Tag: Space

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Destabilizing the U.S.-Russian nuclear balance
Editor's Сhoice
Destabilizing the U.S.-Russian nuclear balance
July 15, 2024

Natylie Baldwin interviews Theodore Postol of MIT on the implications of reports that Ukraine recently struck a radar used by Russia’s nuclear early-warning system.

U.S. Militarizes Space While Accusing Russia of Doing So
February 20, 2024

Rumors about “Russian space-based nukes” look like a smokescreen.

U.S. Militarizes Space While Accusing Russia of Doing So
EUA militarizam o espaço enquanto acusam a Rússia de fazê-lo
EUA militarizam o espaço enquanto acusam a Rússia de fazê-lo
February 19, 2024

Os rumores sobre “armas nucleares russas alocadas no espaço” parecem uma cortina de fumaça.

Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic
February 16, 2024

Two “breaking news” items this week provided a timely opportunity for the United States and its media-intelligence apparatus to regain control of the narrative.

Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic
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Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space
Editor's Сhoice
Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space
July 27, 2023

These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter.

Take Us to Your Leader
June 11, 2023

A NASA team tasked with looking into reports of UFOs declined to take an actual stance in its first public meeting last week. But a Stanford scientist insisted the week before that he was “100 percent sure” that “aliens have been on Earth a long time and are still here.”

Take Us to Your Leader
Editor's Сhoice
Is the Age of Big Bang Cosmology and ‘the Science of Scarcity’ Finally Coming to an End?
Is the Age of Big Bang Cosmology and ‘the Science of Scarcity’ Finally Coming to an End?
September 3, 2022

The two opposing cosmologies currently at odds with each other (open vs closed systems) strike on the very nature of life vs death, Matthew Ehret writes.

Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 30
August 24, 2021

Despite the reality, smaller minds obviously see space as merely a extension of the fixed rules of imperial geopolitics that have been used for millenia to keep human beings locked like rats in a cage managed by oligarchs, Matt Ehret […]

Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 30