Tag: War Crimes

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Is seeking to stop a war a crime?
Editor's Сhoice
Is seeking to stop a war a crime?
December 20, 2024

Whistleblowers and other government activists need to be heard By Philip GIRALDI Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su The early November detention of Asif Rahman, a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, indicted in a federal national security court in the […]

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroic women of the Syrian Arab Republic
December 20, 2024

The patriotic women and children of Syria must be helped, until the tide turns, which it will, if those of us who remain, learn the lessons and keep the faith.

Declan Hayes: My personal Christmas salute to the heroic women of the Syrian Arab Republic
Looking into the abyss: A journey through Damascus after Assad’s fall
Editor's Сhoice
Looking into the abyss: A journey through Damascus after Assad’s fall
December 19, 2024

With Assad’s government toppled, Syria teeters between fragile hopes for peace and the looming threat and chaos of militant rule. The Cradle’s correspondent crosses an open border into a city alive with jubilation but, in many areas, still plagued by war, fear, and an uncertain future.

Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
December 18, 2024

Gli israeliani in genere festeggiano le loro “vittorie”. Questa euforia peserà con le élite imprenditoriali statunitensi?

Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
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EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
December 17, 2024

La ambición de Netanyahu de transformar la región mediante la guerra, que se remonta a casi tres décadas, se está desarrollando ante nuestros ojos.

Syria: the death of a civilization
December 15, 2024

Syria was an imperfect yet incontestably successful pattern of civilisation, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Syria: the death of a civilization
La autopsia de Siria: Terror, ocupación y Palestina
La autopsia de Siria: Terror, ocupación y Palestina
December 14, 2024

La cábala OTAN-Israel que alienta la caída de Damasco obtendrá más de lo que esperaba. Luchas de poder y luchas intestinas entre las milicias extremistas y la sociedad civil, cada una respaldada por diferentes actores regionales y extranjeros que quieren un trozo del pastel.

West shamelessly whitewashes barbarism in Syria
December 13, 2024

The people of Syria and the region are facing more turmoil, chaos, conflict, and suffering.

West shamelessly whitewashes barbarism in Syria