Tag: Uzbekistan

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China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
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China springs a BRI surprise on U.S.
June 12, 2024

The report of the death of China’s Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all. Within days of the US President Joe Biden’s acerbic remark during an interview last week with the Time magazine that the BRI has “become a nuisance graveyard initiative,” a trilateral intergovernmental agreement to commence construction work on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan [CKU] railway project was signed in Beijing on Thursday. 

Main Trade Partners of Former Soviet Republics
March 21, 2024

The Soviet Union broke up in 1991 with fifteen independent states arising instead. Check out our infographic to learn what these states’ main trade partners are more than thirty years on.

Main Trade Partners of Former Soviet Republics
From Bukhara to BRICS, Searching for Light in the Darkness of Insanity
From Bukhara to BRICS, Searching for Light in the Darkness of Insanity
August 16, 2023

On the SCO, Russia, China, India, Iran and Pakistan sit at the same table, writes Pepe Escobar.

‘Samarkand Spirit’ to Be Driven by ‘Responsible Powers’ Russia and China
September 19, 2022

The SCO summit of Asian power players delineated a road map for strengthening the multipolar world

‘Samarkand Spirit’ to Be Driven by ‘Responsible Powers’ Russia and China
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Going to Samarkand
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Going to Samarkand
July 30, 2022

The SCO and other pan-Eurasian organizations play a completely different – respectful, consensual – ball game. And that’s why they are catching the full attention of most of the Global South.

Does the New U.S.-led ‘Quad’ With Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan Have China in Its Sights?
August 8, 2021

Little is known about the new quadrilateral framework announced last month between the United States, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan except that it is aimed at enhancing regional connectivity.

Does the New U.S.-led ‘Quad’ With Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan Have China in Its Sights?
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What Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know About Uzbekistan
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What Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know About Uzbekistan
September 8, 2016

Death is usually a sad event. The passing of a world leader, particularly one who brought stability to a tense part of the Muslim world for several decades, is typically cause for concern.

Karimov’s Death Opens the Way for ISIS
September 5, 2016

Islam Karimov is one of the two heads of the former Soviet states who had been ruling the country since independence in 1991. The other one is the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev (age 76). After Karimov’s death, a country where power was centralized in one man, risks falling into destabilization.

Karimov’s Death Opens the Way for ISIS
Editor's Сhoice