Tag: Racism

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Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
Israel e os EUA mostram o problema demográfico da democracia liberal
November 29, 2024

A democracia instaura a guerra de todos contra todos, que supostamente antecede o contrato social.

Brasil Paralelo culpa brasileiros e antissionistas pelo wokismo
October 15, 2024

Como é possível que o Brasil importe ideologias dos EUA, que tenha problemas iguais aos dos EUA, mas a causa principal seja a pessoa de Florestan Fernandes?

Brasil Paralelo culpa brasileiros e antissionistas pelo wokismo
Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
September 26, 2024

You have to respect American culture; they sing “oh babe, babe” and dance in tights even in wakes, over the coffin.

Brazilian anti-woke Left can see the CIA hand in racial issues, but not much more
September 2, 2024

Propaganda is powerful, but it is not omnipotent.

Brazilian anti-woke Left can see the CIA hand in racial issues, but not much more
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Culture Foundation
O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas: Doutrina racista e de limpeza étnica
O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas: Doutrina racista e de limpeza étnica
May 1, 2024

Não é possível conhecer com autenticidade o Estado de Israel sem aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a doutrina sionista.

Supporters of the racist ideology of Zionism operating inside the UK civil service
April 30, 2024

If the UK government is serious about tackling extremism, then it should suspend the Jewish Network and take urgent steps to de-radicalize and de-Zionise it.

Supporters of the racist ideology of Zionism operating inside the UK civil service
Editor's Сhoice
¿Cuál es el verdadero carácter del Estado de Israel?
¿Cuál es el verdadero carácter del Estado de Israel?
March 7, 2024

El proyecto sionista, que llevaba medio siglo gestándose, era ideal para dominar esa región del planeta, que conecta Europa con Asia y África, por donde pasan las principales rutas marítimas que controlan el comercio mundial.

Martin Luther King Would Condemn the U.S. Today
January 16, 2024

The official dedication to MLK is more public relations than a genuine reflection of the man’s principles and what he really stood for.

Martin Luther King Would Condemn the U.S. Today