Nil Nikandrov
October 1, 2013
© Photo: Public domain

Physical elimination of foreign politicians fallen out of US favor has become a routine matter for Obama’s administration. The US special services have put to good use the experience of international terrorist organizations as well as the inventions of its own, like, for instance, purposeful cancer contamination or the use of «radioactive delayed action mines». The Empire has not ended the clandestine operations against Latina America’s «populist leaders» even after the death of Hugo Chavez… 

Someone will say – is it the «conspiracy theory» again? Is it the story about the cruel methods used by the United States ruling circles to clear the way for establishing Pax Americana – from unprovoked wars to individual terror? Exactly… The cleansing aimed at getting rid of «inconvenient» unfriendly politicians continues. The Obama’s credibility has suffered a lot since he took office. He has started to face crisis situations more frequently. The confidence is growing in the country and abroad that some forces of global establishment call the shots behind the scenes by influencing the administration’s decision making. 

As a result of Syrian deadlock, the US needs to counterbalance the failure by reaching breakthroughs in some other key directions of foreign policy. Cautious sounding out Tehran to see if is ready to narrow the gap of differences and step on the way of constructive dialogue hardly has any prospects for future taking into consideration the influence of Israeli lobby in the United States. This is one of the reasons Washington has intensified subversive activities against Venezuela. The efforts are concentrated on undermining the country’s economic, financial and political stability, step by step the US special services implement a series of operations aimed at toppling Nicolas Maduro, the successor of Hugo Chavez. The story with the presidential plane gives reasons for alarm. As is known Nicolas Maduro refused to take part in the 68th session of United Nations General Assembly, there was information from some sources that he was going to be assassinated in New York. Mr. Maduro had visited China before the General Assembly started its work to sign a number of agreements on energy, construction of car assembly facilities, as well as on getting multibillion loans among other things. A month before his departure for China, the President ordered to thoroughly check his Airbus A-319CJ after it had gone through the five months (!) maintenance at Airbus in France. Maduro said he had a hunch («corazonada») to justify his decision. It was not in vain. The Venezuelan technical experts found a serious fault in one of the wings. That forced the Venezuelan President to make the trip to China on a plane belonging to the regional group ALBA, an Ilyushin IL-96 belonging to the Cuban airline Cubana de Aviacion. 

To complicate things, the US at first forbade Maduro to overfly Puerto-Rico, something that never happened before. Initially the pilots had to insert corrections into the flight plan to go around it and fly along the unknown path, including the skies over the Arctic. The United States changed its position finally and gave the last minute permission to take the route through the Puerto Rican airspace. Upon the return from his China trip, Maduro put the blame for what happened on «international reactionary circles», saying that they had been informed about the planned China trip and had been plotting against him. They thought that by killing Nicolas Maduro they would put an end to the Bolivarian revolution. According to him, they knew little about the Venezuelan people and what the Bolivarian armed forces were capable of. The US State Department wanted him to come up with corresponding evidence to prove the fact of plot, the outlets involved in propaganda efforts do their best to make the Venezuelan President look like a «laughing stock». Airbus refutes the accusations on the part of Venezuelan leadership, which is adamant to go the whole hog and make head or tail of it so that all the details of the planned subversive action would come to the surface. Airbus has started its own investigation. It is believed in Venezuela that the suspects are the US Central Intelligence Agency’s residence in France, Israeli Mossad and French power structures, which have acted most frequently as US partners recently. Washington appears to believe the elimination of Maduro will lead to internecine struggle in the Bolivarian leadership ranks, undermine the existing balance between civilian powers and the country’s military and clear the way for the victory of radical opposition. Its leader Enrique Capriles cooperates with Washington and Tel Aviv. If he gains revenge for the defeat at the last presidential election, then an «exemplary butchery» of the incumbent government supporters is guaranteed. That’s what they should constantly remember and counter any attempts by the «fifth column» to drive a wedge in the relationship between the Chavez associates – Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello, the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly (parliament). 

There was one more sign Maduro was in jeopardy. Helmin Wiels, the leader of Pueblo Soberano (Sovereign People, the largest political party in the Estates after the October 2012 election) has been murdered recently on the Island of Curaçao, 40 kilometers from Venezuela. After his election victory in October last year, Wiels has tried to create a left-wing and centrist coalition. Of all left wing politicians of Curaçao, he was the closest associate of Chavez, and then Maduro. He stood for full independence of the island and an end to the United States military presence there. The American armed forces are stationed in Curaçao under the pretext of countering drug traffic; the US aircraft patrol the areas in the vicinity of Venezuela. The CIA residence in Willemstad that acts under the cover of US General Consulate in Curaçao has targeted Wiels since a long time as the politician, who posed a major threat to the United States interests being «funded by Chavist regime». All his movements (especially visits to Caracas and Havana) were closely watched, phone calls tapped, internet messages intercepted. He was shot seven times while enjoying a rest on the island’s Marie Pampoen beach. The bodyguards had been sent home and the killers knew about it. Police detained one of suspects but he was reported to «commit a suicide» while being behind bars. The islanders don’t believe this story. Nothing is known about other perpetrators of the crime. It’s quite possible the ones who were behind the assassination are enjoying themselves in some place like Miami, for instance, waiting for new missions to be set, while the bodies of «local» killers are resting in the barrels filled with cement lying on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Individual Terror as Pattern of Washington’s Foreign Policy

