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Horn of Africa, a new crisis on the horizon?
Horn of Africa, a new crisis on the horizon?
March 29, 2025

Destabilizing the Horn of Africa is a strategy already known to the Anglo-American world to try to keep the region in a state of instability useful for commercial domination.

Come on, Donald, it’s just a game! A comment on Trump’s attack to BRICS
February 4, 2025

Donald Trump takes the path of trade war by attacking the BRICS currency, but the rules of the international game are no longer those dictated by the United States.

Come on, Donald, it’s just a game! A comment on Trump’s attack to BRICS
Elon Musk’s salute highlights the contact between fascism and liberalism
Elon Musk’s salute highlights the contact between fascism and liberalism
February 2, 2025

Both Nazi-fascism and the various shades of liberalism, by adopting the State as the supreme institution, end up creating cultural vacuum, and filling it with fantasy.

Rwanda can and will destroy South Africa’s Congolese forces
February 1, 2025

The armed forces of Rwanda and their allies and proxies are all battle hardened and skilled in the type of bush war any clash between these regional titans would entail, whereas the forces of the DRC and South Africa are not.

Rwanda can and will destroy South Africa’s Congolese forces
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La Nigeria membro associato dei BRICS+ e il viaggio di Wang Yi in Africa
La Nigeria membro associato dei BRICS+ e il viaggio di Wang Yi in Africa
January 22, 2025

La Nigeria diventa membro associato dei BRICS+, rafforzando la sua posizione strategica nel panorama globale. Questo ingresso, sostenuto dalla Cina, sottolinea il ruolo crescente dell’Africa nella cooperazione Sud-Sud e nelle riforme della governance globale, promuovendo sviluppo sostenibile e relazioni paritarie.

Russia: Caught between BRICS and a hard place
January 9, 2025

If NATO does not wish to negotiate in good faith with Russia, then Russia’s options are necessarily limited to more forthright methods of solving the Ukrainian question.

Russia: Caught between BRICS and a hard place
A decaying and parasitic empire
A decaying and parasitic empire
January 6, 2025

Because the British are very arrogant, they still think that the rest of the world is a crowd of subjects. Subservient support for the United States guarantees them only some survival, but few privileges.

United Kingdom refuses to break with neocolonialism in its relations with the Global South
December 29, 2024

The question of whether the United Kingdom is capable of offering true, equal, and mutually beneficial cooperation becomes clear when observing its practical actions and underlying interests.

United Kingdom refuses to break with neocolonialism in its relations with the Global South