Tag: Mitt Romney

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5 Reasons Impeachment Failed
Editor's Сhoice
5 Reasons Impeachment Failed
February 6, 2020

The news cycle has moved quickly ever since Trump’s famous escalator ride. On the day of his acquittal by the Senate, impeachment was perhaps the third biggest story. Even world historical events don’t feel like an especially big deal for longer than 72 hours or so. Trump powers through them and the public tunes into something else. Some other pols, like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, have learned from his example.

Mitt Romney Proposes “Mass-Shooting Insurance”
August 24, 2019

Citizen Jimmy – A David against an army of Goliaths.

Mitt Romney Proposes “Mass-Shooting Insurance”
US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948
US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948
February 3, 2018

Trump’s domestic US policies are even more conservative than Obama’s were, but in the field of foreign policies — at least ones that fall under the rubric of ‘national security’ — Trump is continuing Obama’s policies.

Romney on Russia Revisited
January 3, 2017

Republican Mitt Romney has taken the neocon line, which spins the image of successive US presidents (Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama) attempting to improve Washington's relations with Moscow – leaving the suggestion that Russian behavior makes that advocacy difficult. During his 2012 US presidential bid, Romney was ridiculed by the Democratic Party establishment for his belief that Russia posed the number one geopolitical (or existential) threat to the US…

Romney on Russia Revisited
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Selecting the Next US Secretary of State
Selecting the Next US Secretary of State
November 22, 2016

In the aftermath of his victory, US President-elect Donald Trump has come under scrutiny in his cabinet appointments. Across the political spectrum, concern has been raised over his reported choices for the top diplomatic position of secretary of state…

The last round, or will Obama`s position on Russia save him?
November 1, 2012

One of Obama`s main directions of attack on Romney was on the «Russian Front». Barely concealing a sarcastic grin, the President said to his opponent: «Governor, I'm glad that you recognize «Al-Qaeda» as a threat, because a few months ago you thought that the greatest geopolitical threat to America was Russia … but you probably know that the cold the war ended more than two decades ago»… However, there should also be no delusion, as during the years of the Obama administration, Russia became the main testing ground of modern American technology of «soft» or «smart» power on «not quite friendly territories»…

The last round, or will Obama`s position on Russia save him?
As the Tumult and the Shouting Dies
As the Tumult and the Shouting Dies
October 25, 2012

Well, it’s all over but the voting and in my not terribly humble opinion, President Obama will win in a canter. As Winston Churchill said about prognosticators, I must not only be able to make accurate forecasts but be able to explain afterwards why they didn’t happen. I’m surprised that Mitt Romney did as well as he did – indeed if he gets wins in a few key states such as Ohio and Florida, I’ll likely be eating crow on November 13…

Elections of Self-Destruction
October 25, 2012

According to voluminous polling data, nearly half of all likely voters intend to vote for Romney and other Republicans this year, notwithstanding the party's now slavish devotion to 1) supply-side economics (cutting tax rates, especially on the wealthy and on corporations, on the avowed assumption that this will generate economic growth, and thus serve to enhance tax revenues to compensate for the taxes lost by virtue of lower rates) and 2) trimming the public sector of the economy (because, as they insist categorically, the public sector is wasteful in everything it does)… How, then, are we to understand the decision of approximately half of the country to vote against its own economic interests?..

Elections of Self-Destruction