Tag: Vatican

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The Odessa File: Who does Catherine the Great’s city belong to?
The Odessa File: Who does Catherine the Great’s city belong to?
July 31, 2024

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city.

Archbishop Viganò’s case against the Pope
June 30, 2024

As the elderly Francis is set in his ways, he is unlikely to get his Damascene moment this side of the Pearly Gates or, for that matter, Davy Jones’ locker.

Archbishop Viganò’s case against the Pope
Bring back the real Olympians
Bring back the real Olympians
June 28, 2024

All those athletes competing in Paris for the Small States of Europe should remember that they are but bit players in a NATO funded charade Macron, Zelensky and Sloppy Pants Biden have degraded beyond recovery or repair.

Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
June 26, 2024

The initiation by the Vatican of canonical proceedings against gadfly Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano marks a significant new development in the deepening crisis within the Roman Catholic church.

Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
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Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
June 2, 2024

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

Rome rules on the theory and practice of anti-Semitism
May 14, 2024

Although the Vatican has a role to play in bringing peace to Palestine, Ukraine and a thousand other conflict arenas, it must really do much better than Fr Neuhaus’ feeble, Jesuitical effort to square circles and justify the unjustifiable.

Rome rules on the theory and practice of anti-Semitism
Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
May 14, 2024

l Vaticano publicó este lunes un documento dedicado al respeto de la “dignidad humana” en el que denuncia prácticas como el cambio de sexo o la maternidad subrogada.

Don’t play God! Pope Francis takes a stand against “gender theory”
April 10, 2024

It is the time for educators in the U.S. to heed both the advice of the pope and scientific studies and reverse their stance on gender theory.

Don’t play God! Pope Francis takes a stand against “gender theory”