Tag: Temer
The Rio Olympics are gone – Bolt, Phelps, Neymar, the green pool, the Ugly American Lochte and all – but a global audience may have been spared a shameful last act. Mediocre incompetent opportunist, corrupt coward traitor, and certified political usurper, interim President Michel Temer, refused to go to the closing ceremony, afraid of being booed out of a packed Maracana stadium. According to the latest polls, 79% of Brazilians want Temer The Usurper out. Now…
A US State Department cable that Wikileaks published on 5 March 2011 and that concerns the newly appointed President of Brazil but that has nonetheless been ignored by Western ‘news’ media (such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, CNN, BBC, etc.), reported the latest inside information that the US government’s secret Brazilian agent in Sao Paulo had just supplied…
No doubt, US special services are behind the crisis in Brazil. Now they continue to control the events. Compromising evidence against the leadership of the Workers’ Party, the top officials of Petrobras, a state-owned oil company, and the inner circles of President Dilma Rousseff and former President Lula da Silva has been leaked as part of an operation to undermine the «hostile regime»…