Tag: Sinn Fein

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Irish Elections and Reunification
Editor's Сhoice
Irish Elections and Reunification
February 15, 2020

If unification is the goal, supporters in the Republic and Ulster will have to be patient, and show that they can deliver a better life for the entire community.

Irish Election Shock Another Nail in Coffin for United Kingdom
February 12, 2020

Sinn Fein is capitalizing on the electoral results to push for its long-coveted goal of full independence from Britain to create a united Ireland.

Irish Election Shock Another Nail in Coffin for United Kingdom
Boris Johnson Is the Luckiest Politician Alive
Editor's Сhoice
Boris Johnson Is the Luckiest Politician Alive
December 17, 2019

Now that Brexit in its current version has been approved by the electorate, it is easy to forget what a weird project it continues to be. Much of what its proponents say is fantasy or simply unrealisable.

Boris Johnson Recklessly Picks at the Scabs of Ireland’s Violent Past
August 15, 2019

The visit of Boris Johnson to Belfast this week reveals once again the mixture of frivolity and ignorance with which the Brexiteers approach Northern Ireland.

Boris Johnson Recklessly Picks at the Scabs of Ireland’s Violent Past
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Britain’s Gambling Tories Now Risk Irish Peace
Britain’s Gambling Tories Now Risk Irish Peace
June 15, 2017

Like a crazed gambler who bet the house – and lost – Theresa May’s Conservative (Tory) government is now doubling down to risk peace in Ireland so that she might cling on to power. Having lost her party’s overall majority in the House of Parliament in last week’s humiliating British general election, May is having to rely on a rabidly sectarian party from Northern Ireland to cobble together a working government.