Wayne Madsen
December 8, 2014
© Photo: Public domain

Successive parliamentary votes throughout Europe to recognize the sovereignty of the State of Palestine have been opposed by a unique coalition of Zionist and neo-Nazi interests. While a seemingly odd alliance, the Zionists and neo-Nazis share a number of common interests, including their opposition to Muslim immigrants in Europe.

Perhaps no one represents the Zionist-Nazi alliance more than Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) member Kent Ekeroth of the Sweden Democrats party. As it turns out, Ekeroth is not only a fellow-traveler of various Sweden Democrats global partners, including the American Ku Klux Klan and its one-time leader David Duke, but he is also Jewish. Ironically, Ekeroth’s strong opposition to immigrants to Sweden is marked by the fact that his mother, a Kazakhstan Jew, herself immigrated to Sweden. Ekeroth despises Sweden’s Turkish-born Minister of Housing, Mehmet Kaplan of the coalition junior partner Green Party, because he participated in the Mavi Marmara Gaza aid flotilla, which was militarily attacked by Israel in international waters in 2010 resulting in a number of civilian deaths.

Ekeroth became the spokesman for the Sweden Democrats opposition in the Riksdag to the Swedish government’s decision to recognize Palestine. Ekeroth’s party joined the Swedish moderate-conservative opposition in opposing recognition of Palestine. 

The Sweden Democrats’ first auditor was Gustaf Ekstrom, a former officer in the Nazi German Waffen SS and a former leader of the Swedish Nazi Party. A former Sweden Democrats chairman was Anders Klarstrom, an activist for the Nordic Reich Party. Although the Sweden Democrats banned the wearing of Nazi military uniforms in 1995, the party remains a far-right xenophobic organization. There also is a split in policy between Sweden Democrats European Parliament members and those like Ekeroth in the Riksdag. In September of this year, two Sweden Democrats MEPs, Kristina Winberg and Peter Lundgren, voted against the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which was promoted by Ukraine’s leading Zionists, including Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Ihor Kolomoisky, the governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

After his party’s attempt to derail the Palestinian statehood initiative in the Riksdag failed, Ekeroth joined several other right-wing parliamentarians from around the world on a junket to Israel. Through the use of a contrivance called the Israel Allies Caucuses, which are members of the Israel Allies Foundation, Israel’s increasingly fascist and Jewish nationalist regime was trying to forestall similar parliamentary moves to recognize Palestine. The Swedish decision to recognize Palestine was followed by similar votes in the British House of Commons, the Irish Senate, the Spanish Congress of Deputies, and the French National Assembly all voted overwhelmingly to recognize Palestine’s state sovereignty with Belgium’s parliament expected to follow along with a formal recognition of Palestine by Belgium.

Although the British Conservative Party officially abstained on the Palestine resolution in the House of Commons, Tory backbencher David Burrowes, an officer of the Commons’ Conservative Christian Fellowship and Conservative Friends of Israel, condemned the vote while with Ekeroth in Israel. The parliamentarians were warmly welcomed in Israel by Yisrael Beitenu Knesset member David Rotem who has made racist statements about Palestinians and Africans. Rotem referred to Africans as «bongo bongo». His chairmanship of the Israel Allies Caucus in Israel points to the right-wing and xenophobic nature of the group and why it would attract some of Europe’s leading neo-Nazi politicians to Israel.

In the United States House of Representatives, the racist Israel Allies Caucus is chaired by Representatives Eliot Engel (Democrat-New York), Brad Sherman (Democrat-California), Doug Lamborn (Republican-Colorado), and Trent Franks (Republican-Arizona). Lamborn once used the term «tar baby» on a radio show and it was condemned for its racist overtones.

Opposition to the Netherlands parliament recognizing Palestinian statehood is led by frequent visitor to Israel Bastiaan Belder of the right-wing Calvinist Political Reformed Party (SGP). The party is so avowedly Christian Zionist, it opposes women’s suffrage and once banned female members. It has never fielded a women candidate for office in its existence. The SGP and an allied party, the Christian Union, have led efforts in the Dutch parliament to defund Dutch contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), charging that the aid funds «terrorists». 

