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USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
June 18, 2024

While a great deal of controversies have arisen in the world-wide activities of USAID it may be worthwhile to explore its attempts of preventing individuals from finding information that challenges official narratives.

U.S. government helps pro-Ukraine media spread propaganda and silence American critics
May 24, 2024

Media outlets organized with substantial funding and direction from the U.S. government have supported censorship, disseminated disinfo, and sought to silence American critics of the war.

U.S. government helps pro-Ukraine media spread propaganda and silence American critics
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. helps pro-Ukraine media run a fog machine of war
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. helps pro-Ukraine media run a fog machine of war
April 28, 2024

Ukraine’s American-backed fight against Russia is being waged not only in the blood-soaked trenches of the Donbas region but also on what military planners call the cognitive battlefield – to win hearts and minds.

Manual de desinformação da USAID
April 8, 2024

Um relatório da Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) descreve a forma como a agência governamental encoraja os governos, as plataformas tecnológicas, os meios de comunicação tradicionais e os anunciantes a trabalharem em conjunto para censurar grandes áreas da Internet.

Manual de desinformação da USAID
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Manual de desinformación de USAID: censura global en nombre de la democracia
Manual de desinformación de USAID: censura global en nombre de la democracia
March 27, 2024

Un informe de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) describe cómo la agencia gubernamental ha estado alentando a los gobiernos, las plataformas tecnológicas, los medios de comunicación tradicionales y los anunciantes a trabajar juntos para censurar grandes franjas de Internet.

USAID’s Disinformation Primer: Global Censorship in the Name of Democracy
March 22, 2024

By Lan MACLEOD ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su A report from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) outlines how the government agency has been encouraging governments, tech platforms, establishment media outlets and advertisers to work together to censor […]

USAID’s Disinformation Primer: Global Censorship in the Name of Democracy
Editor's Сhoice
Informes revelan que la DEA usó criminales para espiar y desestabilizar a Venezuela, México y Bolivia
Informes revelan que la DEA usó criminales para espiar y desestabilizar a Venezuela, México y Bolivia
February 28, 2024

En su extenso informe, el experto en geopolítica, Ben Norton, expuso que los programas de intervención de la DEA han tenido como objetivo al presidente Nicolás Maduro, al expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, y al presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

U.S. Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide
October 12, 2023

Samantha Power, Presidents Obama and Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken do not care about Armenia, or Armenians wherever they are.

U.S. Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide