Tag: Westinghouse

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Ukraine Shifts to Nuclear Cooperation with US-based Westinghouse: Stepping into Uncharted Waters
Ukraine Shifts to Nuclear Cooperation with US-based Westinghouse: Stepping into Uncharted Waters
July 24, 2018

Ukraine has just shot itself in the foot by making a politically motivated decision instead of promoting a fair completion by choosing what better suits its needs.

India, the US, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group
July 8, 2016

India has failed to achieve membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), which is a group of countries seeking «to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear and nuclear-related exports». Given that members of the NSG already supply India with uranium, New Delhi’s campaign is intriguing, especially as one of the Group’s main requirements is that suppliers of nuclear-associated material may authorise such trade «only when satisfied that the transfer would not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons»…

India, the US, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group
European «Gas Deadlock» to Meet Interests of US Westinghouse Electric Company
European «Gas Deadlock» to Meet Interests of US Westinghouse Electric Company
June 20, 2014

Gasprom has introduced a prepayment system for gas supplies to Ukraine. It has become a result of self-destructive and provocative policy implemented by the West. Instead of making Ukraine find a compromise the United States and the European Union pushed the situation into a dead-lock. It serves the interests of US politicians and businessmen while posing a grave threat to Ukraine and Europe… The US goals are clear. It sees the current conflict as a continuation of a bigger geopolitical game related to the energy transportation routes going through Ukraine and affecting the interests of the whole Eastern and Central Europe…

Way to Deprive Ukraine of Nuclear Power
April 9, 2014

…Westinghouse Electric Co. of Pennsylvania said on April 3 it is in negotiations to extend its contract with Ukraine energy operator Energoatom to supply nuclear fuel for three reactors. The US interest is justified; Ukraine's power sector is the tenth largest in the world and the fifth largest in Europe in terms of nuclear reactors on its soil. The country boasts 15 nuclear power generating units at four nuclear power plants… All reactors are Russia-produced VVER type… According to former member of Ukrainian parliament Vadim Kolesnichenko, the goal of US expansion into the Ukrainian nuclear market is the elimination of Ukrainian nuclear energy infrastructure. When it becomes a thing of the past, Ukraine will have to buy energy in Europe at quite different prices… The regime in Kiev is ready to pay this price in order to convert the country into a bridgehead against Russia.

Way to Deprive Ukraine of Nuclear Power
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Temelín: Strategic Growth Project for Russian-Czech Relations
Temelín: Strategic Growth Project for Russian-Czech Relations
May 30, 2013

Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas arrived in Russia on a four-day working visit late May, 2013. Trade and energy policy are among the topical issues for Prague and Moscow – 6% increase in turnover is good news for both parties. Infrastructure investment projects like Temelín nuclear power plant could be the cornerstone of successful bilateral cooperation. Temelín NPP means not only thousands new jobs, but also affordable energy for the Czech industry. It can truly be a safety net in times of European economic meltdown.

Battle for Temelin
March 12, 2013

One by one the events unfold while the battle for Temelin is waged. The Czech government took a decision to build the third and the fourth power generating units of the nuclear energy plant in the vicinity of Temelin (24 km from Czech Budejovice). The reactors are Soviet VVER-1000 type, the price is $15 million. The decision sparked the emotions becoming kind of a political scandal. The MIR.1200 Consortium is an alliance of Czech Skoda JS and Russian Gidropress and Atomstroyexport, the subsidiaries of Russian firm Rosatom. Another bidder in the tender beside the Czech-Russian consortium is the US-Japanese company Westinghouse…

Battle for Temelin
Bulgaria: Recent Events
Bulgaria: Recent Events
February 27, 2013

Bulgaria is facing the wave of the largest mass protests in the last 16 years provoked by price hikes. So the resignation of Boyko Borisov government has been expected. It was this very government and big time players from Washington who made the events unfold this way… Perhaps Bulgaria doesn’t even realize it has become a country with limited sovereignty as a result of the United Sates diplomatic pressure…