Members of the SGP are suspected by various intelligence agencies of permitting Dutch nuclear technology and materials to be smuggled to Israel over many decades. After the deadly 1992 crash of El Al cargo flight 1862 after takeoff from Schiphol International Airport, high levels of radiation were detected in the crash area of the Boeing 747 in the Bijlmer neighborhood of south Amsterdam. The right-wing Calvinist Zionists, which were on record supporting Israel’s nuclear weapons program, opposed a full investigation by Dutch authorities of the materials being transported on the plane. The Israeli government, which is not known for telling the truth about intelligence matters, claimed the plane was merely carrying perfume, fruit, and unspecified computer equipment. 

Belder and his party are joined in his opposition to Palestine by the xenophobic Party of Freedom led by Geert Wilders, another notorious racist who has been welcomed by the Israelis. Former Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, a member of the right-wing Christian Democratic Appeal, is another noted anti-Palestinian and embracer of Israel and Zionism.

Opposition to the French National Assembly vote on Palestine came mainly from the neo-Gaullist Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), although nine UMP members bolted from their caucus and voted for Palestine. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is of Hungarian Jewish descent and wishes to be the party’s standard bearer for president in 2017, opposed the National Assembly vote on Palestine. Meyer Habib, a noted Zionist member of the National Assembly under the Union of Democrats and Independents party label and close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, chalked the vote off to «anti-Semitism» and «support for terrorism» by the Socialist, Communist, and Green party members who supported the Palestine bill. Habib, of course, was silent on the fact that 4 out of 30 UDI members in the assembly mutinied and voted for Palestine and 4 others abstained. 

But there was good news for Israel from the extreme right in the Assembly. Marion Marechal-Le Pen, the granddaughter of French National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, abstained on the Palestine resolution, an indication that the National Front is moving into a more pro-Israeli position as a result of its anti-Muslim and anti-Arab fervor. 

Following the Palestinian success in the parliaments of Sweden, the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, and Portugal, the battle for the Israeli influence peddlers moved to Copenhagen and the Danish Folketing. Unlike the situation in Sweden, where that nation’s Social Democratic foreign minister Margot Wallstrom supported the parliamentary vote on Palestine and Sweden’s recognition of Palestinian statehood, her Danish counterpart, Martin Lidegaard of the Danish Social Liberal Party, said the timing of the Folketing vote was «not right». The proposal for the Folketing’s recognition of Palestine was introduced by the Socialist People’s Party, the Red-Green Alliance, and Greenland’s Inuit Ataqatigiit. This past July, Danish Social Democratic Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the daughter-in-law of former British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnoch, refused to join her fellow Nordic Social Democratic leaders, Jonas Gahr Støre, Stefan Lofven of Sweden (now Prime Minister), Antti Rinne of Finland and Arni Pall Arnason of Iceland, in condemning Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza. Denmark’s ruling Social Democratic Party has long been penetrated by Israeli agents of influence.

A proposed Palestinian recognition vote in the Slovenian parliament has been opposed by the George Soros-infiltrated Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), which is very pro-Israel. The opposition leftist United List (ZL) has pushed for a vote in spite of stalling from Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, who has taken a similar position to that of his Danish counterpart on «bad timing» for the vote.

It is expected that future European parliamentary votes, including one planned by the European Parliament, will be the subject of a «watering down» maneuver such as that carried out by Spain. The Spanish parliamentary resolution, approved 319 to 2 with 1 abstention, called for recognition of a not-necessarily contiguous Palestinian state only after an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. The neo-fascist Spanish Popular Party forced the opposition Socialist Workers’ Party to add the «poison pill» language. 

