Tag: Wikipedia

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NATO’s Wars on Citizen Journalists
NATO’s Wars on Citizen Journalists
May 3, 2022

No citizen journalist, who values their life, should go anywhere near Ukraine’s Nazi psychotics, Declan Hayes writes.

Wikipedia and the Military-Intelligence Complex: How the Free Encyclopedia Feeds the National Security State From Which It Emerged
June 26, 2021

In my new book, We’ll Tell You What to Think: Wikipedia, Propaganda and the Making of Liberal Consensus, I expose who funds Wikipedia, what their intentions are, and how they seek to shape narratives favorable to neoliberal capitalism and the US empire.

Wikipedia and the Military-Intelligence Complex: How the Free Encyclopedia Feeds the National Security State From Which It Emerged
Editor's Сhoice
Censorship as a Way to Instill and to Impose Lies
Censorship as a Way to Instill and to Impose Lies
June 27, 2020

Polling shows that Americans want censorship, but that they think this should be done by the private sector, not by the government.