Tag: Steinmeier

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German President Visits Moscow: Fostering Dialogue Between Russia and the West
German President Visits Moscow: Fostering Dialogue Between Russia and the West
October 27, 2017

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Germany and Russia needed to improve badly frayed bilateral relations. He met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on October 25.

What to Expect from Frank-Walter Steinmeier As New German President
February 13, 2017

On February 12, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany’s former Foreign Minister, was elected President as the agreed-upon candidate of the CDU, CSU and SPD parties that form the German government coalition…

What to Expect from Frank-Walter Steinmeier As New German President
Trump’s Biggest Test So Far
Editor's Сhoice
Trump’s Biggest Test So Far
December 9, 2016

On December 7th, was posed the biggest test so far of the mettle of America’s President-Elect, Donald Trump.

Sixteen European States Led by Germany Want Arms Control Agreement With Russia
November 28, 2016

Fifteen European states have supported Germany’s initiative to launch discussions with Russia on a new arms control agreement. «Europe's security is in danger», German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Die Welt newspaper in an interview published on November 25. «As difficult as ties to Russia may currently be, we need more dialogue, not less»…

Sixteen European States Led by Germany Want Arms Control Agreement With Russia
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Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Become President of Germany: Russia’s Perspective
Frank-Walter Steinmeier to Become President of Germany: Russia’s Perspective
November 20, 2016

Germany's ruling coalition has backed Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier as the country's next president, succeeding Joachim Gauck, whose five-year term ends in February, 2017…

Germany Calls for New Arms Control Deal with Russia
August 31, 2016

European security is under threat.  The entire system of existing arms control agreements is being eroded. With almost every channel of negotiation deadlocked, the Old Continent is facing the most challenging crisis it cannot ignore. The danger of a new arms race looms large. History has many examples of international crises and tensions that developed a momentum of their own and resulted in conflict. The voices calling to urgently address the issue are getting louder…

Germany Calls for New Arms Control Deal with Russia
German Foreign Minister Accuses NATO of Warmongering
German Foreign Minister Accuses NATO of Warmongering
June 22, 2016

NATO has expedited the process of concentrating forces at the Russian border. But its activities are not limited to the deployment of troops and ships. The bloc’s leadership states that it may now have grounds to use force if a major cyberattack is launched against it by persons in a non-alliance country like Russia. Such an action could trigger a collective response by NATO. «A severe cyberattack may be classified as a case for the alliance. Then NATO can and must react», NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview published by Germany’s Bild newspaper on June 16…

Another War in Europe? In Whose Name?
January 4, 2015

The differences between Steinmeier and Merkel on Russia periodically get into the German media’s radar screen, though it’s hard to grasp the gist of it. Social Democrat Steinmeier is concerned over possible deterioration of economic situation. So what? German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble of the ChristianDemocratic Union of Germanyis also concerned over the anti-Russia sanctions but does not support the idea of lifting or at least easing them. The rhetoric of Social Democrats appears to be a bit less tough but it has no influence on Berlin. There is an impression that Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Steinmeier just put on an act – a badly played amateur performance. It’s not even “a bad cop-good cop” classic game but rather it’s “a bad cop (Merkel) – a not so bad cop (Steinmeier)” version. Such performances lack of taste and depth. Anyway, playing such roles will hardly enhance the German liberals’ credibility.

Another War in Europe? In Whose Name?