Tag: Syrian National Council

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Getting to the bottom of the rebels’ chemical weapons use in Syria
Getting to the bottom of the rebels’ chemical weapons use in Syria
September 11, 2013

There is little doubt that Syrian rebels, including the Al Qaeda affiliate, the Jabhat Al Nusra, have been in possession of chemical weapons in Syria and have used these weapons against civilians and Syrian government forces. The U.S. intelligence that Syrian forces used chemical weapons has, according to CBS News, been has been rated as «low to moderate» confidence, hardly believable enough for America to launch an attack on Syria… One likely source is the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)–funded Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research outside of Tbilisi, Georgia in the town of Alekseyeva…

US Makes Syria an ‘Offer it Can’t Refuse’ – again
May 25, 2013

In Mafia terms, it’s called «making an offer that can’t be refused». The «offer» is not one of free choice between options that may benefit the object party. In reality, it is about setting up a scenario of duress, under which the object party is coerced to capitulate to detrimental terms of extreme prejudice determined cynically by the other party. This is the scenario that Washington and its NATO allies are contriving for the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad…

US Makes Syria an ‘Offer it Can’t Refuse’ – again
The new game in the «Syrian opposition»: the redistribution of roles and functions
The new game in the «Syrian opposition»: the redistribution of roles and functions
December 3, 2012

After a failed attempt to start a comprehensive civil war in Syria, the West began to sculpt the image of the «Syrian opposition» in a new way. So far the «alternative» to the government of Bashar al-Assad, sitting in Turkey, is the Syrian National Council (SNC, also called the «Istanbul council»); it is funded by Qatar and is under the full control of French military intelligence, the General Directorate of External Security (DGSE). Most of the members of the Istanbul council are representatives of the «Muslim Brotherhood». The main fighting force is still directed by Turkey and it equips the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which is recruited from Syrian army deserters and criminals, «al-Qaeda» insurgents, Salafists and jihadists…

Syria the Bleeding and Spreading Wound (III)
November 22, 2012

As was expected the meeting of Syrian insurgents / opponents of the Bashar regime in Doha hosted by Qatar but having the strong backing of the USA and its allies along with the GCC countries came up with a creation of a new Syrian Opposition group called «The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces»… The 12 point agreement to set up the Coalition would create a Supreme Military Council, a Judicial Committee and a transitional government-in-waiting of technocrats. It was also agreed that the parties work «for the fall of the regime and of all its symbols and pillars," and would rule out any dialogue with Assad's government…

Syria the Bleeding and Spreading Wound (III)
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An Overview of the Flagging Syrian National Council
An Overview of the Flagging Syrian National Council
March 31, 2012

The Syrian National Council (SNC) is starting to turn in on itself as Damascus has proved to be strongly resilient in weathering the storm. From the start the SNC was not a popular or representative body and it now appears on the decline even with foreign sponsorship and the continuous supplying of weapons from members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to its fighters on the ground in Syria…