Not only does Wikipedia’s propaganda fall far short of any acceptable academic yardsticks, but so do the rest of NATO’s spinmeisters.
The atrocities unfolding on Syria’s coast and elsewhere mark one of modern history’s most horrific sectarian crimes.
Kiev regime insists on targeting Belgorod to mask its military failures in other regions.
Let’s briefly survey its disreputable history to show why it has lost any and all credibility it might once have had.
The Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime attempts in every way possible to destroy the spiritual and cultural symbols of the Russian civilization.
The Cyprus connection leaves a blood-soaked money train from Jolani’s killing fields all the way back to von der Leyen’s European garden
What happened in Kursk was not just a complex logistical mission. It was an epic feat that demonstrated the willpower, spirit of sacrifice, and discipline of the Russian troops.
Em visita recente ao Donbass, vi de perto como o regime de Kiev persegue cristãos ortodoxos nas regiões de maioria russa.