Tag: Sociology

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U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition
U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition
July 20, 2024

The political system of the United States does not allow opposition, even though the majority of citizens want one.

Israel y el error de apreciación de la realidad
June 15, 2024

La dura verdad es que la Resistencia ha comprendido la realidad de la situación mejor que sus homólogos occidentales

Israel y el error de apreciación de la realidad
Voters’ views of Trump and Biden differ sharply by religion
Editor's Сhoice
Voters’ views of Trump and Biden differ sharply by religion
May 26, 2024

The latest Pew Research Center survey finds that most registered voters who are White Christians would vote for Republican Donald Trump over Democrat Joe Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today. More than half of White Christians think Trump was a “great” or “good” president and don’t think he broke the law in an effort to change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Biden’s heading Into an election with the lowest approval numbers in modern history, Gallup finds
May 17, 2024

President Joe Biden received the lowest 13th-quarter approval ratings in modern history heading into an election where he hopes to secure a second term, according to a Gallup analysis released on Friday.

Biden’s heading Into an election with the lowest approval numbers in modern history, Gallup finds
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Analysis finds nearly 100% of campus Gaza protests have been peaceful
Editor's Сhoice
Analysis finds nearly 100% of campus Gaza protests have been peaceful
May 13, 2024

“If someone is speaking more about ‘violent encampments’ than they are about violent genocide of the Palestinians, they have a problem reflective of deep and dangerous biases,” said one supporter.

How Americans’ perceive the U.S. greatest enemy, by party
April 12, 2024

A recent Gallup poll revealed Americans’ attitude to the world. While Republicans believe China is the United States’ greatest enemy, Democrats point to Russia. Interestingly, for independent voters, America’s third greatest enemy is America itself.

How Americans’ perceive the U.S. greatest enemy, by party
How Americans View the World
How Americans View the World
March 31, 2024

A recent Gallup poll revealed Americans’ attitude to the world. Interestingly, some of nations seen most unfavorably are also those which experienced U.S.-led wars, occupations and economic blockades.

Majority of Americans Would Not Serve in Event of Another World War
March 27, 2024

Western morale – as witnessed by the lack of desire to serve their countries in the event of another world war – has rarely been so bleak.

Majority of Americans Would Not Serve in Event of Another World War