Tag: West

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Do bem-estar à guerra: o keynesianismo militar
Do bem-estar à guerra: o keynesianismo militar
March 25, 2025

Trump quer que os EUA deixem de pagar a maior parte do financiamento da NATO e de fornecer o seu poder militar e quer acabar com o conflito Ucrânia-Rússia para poder concentrar a estratégia imperialista dos EUA no “hemisfério ocidental” e no Pacífico, com o objetivo de “conter” e enfraquecer a ascensão económica da China.

The escalating trade war between the U.S. and the EU
March 24, 2025

The trade relationship between the United States and the European Union has long been characterized by cooperation and competition. However, tensions have escalated significantly in recent months, with both sides imposing tariffs and threatening further economic retaliations.

The escalating trade war between the U.S. and the EU
Editor's Сhoice
Caesar Trump’s Wehrmacht legions trundle ever onwards
Caesar Trump’s Wehrmacht legions trundle ever onwards
March 23, 2025

With the Caesars past and present, it is always offence and never defence.

Architects of the Syrian Caliphate: who is YOUR favourite Lord Haw-Haw?
March 19, 2025

The rise to power of the Syrian Caliphate has many fathers and this article has tried to highlight some of its smallest, slimiest and skankiest midwives.

Architects of the Syrian Caliphate: who is YOUR favourite Lord Haw-Haw?
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EU ‘looking into’ funding Radio Free Europe after Trump cuts budget
Editor's Сhoice
EU ‘looking into’ funding Radio Free Europe after Trump cuts budget
March 19, 2025

Washington terminated its contracts with the CIA-founded media brand after finding “national security violations” and hundreds of millions spent on “fake news” to promote the liberal agenda.

Tom Holland and the use of Christianity against Islam
March 16, 2025

Anglophone atheists are plotting to frame Christianity along the supremacist lines of Josiah Strong, ready to annihilate inferior Arabs under the pretext of the Islamic threat.

Tom Holland and the use of Christianity against Islam
Western pundits should stop writing idiotic nonsense about Russia’s economy
Western pundits should stop writing idiotic nonsense about Russia’s economy
March 16, 2025

In this war of attrition, Ukraine, and Europe, will run out of money first.

Negociando una paz duradera en Ucrania
March 14, 2025

Ucrania tendrá que ceder más territorio del que habría cedido en abril de 2022, cuando Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido le convencieron para que firmara un acuerdo de paz, pero ganará soberanía y acuerdos de seguridad internacional.

Negociando una paz duradera en Ucrania