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New Powerful Defense Alliance Changes European Security Landscape
New Powerful Defense Alliance Changes European Security Landscape
November 11, 2018

The EII members will maintain readiness to carry out missions together independently from the United States, the EU or NATO.

The European Intervention Initiative: a New Military Force Established in Europe
June 27, 2018

Whatever is in store for the newborn alliance, this is very bad for NATO, as this news is coming just a couple of weeks before the summit that may break up the bloc.

The European Intervention Initiative: a New Military Force Established in Europe
Brussels Rises in Revolt Against Washington: a Turning Point in the US-European Relationship
Brussels Rises in Revolt Against Washington: a Turning Point in the US-European Relationship
May 19, 2018

The time is ripe for Brussels to stop this sanctions-counter-sanctions mayhem and stake out its own independent policies that will protect European, not US, national interests. May 17 is the day the revolt started and there is no going back. Europe has said goodbye to trans-Atlantic unity.

US, Sweden and Finland Boost Military Cooperation to Form New Alliance
May 14, 2018

The idea of the Russia bogeyman is being exploited by the US in order to reach its foreign-policy goals. Northern Europe is being turned into a hornet’s nest, with its good-neighbor policy gradually being replaced with confrontation that benefits the US but makes the region less secure.

US, Sweden and Finland Boost Military Cooperation to Form New Alliance
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The ‘West vs. Russia’ Paradigm No Longer Viable in a Rapidly Changing World
The ‘West vs. Russia’ Paradigm No Longer Viable in a Rapidly Changing World
March 9, 2018

There are so many smoldering conflicts dividing the West and they are close to breaking through to the surface. The unity of the West is a myth. It is about to break apart and thus alter the global political landscape.

London Offers to Ink New UK-EU Defense Pact: What’s Behind It?
February 21, 2018

With Great Britain becoming a leading member of this new European alliance, US interests will be well protected while the existence of an independent European force will remain a pipe dream.

London Offers to Ink New UK-EU Defense Pact: What’s Behind It?
EU Creates New Defense Pact to Reduce Dependence on US
EU Creates New Defense Pact to Reduce Dependence on US
November 15, 2017

The idea of creating an independent European defense potential has its pros and cons but one thing is indisputable – only a truly European force – not an assortment of national armies operating under the auspices of US-led NATO – can really protect European interests.

Europe Moves Away from US to Become Independent in Terms of Defense Capability
June 10, 2017

The idea to create a European defense structure independent from NATO had been floated for some time. It was a topic for discussions but no concrete steps have been taken to make it come true. It appears to be changing now after US President Trump apparently made no mention of Article 5 or collective defense during the May 25 NATO summit to stun his European allies. «Trump Leaves NATO» was the Carnegie Endowment’s assessment of the event. No such thing ever happened before. It provides a powerful incentive for the Europeans to push ahead with plans to convert the words into deeds. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Europeans "to take our destiny in our hands" and warned that the United States was no longer a reliable partner. Her words marked a turning point.

Europe Moves Away from US to Become Independent in Terms of Defense Capability