Carlos Pereyra mele
March 15, 2012
© Photo: Public domain

Tensions will undoubtedly continue as there is no light over a break off the status quo reached after there was a tie among the powers with right to veto in the UN.

The first move in this unstable chessboard started with some popular movements which were over the years lost controlled by the armed forces of US and Europe in the region; firstly, the fall of Tunisia regime in the north of Africa, which was an example to Egypt and various other countries in the Persian Gulf where “petrol-monarchies” have seen their governments tremble with the fall of the American most loyal ally´s: The Egyptian Hosni Mubarak. US together with Saudi Arabia and Qatar took military action drowning in blood all rebellions in Bahrein, in Saudi Arabia itself, and in any other quasi feudal regimes governing the Arabic peninsula. 
A second move was performed by the new version of the “entende cordiale” of the XXI century (from the French 'mutual understanding' which is the denomination of a non aggression and regulation treaty of the colonial expansion, ratified through a series of agreements signed between England and France in April 8th, 1904. Then, this led to the outbreak of I World War), today represented by Sarkozy-Cameron alliance, being the latter clearly responsible for starting the destabilizing acts of Gaddafi regime, by using the new political tool designed from the protection rights for those overwhelmed by the dictators (encouraged by them until recently) in the name of human rights. Meanwhile in Libya broke out a low intensity war which was started by the Media controlled by the most influential western media broadcasters (which supported the intervention frame). Afterwards, these was supported with the sending of mercenaries, members of Al Qaeda and special forces groups in order to arm, guide and equip Gaddafi ´s opposing groups and be able to achieve direct intervention from the NATO and the American military forces, turning this into a high intensity war. As a consequence of this, they were able to catch the Libyan leader, participate in his execution, and destroy Libyan´s territory in various regions; and economically speaking, they could obtain petrol, gas and water from Libyan people. Check mate to Gaddafi´s Libya.
The third move was a repetition of the second and its result could have certainly been check mate to Syria, but this situation was a bit more complicated, the Syrian regime is not a tribal system like the Libyan. The Syrian state holds a better established army which is more experienced in relevant war matters as they have not only been part of numerous wars against the state of Israel, but also they have had greater participation in the Libyan conflict, giving Syria a distinctive military-political panorama from the Libyan´s. Anyway, the British-French “entende cordiale” (perhaps in a sort of remembrance of the old colonial influence in the region) moved their pieces like in the Libyan issue and began a low intensity war; at first, it was an informative one to tell the “world” about the crimes of Al Assad regime who jointly formed, instructed, financed, and participated with its forces in “spontaneous revolts” against the Syrian government (all this planned in secret meetings in Tunisia which were reported by the French press) [1]. Moreover, they tried to set a conflict in Syria in case they could win the “entende cordiale” leaving the Islamic fundamentalists in charge of these regions by organizing groups which are trying to set an Islamic Emirates with base in Baba Amor.
But something went wrong, the plan could not be performed thanks to Russia and China´s veto on an intervention of the UN Security Council, with an abstention of these two countries as regards Libya, this fact prevented having the “legal” arguments for starting a high intensity war. In addition, these two nations and some others, e.g. Iran, announced that under no circumstance would they accept an armed intervention from Syria. Therefore, the US State Department reacted with a furious response from its chief Ms. Hilary Clinton, to whom Russia responded by sending their Foreign Relations Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Chief, Mikhail Fradkov, who eventually arrived in Damascus to meet the Syrian President Bashar al Assad. As from then on, there were some changes in the Anti-Syrian front, Turkey remained silent and the troops from the Syrian government started, with the support of the Russian intelligence, a counter-attack against the bastions kept by the “rebels” supported by the western world. As a result they defeated these rebels and they were reduced to isolated groups struggling to survive and escape to border countries; even more now that the current relations between Sarkozy and Cameron are tougher as the troops from the Syrian State have caught highly sophisticated European armament (Anglo-French) [2] in the rebel bastions, and now it is added to this situation the French officials who were captured among the surrenders – the French government has secretly tried to negotiate their liberation and departure from Syria, as the fiasco of this operation risks Sarkozy´s reelection if this news sets off the scandal [3] and [4].
Until now the situation is a tie between the western world which kept Libya (the latter a divided country with confronted tribes, with a CNT government unable to disarm the “military forces” and a dull perspective with oil resources under the control of Anglo-French companies). To all mentioned, we add the merging powers in China and Russia which did not let a direct attack into Syria on behalf of the NATO and USA with the support of the Arabic monarchies in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
…All these events pave the way to an explosive scenario in the Middle East towards the next move which could be an attack or the suffocation, fall, or consolidation of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, key piece in this chess game of world politics in the Middle East, but this will be part of an upcoming political analysis. I would like to remark, as in previous analysis, that as we are the Latin Americans who hold significant economic resources in a world in conflict (in which the reason of power imposes to the power of reason) we ought to have in our discussions these world movements with conflicts of interest as they mean a new world system, which constantly ratifies the way towards integration and the restructuring of a unified system of defense of our areas of influence.
[1] Syria: “An Attack planned by the Western Intelligence Services” // 
[2] The rebels from the «Syrian Liberation Army» equipped with sophisticated Milan missiles
[3] The Syrian Army captured 13 French Officials // 
[4] Secret French War against the Syrian people // 
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.
Tensions Continue Darkening the Middle East and Menace World Peace

Tensions will undoubtedly continue as there is no light over a break off the status quo reached after there was a tie among the powers with right to veto in the UN.