Physical elimination of foreign politicians fallen out of US favor has become a routine matter for Obama’s administration. The US special services have put to good use the experience of international terrorist organizations as well as the inventions of its own, like, for instance, purposeful cancer contamination or the use of «radioactive delayed action mines». The Empire has not ended the clandestine operations against Latina America’s «populist leaders» even after the death of Hugo Chavez… 

Someone will say – is it the «conspiracy theory» again? Is it the story about the cruel methods used by the United States ruling circles to clear the way for establishing Pax Americana – from unprovoked wars to individual terror? Exactly… The cleansing aimed at getting rid of «inconvenient» unfriendly politicians continues. The Obama’s credibility has suffered a lot since he took office. He has started to face crisis situations more frequently. The confidence is growing in the country and abroad that some forces of global establishment call the shots behind the scenes by influencing the administration’s decision making. 

As a result of Syrian deadlock, the US needs to counterbalance the failure by reaching breakthroughs in some other key directions of foreign policy. Cautious sounding out Tehran to see if is ready to narrow the gap of differences and step on the way of constructive dialogue hardly has any prospects for future taking into consideration the influence of Israeli lobby in the United States. This is one of the reasons Washington has intensified subversive activities against Venezuela. The efforts are concentrated on undermining the country’s economic, financial and political stability, step by step the US special services implement a series of operations aimed at toppling Nicolas Maduro, the successor of Hugo Chavez. The story with the presidential plane gives reasons for alarm. As is known Nicolas Maduro refused to take part in the 68th session of United Nations General Assembly, there was information from some sources that he was going to be assassinated in New York. Mr. Maduro had visited China before the General Assembly started its work to sign a number of agreements on energy, construction of car assembly facilities, as well as on getting multibillion loans among other things. A month before his departure for China, the President ordered to thoroughly check his Airbus A-319CJ after it had gone through the five months (!) maintenance at Airbus in France. Maduro said he had a hunch («corazonada») to justify his decision. It was not in vain. The Venezuelan technical experts found a serious fault in one of the wings. That forced the Venezuelan President to make the trip to China on a plane belonging to the regional group ALBA, an Ilyushin IL-96 belonging to the Cuban airline Cubana de Aviacion. 

To complicate things, the US at first forbade Maduro to overfly Puerto-Rico, something that never happened before. Initially the pilots had to insert corrections into the flight plan to go around it and fly along the unknown path, including the skies over the Arctic. The United States changed its position finally and gave the last minute permission to take the route through the Puerto Rican airspace. Upon the return from his China trip, Maduro put the blame for what happened on «international reactionary circles», saying that they had been informed about the planned China trip and had been plotting against him. They thought that by killing Nicolas Maduro they would put an end to the Bolivarian revolution. According to him, they knew little about the Venezuelan people and what the Bolivarian armed forces were capable of. The US State Department wanted him to come up with corresponding evidence to prove the fact of plot, the outlets involved in propaganda efforts do their best to make the Venezuelan President look like a «laughing stock». Airbus refutes the accusations on the part of Venezuelan leadership, which is adamant to go the whole hog and make head or tail of it so that all the details of the planned subversive action would come to the surface. Airbus has started its own investigation. It is believed in Venezuela that the suspects are the US Central Intelligence Agency’s residence in France, Israeli Mossad and French power structures, which have acted most frequently as US partners recently. Washington appears to believe the elimination of Maduro will lead to internecine struggle in the Bolivarian leadership ranks, undermine the existing balance between civilian powers and the country’s military and clear the way for the victory of radical opposition. Its leader Enrique Capriles cooperates with Washington and Tel Aviv. If he gains revenge for the defeat at the last presidential election, then an «exemplary butchery» of the incumbent government supporters is guaranteed. That’s what they should constantly remember and counter any attempts by the «fifth column» to drive a wedge in the relationship between the Chavez associates – Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello, the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly (parliament). 

There was one more sign Maduro was in jeopardy. Helmin Wiels, the leader of Pueblo Soberano (Sovereign People, the largest political party in the Estates after the October 2012 election) has been murdered recently on the Island of Curaçao, 40 kilometers from Venezuela. After his election victory in October last year, Wiels has tried to create a left-wing and centrist coalition. Of all left wing politicians of Curaçao, he was the closest associate of Chavez, and then Maduro. He stood for full independence of the island and an end to the United States military presence there. The American armed forces are stationed in Curaçao under the pretext of countering drug traffic; the US aircraft patrol the areas in the vicinity of Venezuela. The CIA residence in Willemstad that acts under the cover of US General Consulate in Curaçao has targeted Wiels since a long time as the politician, who posed a major threat to the United States interests being «funded by Chavist regime». All his movements (especially visits to Caracas and Havana) were closely watched, phone calls tapped, internet messages intercepted. He was shot seven times while enjoying a rest on the island’s Marie Pampoen beach. The bodyguards had been sent home and the killers knew about it. Police detained one of suspects but he was reported to «commit a suicide» while being behind bars. The islanders don’t believe this story. Nothing is known about other perpetrators of the crime. It’s quite possible the ones who were behind the assassination are enjoying themselves in some place like Miami, for instance, waiting for new missions to be set, while the bodies of «local» killers are resting in the barrels filled with cement lying on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.