’s low opinion of America’s leader that is the question. Of course, this school yard spat between important political players made big news, but the answer to why it made front page headlines is far more important than what was actually said by an Englishman in private. So, first let’s take a look at the actual “scandal” in question.

Sir Nigel Kim Darroch the British Ambassador to the United States, according to CNN said the following about Trump in private diplomatic cables sent back home to London…

  1. (Trump is) “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent.”
  2. (Trump’s presidency could) “end in disgrace”
  3. (Regarding Russian collusion) “the worst cannot be ruled out.”

Trump haters would mostly agree with this, while his supporters would rule out everything except the possibility of his career ending in disgrace. Not to say that Trump has been a disgraceful president from a factual standpoint, but because his enemies (mostly in the Democrats) are obsessed with getting him impeached even after the Mueller Report turned out to be a nothing burger we can’t rule out an ugly end to his political mission.

Trump’s Twitter response as always came out very blunt and yet slightly childish in tone.

The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy. He should speak to his country, and Prime Minister May, about their failed Brexit negotiation, and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was…

So will this “scandal” have any affect on US-British relations? No, none besides the Brits having to relieve Darroch of his post (which they have already done) and possibly writing an apology on fancy stationary with one of those signet pressed wax seals on it to be extra dandy.

International relations are mostly founded on common interest and/or a dominant/submissive (lord/vassal) relationship between the two countries, not some sort of emotional friendship based on good feelings. People often make the horrible mistake of seeing politics/geopolitics as a reflection of their own lives. Humans are very emotional and we see things mostly from our own perspective which is a terrible perspective to have when thinking about international relations. The methods of interaction between “you and I” do not apply to “Country X and Country Y”.

If your girlfriend called you an idiot to her friends behind your back and you were shown proof of it then you would probably dump her and delete her number and you may well just never speak to her again. This is a mature response in our human to human world, but the US cannot dump Britain as a partner in NATO (and much more) over insulting the US President in what was supposed to be a private.

Viewing the world of international relations/geopolitics from the standpoint of how people interact makes the world a baffling place…

Iran, which Trump despises, says horrible things about America in its propaganda, but so does North Korea, with whom Trump is willing to work. Saudi Arabia is the antithesis of American values but finds itself an ally to America in the Middle-East while secular nations theoretically much closer to a Democratic mindset like Iraq, Libya and Syria had to be destroyed to for a brighter future. Russia bought the US a 9/11 memorial that is quite classy and was the first to offer aid to America in their darkest hour and where did that get them? The Russians also tried to make peace with Hitler, had their elite learn and read French almost universally and utterly capitulated to “democratic values” in the 90s, and that didn’t seem to stop them from being under attack from any of the above.

It is legend within Russia that Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder got along extremely well because he hates speaking English and Putin is fluent in German. But did this linguistic kinship woo Germany into Russian orbit, or break it away from NATO, or make it impossible for them to eventually vote for sanctions during the Merkel period? No, no and again no. Being friendly in real life sure helps and is important, but in international relations, ultimately it is interests and power that determine action not spouting spiffy quips over champagne to make ambassadors laugh. Anyone can get along at a meeting or dinner party but questions geopolitical importance go far beyond and have a distinctly different nature.

The Mainstream Media and especially CNN should know and understand this and inform the public that this issue of insults is not particularly critical, that London will just slide in a new Ambassador with better verbal self-control into the same position and that ultimately nothing will change between London and Washington. That would be a responsible and reasonable action from “journalists”.

They could do that, but this event provides the excuse to repeat in big words and letters over and over again that a highly qualified big-time player in politics said Trump is “inept,” “insecure,” and “incompetent”. That is why they are doing this, to send that message ad nauseum to our subconscious. The main goal is not to inform but to continue to plant the idea that Trump is horrible as a US President and as a person.

These insults from a member of the UK’s establishment is the type of thinking that the Mainstream Media want to push hard and so they do it without a gram of shame or respect for trying to properly inform the public as to the nature of politics/geopolitics. This is extremely disrespectful to the American public, but they have the funding and a lot of support from inside the Beltway so they can get away with it.

Remember the whole Victoria Nuland “F*** the EU” recorded phone conversation? Did it have any affect on US-EU relations? No it didn’t, it did however show a certain attitude towards the EU from the American establishment. Maybe it also revealed the nature of the power dynamic between Washington and Brussels. Perhaps there is a strong dislike for Trump within the British Establishment, but what are they going to do about it? Nothing. They will just keep talking behind Trump’s back. They certainly aren’t going to dump NATO the Shanghai Cooperation Organization over it, that can be assured.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.