Tag: Tibet

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How Russia can help ease tensions in the Himalayas
Editor's Сhoice
How Russia can help ease tensions in the Himalayas
September 7, 2020

Russia is the only country that can act as facilitator for any eventual Chinese-Indian rapprochement. Russian diplomacy has shown to be adept at sequestering the country’s respective relationships with India and China.

Nuclear Rivals Clash in the Himalayas
June 21, 2020

Last week, the world’s most populous nations, India and China, both nuclear armed, clashed in the high Himalayan region of Ladakh.

Nuclear Rivals Clash in the Himalayas
Editor's Сhoice
US Visa Ban on China imposed over Tibet
US Visa Ban on China imposed over Tibet
December 23, 2018

Trump and his Republican Party have decided to re-launch a cold war atop the “roof of the world” in the Himalayas.

A Whiff of Sino-Indian Détente Is in the Air
April 25, 2018

The doomsday predictions of an impending India-China confrontation in the Himalayas are petering out. The two countries are earnestly exploring a pathway to lead them to a détente.

A Whiff of Sino-Indian Détente Is in the Air
Editor's Сhoice
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This Could Be the Way to Diffuse Sino-Indian Border Tensions
This Could Be the Way to Diffuse Sino-Indian Border Tensions
August 24, 2017

There is but one way to diffuse the tension along the 4,056-kilometer Sino-Indian border. The neutrality of the current buffer states of Nepal and Bhutan must be recognized in full by Beijing and Delhi. 

India-China Standoff Sets Precedents in Regional Security
July 11, 2017

A month-long India-China standoff in the tangled mountains of the Himalayas threatens to snowball into conflict. The circumstances are enveloped in thick fog endemic to those remote mountains at 10000 feet above sea level – and to the complicated India-China relationship…

India-China Standoff Sets Precedents in Regional Security
Conflict Danger Atop the ‘Roof of the World’
Conflict Danger Atop the ‘Roof of the World’
July 3, 2017

A recent series of military confrontations between Chinese troops on one side and Indian and Bhutanese troops on the other in a remote tri-border area in the Himalayas threatens to become a wider conflict unless wiser diplomatic heads prevail. With the eclipse of the United States as a major player in international relations, particularly in the Indian subcontinent, it is now up to regional players to avoid old border disputes from growing into a replay of the 1962 Sino-Indian border war.

China Throws Gauntlet at India’s ‘Strong Man’ Modi
March 8, 2017

Hyperbole and daydreaming have been two distinguishing traits of Indian foreign policy under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration.

China Throws Gauntlet at India’s ‘Strong Man’ Modi
Editor's Сhoice