A seen by various legislature vote tallies from across Europe, Israel now can rely on its fascist and neo-Nazi friends to tamp down future parliamentary moves in support of Palestine.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Israel Relies on Neo-Nazis to Block Palestinian Legislation in Europe

Successive parliamentary votes throughout Europe to recognize the sovereignty of the State of Palestine have been opposed by a unique coalition of Zionist and neo-Nazi interests. While a seemingly odd alliance, the Zionists and neo-Nazis share a number of common interests, including their opposition to Muslim immigrants in Europe.

Perhaps no one represents the Zionist-Nazi alliance more than Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) member Kent Ekeroth of the Sweden Democrats party. As it turns out, Ekeroth is not only a fellow-traveler of various Sweden Democrats global partners, including the American Ku Klux Klan and its one-time leader David Duke, but he is also Jewish. Ironically, Ekeroth’s strong opposition to immigrants to Sweden is marked by the fact that his mother, a Kazakhstan Jew, herself immigrated to Sweden. Ekeroth despises Sweden’s Turkish-born Minister of Housing, Mehmet Kaplan of the coalition junior partner Green Party, because he participated in the Mavi Marmara Gaza aid flotilla, which was militarily attacked by Israel in international waters in 2010 resulting in a number of civilian deaths.

Ekeroth became the spokesman for the Sweden Democrats opposition in the Riksdag to the Swedish government’s decision to recognize Palestine. Ekeroth’s party joined the Swedish moderate-conservative opposition in opposing recognition of Palestine. 

The Sweden Democrats’ first auditor was Gustaf Ekstrom, a former officer in the Nazi German Waffen SS and a former leader of the Swedish Nazi Party. A former Sweden Democrats chairman was Anders Klarstrom, an activist for the Nordic Reich Party. Although the Sweden Democrats banned the wearing of Nazi military uniforms in 1995, the party remains a far-right xenophobic organization. There also is a split in policy between Sweden Democrats European Parliament members and those like Ekeroth in the Riksdag. In September of this year, two Sweden Democrats MEPs, Kristina Winberg and Peter Lundgren, voted against the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which was promoted by Ukraine’s leading Zionists, including Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Ihor Kolomoisky, the governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

After his party’s attempt to derail the Palestinian statehood initiative in the Riksdag failed, Ekeroth joined several other right-wing parliamentarians from around the world on a junket to Israel. Through the use of a contrivance called the Israel Allies Caucuses, which are members of the Israel Allies Foundation, Israel’s increasingly fascist and Jewish nationalist regime was trying to forestall similar parliamentary moves to recognize Palestine. The Swedish decision to recognize Palestine was followed by similar votes in the British House of Commons, the Irish Senate, the Spanish Congress of Deputies, and the French National Assembly all voted overwhelmingly to recognize Palestine’s state sovereignty with Belgium’s parliament expected to follow along with a formal recognition of Palestine by Belgium.

Although the British Conservative Party officially abstained on the Palestine resolution in the House of Commons, Tory backbencher David Burrowes, an officer of the Commons’ Conservative Christian Fellowship and Conservative Friends of Israel, condemned the vote while with Ekeroth in Israel. The parliamentarians were warmly welcomed in Israel by Yisrael Beitenu Knesset member David Rotem who has made racist statements about Palestinians and Africans. Rotem referred to Africans as «bongo bongo». His chairmanship of the Israel Allies Caucus in Israel points to the right-wing and xenophobic nature of the group and why it would attract some of Europe’s leading neo-Nazi politicians to Israel.

In the United States House of Representatives, the racist Israel Allies Caucus is chaired by Representatives Eliot Engel (Democrat-New York), Brad Sherman (Democrat-California), Doug Lamborn (Republican-Colorado), and Trent Franks (Republican-Arizona). Lamborn once used the term «tar baby» on a radio show and it was condemned for its racist overtones.

Opposition to the Netherlands parliament recognizing Palestinian statehood is led by frequent visitor to Israel Bastiaan Belder of the right-wing Calvinist Political Reformed Party (SGP). The party is so avowedly Christian Zionist, it opposes women’s suffrage and once banned female members. It has never fielded a women candidate for office in its existence. The SGP and an allied party, the Christian Union, have led efforts in the Dutch parliament to defund Dutch contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), charging that the aid funds «terrorists». 

