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La guerra dei microchip continua
La guerra dei microchip continua
January 21, 2025

La guerra dei microchip continua e potrebbe presto prendere una nuova direzione. Da essa dipenderanno molti degli eventi geopoliticamente significativi del 20225, e non solo.

The microchip war continues
January 19, 2025

The microchip war continues and may soon take a new direction. Many of the geopolitically significant events of 20225 and beyond will depend on it.

The microchip war continues
Microchip, Mare, Guerra
Microchip, Mare, Guerra
January 11, 2025

Ormai manca poco: non appena un sufficiente numero di fabbriche di microchip saranno delocalizzate dalla Cina all’Europa, gli USA non avranno più motivo di aspettare: a Taiwan sarà guerra.

U.S. Calls for Bombing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry… Nord Stream Sabotage Redux
May 15, 2023

Taiwan is facing the curse of being an ally of Uncle Sam in the same way that Germany and the rest of Europe have.

U.S. Calls for Bombing Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry… Nord Stream Sabotage Redux
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Why the United States Has Set Itself Up for Failure in the Semiconductor Race for Military Supremacy
Why the United States Has Set Itself Up for Failure in the Semiconductor Race for Military Supremacy
August 31, 2022

Doomsday prophesising of how China’s days are numbered and that it is in the midst of an economic collapse could not be any further from reality.