Tag: Turkish Stream

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Russia, Turkey, and the Balkans
Russia, Turkey, and the Balkans
December 10, 2016

It is possible that a decisive breakthrough has been made in the project to build the Turkish Stream pipeline, which is intended to be a key element in the energy security of the Balkans and all of Southeastern Europe. Turkey’s parliament has overwhelmingly ratified the Oct. 10 agreement between Moscow and Ankara to build a gas pipeline, and the relevant document has been signed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

Will Russia and Turkey Change the Energy Map of Europe?
September 10, 2016

The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during the G20 Summit in Hangzhou has given fresh impetus to bilateral relations and joint projects. This primarily relates to the construction of the Turkish Stream pipeline, which may become one of the key elements of a new gas pipeline infrastructure in Europe…

Will Russia and Turkey Change the Energy Map of Europe?
New Expectations for Turkish Stream and More
New Expectations for Turkish Stream and More
August 5, 2016

Plans to build the Turkish Stream gas pipeline have reappeared on the political agenda of Moscow and Ankara. After the July 26-27 talks between Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and his Turkish counterpart, Mehmet Şimşek, both parties confirmed their willingness to resume a dialog on issues of mutual interest. And Turkey’s minister of the economy, Nihat Zeybekci, has emphasized that the period of conflict between the two countries has in no way affected the Turkish Stream project…

Russia has enough gas for everyone
July 4, 2015

The June 26 speech by Alexey Miller, the chairman of the board of Gazprom, at the annual general meeting of shareholders proved to be a cold shower for all those who hoped that Russia would pull out of Europe’s gas markets. Despite the fact that much of his report was devoted to Gazprom’s operations in the Russian Far East, the data Miller provided confirmed that Russian gas will not be squeezed out of Europe’s energy balance. Moreover, in the coming years Russian gas supplies will continue to play a steadily larger role in ensuring European energy security…

Russia has enough gas for everyone
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Election in Turkey and European Energy Security
Election in Turkey and European Energy Security
June 13, 2015

The June 7 parliamentary election in Turkey changed the political situation in the country. The Justice and Development Party (Turkish: Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi – AKP) failed to hold a sweeping victory its leaders had hoped for. The Republican People's Party (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi  – CHP), the Nationalist Movement Party (Turkish: Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, MHP) and pro-Kurdish Party got enough votes to form a coalition, [1] though the contradictions between nationalists and Kurds make such an association hardly feasible…

Gas Supplies from Russia: Prospects for Balkan Route
June 7, 2015

The Russian gas supplies to the Balkans are a burning issue to influence the development of Russia’s relationship with the states of the region and the European Union. The plans to build new routes provoke plots of complicated political intrigue and maneuvering…

Gas Supplies from Russia: Prospects for Balkan Route
Macedonian Crisis: Uneasy Conscience Betrays Itself
Macedonian Crisis: Uneasy Conscience Betrays Itself
May 30, 2015

…According to the recent news from Skopje, Nikola Gruevski said he would join the Turkish Stream and let it pass across the country’s territory only on the condition the plan is approved by European Commission. As soon as he said that, the criticism against him began to die down. EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn is expected to visit the country on June 1. Together with US Ambassador Jess Baily (his participation gives an idea on who in reality controls the situation) they will try to act as intermediaries in an effort to make peace between the government and the opposition. The whole country was brought to the verge of civil war and dozens of people were sacrificed to serve the mercantile interests.

USA vs. Turkey: «Energy Wars» Battlefront News (II)
May 29, 2015

As «energy wars» are in full swing, the United States is pursuing its own goals. Exerting pressure on Turkey is part of this policy. Washington wants Ankara to abandon the cooperation with Russia and dance to the tune of Euro-Atlantic Alliance instead. The US-Turkey differences go far beyond the energy agenda. Actually, the United States and NATO put into doubt the right of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to define the national internal and external policies…

USA vs. Turkey: «Energy Wars» Battlefront News (II)