Tag: Tsipras

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China’s Belt and Road Continues to Win Over Europe While Technocrats Scream and Howl
China’s Belt and Road Continues to Win Over Europe While Technocrats Scream and Howl
April 20, 2019

The new model of development which has increasingly won over central, and eastern Eurasian countries as well as Greece and Italy have provided a breath of fresh air for citizens everywhere who are looking with despair upon a Trans-Atlantic system.

Russian President Wraps Up Visit to Greece
May 30, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin has just wrapped up a working visit (May 27-28) to Greece in the context of the votive Greece-Russia Year 2016…

Russian President Wraps Up Visit to Greece
Captain Tsipras оn Stormy European Sea
Captain Tsipras оn Stormy European Sea
September 27, 2015

In many ways, Alexis Tsipras’ victory in the recent early parliamentary elections is even more significant than the Syriza coalition’s success in January or even the results of the July referendum on Greece’s relationship with its creditors. The radical left party’s first rise to power was ‘by contradiction’ – a response to the majority of voters’ disillusionment in the demagogy and impotence of the former ‘pillars’ of the Greek political stage represented by the New Democracy politicians and PASOK. Now it seemed that this factor would work against Tsipras, but it didn’t…