The first move in this unstable chessboard started with some popular movements which were over the years lost controlled by the armed forces of US and Europe in the region; firstly, the fall of Tunisia regime in the north of Africa, which was an example to Egypt and various other countries in the Persian Gulf where “petrol-monarchies” have seen their governments tremble with the fall of the American most loyal ally´s: The Egyptian Hosni Mubarak. US together with Saudi Arabia and Qatar took military action drowning in blood all rebellions in Bahrein, in Saudi Arabia itself, and in any other quasi feudal regimes governing the Arabic peninsula. 
A second move was performed by the new version of the “entende cordiale” of the XXI century (from the French 'mutual understanding' which is the denomination of a non aggression and regulation treaty of the colonial expansion, ratified through a series of agreements signed between England and France in April 8th, 1904. Then, this led to the outbreak of I World War), today represented by Sarkozy-Cameron alliance, being the latter clearly responsible for starting the destabilizing acts of Gaddafi regime, by using the new political tool designed from the protection rights for those overwhelmed by the dictators (encouraged by them until recently) in the name of human rights. Meanwhile in Libya broke out a low intensity war which was started by the Media controlled by the most influential western media broadcasters (which supported the intervention frame). Afterwards, these was supported with the sending of mercenaries, members of Al Qaeda and special forces groups in order to arm, guide and equip Gaddafi ´s opposing groups and be able to achieve direct intervention from the NATO and the American military forces, turning this into a high intensity war. As a consequence of this, they were able to catch the Libyan leader, participate in his execution, and destroy Libyan´s territory in various regions; and economically speaking, they could obtain petrol, gas and water from Libyan people. Check mate to Gaddafi´s Libya.
The third move was a repetition of the second and its result could have certainly been check mate to Syria, but this situation was a bit more complicated, the Syrian regime is not a tribal system like the Libyan. The Syrian state holds a better established army which is more experienced in relevant war matters as they have not only been part of numerous wars against the state of Israel, but also they have had greater participation in the Libyan conflict, giving Syria a distinctive military-political panorama from the Libyan´s. Anyway, the British-French “entende cordiale” (perhaps in a sort of remembrance of the old colonial influence in the region) moved their pieces like in the Libyan issue and began a low intensity war; at first, it was an informative one to tell the “world” about the crimes of Al Assad regime who jointly formed, instructed, financed, and participated with its forces in “spontaneous revolts” against the Syrian government (all this planned in secret meetings in Tunisia which were reported by the French press) [1]. Moreover, they tried to set a conflict in Syria in case they could win the “entende cordiale” leaving the Islamic fundamentalists in charge of these regions by organizing groups which are trying to set an Islamic Emirates with base in Baba Amor.
But something went wrong, the plan could not be performed thanks to Russia and China´s veto on an intervention of the UN Security Council, with an abstention of these two countries as regards Libya, this fact prevented having the “legal” arguments for starting a high intensity war. In addition, these two nations and some others, e.g. Iran, announced that under no circumstance would they accept an armed intervention from Syria. Therefore, the US State Department reacted with a furious response from its chief Ms. Hilary Clinton, to whom Russia responded by sending their Foreign Relations Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Chief, Mikhail Fradkov, who eventually arrived in Damascus to meet the Syrian President Bashar al Assad. As from then on, there were some changes in the Anti-Syrian front, Turkey remained silent and the troops from the Syrian government started, with the support of the Russian intelligence, a counter-attack against the bastions kept by the “rebels” supported by the western world. As a result they defeated these rebels and they were reduced to isolated groups struggling to survive and escape to border countries; even more now that the current relations between Sarkozy and Cameron are tougher as the troops from the Syrian State have caught highly sophisticated European armament (Anglo-French) [2] in the rebel bastions, and now it is added to this situation the French officials who were captured among the surrenders – the French government has secretly tried to negotiate their liberation and departure from Syria, as the fiasco of this operation risks Sarkozy´s reelection if this news sets off the scandal [3] and [4].
Until now the situation is a tie between the western world which kept Libya (the latter a divided country with confronted tribes, with a CNT government unable to disarm the “military forces” and a dull perspective with oil resources under the control of Anglo-French companies). To all mentioned, we add the merging powers in China and Russia which did not let a direct attack into Syria on behalf of the NATO and USA with the support of the Arabic monarchies in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
…All these events pave the way to an explosive scenario in the Middle East towards the next move which could be an attack or the suffocation, fall, or consolidation of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, key piece in this chess game of world politics in the Middle East, but this will be part of an upcoming political analysis. I would like to remark, as in previous analysis, that as we are the Latin Americans who hold significant economic resources in a world in conflict (in which the reason of power imposes to the power of reason) we ought to have in our discussions these world movements with conflicts of interest as they mean a new world system, which constantly ratifies the way towards integration and the restructuring of a unified system of defense of our areas of influence.
[1] Syria: “An Attack planned by the Western Intelligence Services” // 
[2] The rebels from the «Syrian Liberation Army» equipped with sophisticated Milan missiles
[3] The Syrian Army captured 13 French Officials // 
[4] Secret French War against the Syrian people //