Tag: Donald Tusk
The announcement that Poland’s new Europhile prime minister Donald Tusk is the latest recipient of the Chatham House Prize for “restoring democracy” in his country has met with widespread derision. Critics have pointed out how his government has jailed opposition MPs, deployed police against the state broadcaster, and purged the judiciary six months after taking office.
Tusk cannot abide the idea of anyone resisting his vision of a united Europe projecting its bureaucratic nightmare on the rest of the world.
Anyone who haggled about the price of a carpet in a Turkish bazaar knows these guys are more reptilian than Henry Kissinger. They always get what they want by letting you leave with the impression you got what you want for a price way higher than you were initially inclined to pay…
The EU and Turkey have held an emergency summit amid the worsening dispute between those parties over issues such as the effectiveness of Turkey’s use of the funds allocated by the EU for the resettlement of refugees, protection from illegal migration across the EU’s external borders, and assistance to Greece – a transit point for most of these displaced people. However, as much as can be understood from Angela Merkel’s speeches and interviews, there will be no review of the migration policy of the EU as a whole…