Tag: Panetta

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US Comes Up With New Defense Concept
US Comes Up With New Defense Concept
October 26, 2012

The USA has come up with a new Americas defense concept. On October 4 the Western Hemisphere Defense Policy Statement saw light outlining the major security vision for the next decade or longer… There is a certain background the Concept came out against… The US intelligence is making systematic efforts to energize the political opposition in Latin American countries deemed unfriendly in Washington. The US influenced media in Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are full of acrimonious anti-government propaganda. The USAID, the agency told to leave Russia this month for meddling into the country’s internal affairs, is notorious for serving as a cover for intelligence efforts many a time aimed at undermining legitimate governments in a number of Latin American countries…

Pentagon’s Subversive Geostrategic Activity in Latin America
May 13, 2012

The U.S. is strengthening its network of military bases in Asia Pacific in anticipation of China's making deeper inroads into the region… Chavez bluntly said that the UNASUR jump to unity over the common defensive doctrine was inspired by the Libyan and other dramas provoked by U.S. interventions. Indeed, there are absolutely no reasons to believe that the Libyan scenario will not some day materialize in Latin America.

Pentagon’s Subversive Geostrategic Activity in Latin America
Panetta and Afghanistan
Panetta and Afghanistan
March 19, 2012

The Afghans have something to hate for those who intruded into their country and have been occupying it for the second dozen of years. The videos of US Marines urinating on a dead Afghan, mockery of Koran by a US pastor, Koran’s burning by US soldiers, regular night raids and living quarters searching, GIs shooting point blank at unarmed people, including children – all of it has led to external manifestation of strong hatred between the population and the occupants that dooms the West’s adventure in Afghanistan to miserable failure…

Next Stop is Pakistan
October 3, 2011

It does appear that for some Pentagon brass, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta; the CIA under former U.S. Central Command and Afghanistan commander General David Petraeus; and top Republican and Democratic politicians that, indeed, Pakistan is next on the target list of nations that will soon be feeling the military muscle of the United States. Unlike other Muslim nations that have been subjected to U.S. military intervention, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya, Pakistan’s ultimate prize for the West is its nuclear weapons arsenal…

Next Stop is Pakistan
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Petraeus at CIA and Panetta at Pentagon: more of the same and worse
Petraeus at CIA and Panetta at Pentagon: more of the same and worse
April 29, 2011

Plans by President Obama to name General David Petraeus, the current commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, replacing Leon Panetta, who will move to the Pentagon as Secretary of Defense, not only represents a continuation of America’s war policy but will result in an increase in America’s bellicose foreign policy around the world…