Tag: US Army

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La crisi dei reclutamenti nelle forze armate Usa solleva il velo su una società in pezzi
La crisi dei reclutamenti nelle forze armate Usa solleva il velo su una società in pezzi
February 5, 2025

C’è una crisi di personale nell’esercito americano. Oltre al calo dell’attrattiva delle forze armate come luogo di lavoro, questo potrebbe anche indicare il degrado della società americana.

The bombs land softer when a Latina lesbian drops them
October 28, 2024

Listening to Chris Hedges and Cornel West the other day, I heard them use the term “multicultural militarism” to describe the Democratic Party’s embrace of war and the U.S. military.

The bombs land softer when a Latina lesbian drops them
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America Is Bringing Back the Draft
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America Is Bringing Back the Draft
June 18, 2024

Is Congress willing to recognize the major problems a mandatory draft will create?

The U.S. Military’s Alleged Recruiting Crisis Isn’t the Problem
December 4, 2023

America Must Reignite Its Distrust of Large Standing Militaries

The U.S. Military’s Alleged Recruiting Crisis Isn’t the Problem
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The Armchair General Takes a Seat
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The Armchair General Takes a Seat
October 2, 2023

Mark Milley ended 43 years of service Friday with little fanfare and less awareness of the extreme dishonor with which he conducted his military career, especially the final years in which he served at the nation’s highest uniformed post.

Pentagon Misled Congress About U.S. Bases in Africa
September 13, 2023

Since a cadre of U.S.-trained officers joined a junta that overthrew Niger’s democratically elected president in late July, more than 1,000 U.S. troops have been largely confined to their Nigerien outposts, including America’s largest drone base in the region, Air Base 201 in Agadez.

Pentagon Misled Congress About U.S. Bases in Africa
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The Perpetual Wars You Aren’t Supposed to Notice
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The Perpetual Wars You Aren’t Supposed to Notice
August 10, 2023

In his message to the troops prior to the July 4th weekend, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin offered high praise indeed. “We have the greatest fighting force in human history,” he tweeted, connecting that claim to the U.S. having patriots of all colors, creeds, and backgrounds “who bravely volunteer to defend our country and our values.”

The Mainstream Media’s Unwillingness to Challenge U.S. Militarization
June 4, 2023

The Washington Post finally conceded in an editorial last week that the United States must “spend smarter” when it comes to defense.  Instead of looking for ways to cut defense spending, however, the Post simply wants to spend differently. 

The Mainstream Media’s Unwillingness to Challenge U.S. Militarization
Editor's Сhoice