Tag: UN Human Rights Council

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UN will soon try to enforce open borders as a ‘human right’
Editor's Сhoice
UN will soon try to enforce open borders as a ‘human right’
October 20, 2018

The document in question, is the draft text for the so-called Global Compact for Migration for UN member states. It is more or less a globalist project where all signatory states declare their will to abolish the current different categories of migrants in order to declare migration a blanket “human right”.

The United States Withdraws from the World
June 28, 2018

There is clearly a disinclination on the part of the Trump Administration to support multinational bodies. Complete withdrawal from the United Nations is not unthinkable.

The United States Withdraws from the World
Human Rights Hypocrisy in Washington Reaches New Levels
Human Rights Hypocrisy in Washington Reaches New Levels
June 27, 2018

An Administration that is based on hatred and intolerance pays no attention to accountability and justice. Human rights hypocrisy snarls from the twisted lips behind the Golden Door to Washington.

America Forfeits Its Influence at the UN
June 22, 2018

Nikki Haley's withdrawal from the Human Rights Council might feel good, but it leaves America weaker and worse off.

America Forfeits Its Influence at the UN
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US Leaves UNHRC: Big Step to Isolation
US Leaves UNHRC: Big Step to Isolation
June 21, 2018

While lecturing others on human rights, values and freedom, the US is far from being lily-white but it wants no curbs on what it does and no criticism, objections and discussions.

US Gets Increasingly Isolated Internationally
October 22, 2017

In theory, a state complaint procedure of the UN Human Rights committee could be launched according to Article 41 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – that way the UN would have to deal with the matter. 

US Gets Increasingly Isolated Internationally
US Kicks UN in the Guts
US Kicks UN in the Guts
March 18, 2017

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the United States will not continue participating in the Human Rights Council unless the UN rights agency undergoes «considerable reform».

US Adopts Negative Approach to United Nations
March 2, 2017

On February 16, Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the UN, called out the HRC for «breathtaking double standards» and «outrageously biased resolutions» against Israel, during a press conference after her meeting with the UN Security Council. She lashed out at the council for failing to discuss the buildup of illegal Hezbollah weapons, provided by Iran; strategies for defeating the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group; or holding Syrian President Bashar Assad accountable for the alleged crimes against civilians. 

US Adopts Negative Approach to United Nations