Tag: Rubio

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UFO Report Provides No New Information but Plenty of Fodder For Cold Warrior Policymakers
Editor's Сhoice
UFO Report Provides No New Information but Plenty of Fodder For Cold Warrior Policymakers
June 26, 2021

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its hotly anticipated UFO report, which at nine pages in length with no new information is about as spectacular a letdown for UFO enthusiasts as you could possibly get.

Bolton’s Firing Opens a New Potential for a Russia-China-USA Alliance
September 17, 2019

With President Trump’s long overdue firing of John Bolton on September 10th, a window into the battle between neocon zombies infesting the White House and Donald Trump was made visible once more.

Bolton’s Firing Opens a New Potential for a Russia-China-USA Alliance
The ‘Boy Toys’ Who Dream of Leading the West
The ‘Boy Toys’ Who Dream of Leading the West
March 26, 2019

When ruling establishments lose every vestige of decency and confidence in public scrutiny, they turn to appointing nonentities as public figureheads, as the only figures weak enough not to threaten them with any hint of independence.

Rubio’s Gloating Betrays US Sabotage in Venezuela Power Blitz
March 14, 2019

The obscenity of American imperialism is that it has inflicted huge social misery in Venezuela from years of sanctions and illegal confiscation of billions of dollars in assets belonging to the nation.

Rubio’s Gloating Betrays US Sabotage in Venezuela Power Blitz
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The Deeper Lessons of Marco Rubio’s Murder Threat Tweet
The Deeper Lessons of Marco Rubio’s Murder Threat Tweet
March 4, 2019

Nothing matters for Rubio but the applause of the moment and that he should be associated with a great foreign policy success: the toppling of the government of Venezuela.

Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls for Maduro to Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate
February 27, 2019

Marco Rubio does not give a shit about the Venezuelan people. Like all Capitol Hill war whores, he only cares about advancing the hegemony of the US-centralized empire.

Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls for Maduro to Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate
Editor's Сhoice
Apply Logan Act Again Against South Florida, Not John Kerry
Apply Logan Act Again Against South Florida, Not John Kerry
September 26, 2018

Marco Rubio is running a virtual right-wing parallel foreign policy on Latin America from his Senate office in Washington.

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style
July 5, 2018

Trump’s words, along with his other rhetoric, were and remain as hollow as his personal integrity and ethics. But they are music to the ears of the military-intelligence-industrial “deep state” that Trump claims he abhors.

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style