Members of the SGP are suspected by various intelligence agencies of permitting Dutch nuclear technology and materials to be smuggled to Israel over many decades. After the deadly 1992 crash of El Al cargo flight 1862 after takeoff from Schiphol International Airport, high levels of radiation were detected in the crash area of the Boeing 747 in the Bijlmer neighborhood of south Amsterdam. The right-wing Calvinist Zionists, which were on record supporting Israel’s nuclear weapons program, opposed a full investigation by Dutch authorities of the materials being transported on the plane. The Israeli government, which is not known for telling the truth about intelligence matters, claimed the plane was merely carrying perfume, fruit, and unspecified computer equipment. 

Belder and his party are joined in his opposition to Palestine by the xenophobic Party of Freedom led by Geert Wilders, another notorious racist who has been welcomed by the Israelis. Former Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, a member of the right-wing Christian Democratic Appeal, is another noted anti-Palestinian and embracer of Israel and Zionism.

Opposition to the French National Assembly vote on Palestine came mainly from the neo-Gaullist Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), although nine UMP members bolted from their caucus and voted for Palestine. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is of Hungarian Jewish descent and wishes to be the party’s standard bearer for president in 2017, opposed the National Assembly vote on Palestine. Meyer Habib, a noted Zionist member of the National Assembly under the Union of Democrats and Independents party label and close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, chalked the vote off to «anti-Semitism» and «support for terrorism» by the Socialist, Communist, and Green party members who supported the Palestine bill. Habib, of course, was silent on the fact that 4 out of 30 UDI members in the assembly mutinied and voted for Palestine and 4 others abstained. 

But there was good news for Israel from the extreme right in the Assembly. Marion Marechal-Le Pen, the granddaughter of French National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, abstained on the Palestine resolution, an indication that the National Front is moving into a more pro-Israeli position as a result of its anti-Muslim and anti-Arab fervor. 

Following the Palestinian success in the parliaments of Sweden, the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, and Portugal, the battle for the Israeli influence peddlers moved to Copenhagen and the Danish Folketing. Unlike the situation in Sweden, where that nation’s Social Democratic foreign minister Margot Wallstrom supported the parliamentary vote on Palestine and Sweden’s recognition of Palestinian statehood, her Danish counterpart, Martin Lidegaard of the Danish Social Liberal Party, said the timing of the Folketing vote was «not right». The proposal for the Folketing’s recognition of Palestine was introduced by the Socialist People’s Party, the Red-Green Alliance, and Greenland’s Inuit Ataqatigiit. This past July, Danish Social Democratic Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the daughter-in-law of former British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnoch, refused to join her fellow Nordic Social Democratic leaders, Jonas Gahr Støre, Stefan Lofven of Sweden (now Prime Minister), Antti Rinne of Finland and Arni Pall Arnason of Iceland, in condemning Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza. Denmark’s ruling Social Democratic Party has long been penetrated by Israeli agents of influence.

A proposed Palestinian recognition vote in the Slovenian parliament has been opposed by the George Soros-infiltrated Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), which is very pro-Israel. The opposition leftist United List (ZL) has pushed for a vote in spite of stalling from Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, who has taken a similar position to that of his Danish counterpart on «bad timing» for the vote.

It is expected that future European parliamentary votes, including one planned by the European Parliament, will be the subject of a «watering down» maneuver such as that carried out by Spain. The Spanish parliamentary resolution, approved 319 to 2 with 1 abstention, called for recognition of a not-necessarily contiguous Palestinian state only after an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. The neo-fascist Spanish Popular Party forced the opposition Socialist Workers’ Party to add the «poison pill» language. 

A seen by various legislature vote tallies from across Europe, Israel now can rely on its fascist and neo-Nazi friends to tamp down future parliamentary moves in support of Palestine.