Tag: PKK

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Iraqi mediation efforts between Turkey and Syria
Iraqi mediation efforts between Turkey and Syria
June 3, 2024

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on May 31, his government was working on reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus.

Syrian Civilians Struggle Between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and U.S. Sanctions
August 9, 2023

The U.S. has strangled the Syrian civilians with years of sanctions which have prevented pharmacies and hospitals from ordering special medicines from U.S. and European manufacturers.

Syrian Civilians Struggle Between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and U.S. Sanctions
U.S. Declares War on Turkish Tourism Economy
U.S. Declares War on Turkish Tourism Economy
February 7, 2023

The U.S. State Department has issued warnings and threats to Erdogan if he follows through on his plan to have a neighborly relationship with Syria.

American Forces Needlessly Caught in Turkish Crossfire
December 4, 2022

After a terrorist attack in Istanbul killed six and wounded 81, Turkey retaliated, launching a fierce air campaign against targets it claimed to be Kurdish militias in northern Iraq and Syria supporting the PKK. Whether Erdogan will stop there remains unclear as he threatens Turkey’s fourth ground incursion into Northern Syria since 2016 – a threat he has made without follow through since May 2022.

American Forces Needlessly Caught in Turkish Crossfire
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Greece Follows a Two-Faced Policy Toward Turkey
Greece Follows a Two-Faced Policy Toward Turkey
September 16, 2022

Greece designates the PKK as a terrorist organization, which is the same classification as ISIS. And yet, Greece protects and shelters a group who have slaughtered thousands of men, women, and children of their next-door neighbor.

The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Kurdish Factor
July 24, 2017

…The leaders of the Syrian Kurds must now grapple with the enormous responsibility of making a fateful decision for their people. They can either refrain from throwing obstacles in Damascus’s way, helping to build a new version of the state in which they will have far more rights than they used to have in Syria, or they can choose the opposite path, doing the bidding of what Robert Ford has called the «immoral» foreign politicians and embark on adventures that will end with them losing everything they have gained.

The Secrets of the Syrian War: the Kurdish Factor
President Trump Orders to Arm Syrian Kurds
President Trump Orders to Arm Syrian Kurds
May 13, 2017

The US Defense Department announced on May 9 that President Donald Trump had authorized arming the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a coalition of rebel fighters led – by the United States in Syria, which includes the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) as its main element. The package is to include small arms, machine guns, construction equipment and armored vehicles among the provisions. The decision was taken to boost the SDF firepower before the offensive to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa – the unofficial capital of the Islamic State (IS) group…

Turkey’s Kurds Excluded from Post-Coup National Unity
August 9, 2016

Tens of thousands of people flocked to Station Square in Diyarbakir, Turkey’s largest Kurdish-majority city, July 31 for the biggest gathering there since a twin bomb attack bloodied a pre-election rally of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) last year. For the first time since the deadly attack, the HDP held a rally at the venue to denounce the July 15 coup attempt, but to also warn Ankara against straying from the path of democracy…

Turkey’s Kurds Excluded from Post-Coup National Unity
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