Tag: Pentagon

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Up like a rocket: CNN’s Harry Enten says large chunk of Americans think U.S. has been too generous to Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
Up like a rocket: CNN’s Harry Enten says large chunk of Americans think U.S. has been too generous to Ukraine
March 6, 2025

Former President Joe Biden’s administration provided over $175 billion in economic and military aid to Ukraine after the war started in February of 2022. Enten, on “CNN News Central,” explained that at the beginning of the war, few Americans expressed concern that the U.S. was devoting excessive aid to Ukraine, but that sentiment has since surged substantially, especially among Republicans.

Can we really cut half of the military budget? You bet!
February 18, 2025

The wailing sound you heard last Thursday was the chorus of the Beltway warmongers shrieking in despair at President Trump’s suggestion that there was no reason for the United States to be spending one trillion dollars on “defense.”

Can we really cut half of the military budget? You bet!
Editor's Сhoice
Washington drops Ukraine, Israel backs down on Hamas demands
Editor's Сhoice
Washington drops Ukraine, Israel backs down on Hamas demands
February 17, 2025

The two big stories in the news today are the Trump administration saying Ukraine is going to have to give up territory and NATO ambitions in order to secure a peace deal, while Israel appears to retreat from its ceasefire standoff with Hamas.

A paz na Ucrânia à custa da derrota dos povos europeus
February 16, 2025

A “derrota de Putin” será uma pós-verdade, acompanhada da verdadeira derrota dos povos europeus e ucraniano.

A paz na Ucrânia à custa da derrota dos povos europeus
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Diego Garcia, NATO’s Malta of the Indian Ocean, lays bare Trump’s global game plan
Diego Garcia, NATO’s Malta of the Indian Ocean, lays bare Trump’s global game plan
February 13, 2025

Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

The Pentagon is recruiting Elon Musk to help them win a nuclear war
February 12, 2025

Donald Trump has announced his intention to build a gigantic anti-ballistic missile system to counter Chinese and Russian nuclear weapons, and he is recruiting Elon Musk to help him. The Pentagon has long dreamed of constructing an American “Iron Dome.”

The Pentagon is recruiting Elon Musk to help them win a nuclear war
Editor's Сhoice
Le Filippine servono gli interessi degli USA nel Sud-Est asiatico
Le Filippine servono gli interessi degli USA nel Sud-Est asiatico
February 12, 2025

Le Filippine rafforzano la loro alleanza con Stati Uniti, Giappone e Australia attraverso un’esercitazione militare congiunta nel Mar Cinese Meridionale. Mentre Manila sostiene di voler difendere la stabilità regionale, Pechino accusa il Paese di alimentare le tensioni per conto di Washington.

NATO: The case to get out now
February 1, 2025

As to the impending fiscal calamity, just recall this sequence. When Ronald Reagan campaigned against the soaring Federal deficits in 1980 the public debt was $930 billion and about 30% of GDP. But it had erupted to $20 trillion by Donald Trump’s first election, now stands at $36 trillion and 125% of GDP and will be hitting $62 trillion by the mid-2030s.

NATO: The case to get out now
Editor's Сhoice