Tag: Somalia

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Pentagon Misled Congress About U.S. Bases in Africa
Editor's Сhoice
Pentagon Misled Congress About U.S. Bases in Africa
September 13, 2023

Since a cadre of U.S.-trained officers joined a junta that overthrew Niger’s democratically elected president in late July, more than 1,000 U.S. troops have been largely confined to their Nigerien outposts, including America’s largest drone base in the region, Air Base 201 in Agadez.

U.S. Troops in Somalia Rise to 900, House Votes Not to Withdraw
May 8, 2023

The presence of US troops in Somalia helps the Islamist insurgency Al Shabaab recruit, exacerbating the very violence they claim to be fighting. But the House has voted down a resolution to withdraw.

U.S. Troops in Somalia Rise to 900, House Votes Not to Withdraw
Editor's Сhoice
The Most Simple and Laziest Form of Journalism? War Reporting, Actually
The Most Simple and Laziest Form of Journalism? War Reporting, Actually
March 29, 2022

The stories practically write themselves for the simple reason that many of the normal requisites of reporting don’t apply in conflict zones.

In Somalia, the U.S. Is Bombing the Very ‘Terrorists’ It Created
August 19, 2021

US and British meddling transformed Somalia’s al-Shabaab into an extremist group, inflaming the humanitarian crisis that persists throughout the country.

In Somalia, the U.S. Is Bombing the Very ‘Terrorists’ It Created
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Forever Wars: Will They Ever End?
Editor's Сhoice
Forever Wars: Will They Ever End?
January 10, 2021

As a senator, Biden voted for that 2001 AUMF, the 2002 AUMF, and then seconded a president who expanded America’s overseas interventions — and nothing in his personal history suggests that he will take the bold actions necessary to follow through on putting an end to America’s overseas conflicts.

Trump’s Ploy in Somalia Could Lead to a Civil War Which Would End Any Hopes of Qatar Deal
December 9, 2020

Just as Bill Clinton had to make his toughest foreign policy decision almost immediately entering the Oval Office, so too will Joe Biden.

Trump’s Ploy in Somalia Could Lead to a Civil War Which Would End Any Hopes of Qatar Deal
Somalia: Trapped in Revolution and Instability
Somalia: Trapped in Revolution and Instability
June 9, 2020

Somalia’s brutal arid landscape and unfortunate colonial borders keep the nation a dry well packed powder keg waiting for the next spark.

Somalia: Erratic U.S. Policy Failure Doesn’t Get Noticed. But a U.S. Diplomat Struggling With an End-of-Career Crisis Might
June 5, 2020

The sheer level of America’s meddling and colossal bungling in Somalia led to Hollywood films like Black Hawk Down. Yet now a U.S. ambassador’s foibles and insecurities appear to be writing a new Hollywood script.

Somalia: Erratic U.S. Policy Failure Doesn’t Get Noticed. But a U.S. Diplomat Struggling With an End-of-Career Crisis Might