Tag: UN International Court
Si las apariencias de los humanos engañan, con mayor razón lo hacen cuando se trata de instituciones. Por ejemplo, la OEA que en Venezuela y para un sector de la política era una institución justa y poco dada a escándalos, desde la llegada del inefable Almagro tiene menos credibilidad que el Tren de Aragua.
El juez de la Corte Internacional de Justicia Patrick Robinson cree que los países occidentales deben pagar indemnizaciones de varios billones a los Gobiernos del Caribe.
The situation in Libya is continuing to develop alarmingly. The current situation in the country is characterised by a complete lack of any signs of a state system. Libya is being devoured by civil war, disintegration, and the seizure of its territory by a huge variety of forces, most notably the Islamic State. Despite the fact that Prime Minister al-Thani took part in the recently concluded African Union summit in Johannesburg as the head of Libya, suggesting that he is actually the one ruling the country would be a sad joke. And although al-Thani’s government is actually recognised by the African Union (and the majority of other countries) as ‘legitimate’, this is more out of despair…
The term legal imperialism was coined in relation to the Argentina’s public debt. A New York court admitted a number of private claims to hand down a verdict. By a stroke of hand a judge increased the country’s debt up to $120 billion, according to experts’ estimates. The essence of legal imperialism is the support rendered by Anglo-Saxon legal system to financial vultures… The decision handed down by the Hague-based International Arbitration Court in the Russian oil giant Yukos case upon the claim of foreign shareholders is the example of how the legal imperialism works…