Tag: Radovan Karadzic

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Britain Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Dr. Karadzic (Well, Not Quite)
Britain Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Dr. Karadzic (Well, Not Quite)
May 20, 2021

In the course of his continually improving cross-examinations, Karadzic managed to deliver quite a few blows to the prosecution’s (or the Tribunal’s, since they are inseparably merged) case.

Dr. Karadzic Takes the Stand
August 23, 2020

The ICTY had to have its cut-out, cartoon character “good and bad guys”, Stephen Karganovic writes. One of its best known cut-out villains is Dr Radovan Karadzic, the war-time leader of the Bosnian Serbs.

Dr. Karadzic Takes the Stand