Está claro, conforme a lo que indicó el presidente Nicolás Maduro en la Cumbre de la Celac, que Venezuela seguirá apostando por replicar acuerdos que promueven y fortalecen la integración bilateral y regional por los beneficios compartidos que generan, así como por la complementariedad que producen.

Trump and his team of neocons will now concentrate their efforts on overthrowing Maduro and subjecting his last remaining allies to regime change operations, Wayne Madsen writes.

The pursuit of hegemony is part and parcel of US policy in Latin America. Any attempt to take independent foreign policy decisions by a Latin America state is perceived by the White House as a challenge. The Obama administration has applied great efforts to destabilize the governments and countries in the Western Hemisphere that refuse to dance to the Washington’s tune…

It is not that important from what source U.S. intelligence received a signal that Edward Snowden would be transported out of Russia on the airplane of Bolivian President Evo Morales; the important thing is that the information turned out to be disinformation. Through allied governments in Europe – France, Italy, Spain and Portugal – Washington tried to organize a humiliating inspection of the presidential airplane in violation of all international conventions and treaties on the immunity of state leaders…