Tag: Panama Papers

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A Month in the Life of the World’s Richest Man
A Month in the Life of the World’s Richest Man
June 7, 2019

Remember the Panama Papers? First they were about Putin; then when somebody noticed that the word “Putin” didn’t appear anywhere, they were by Putin. But bubbles keep bubbling.

The Money Masters Are Planning to Make the US the World’s Only Offshore Destination
May 18, 2016

The forces of economic degradation have been busy in the United States for several decades now. The US has been losing its industrial base since the 1960s. Manufacturers are moving their plants overseas in order to maximize their profits…

The Money Masters Are Planning to Make the US the World’s Only Offshore Destination
Another Victim of the Panama Papers: Pacific Self-Determination
Another Victim of the Panama Papers: Pacific Self-Determination
April 18, 2016

In yet a further example that the release of the so-called «Panama Papers» furthered the agenda of the United States and its FIVE EYES intelligence allies Australia and New Zealand, there was an immediate condemnation of the role that certain offshore tax haven islands in the Pacific played in the tax avoidance schemes of Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm accused of helping shelter billions of dollars from tax authorities…

CIA’s Putin Smear Becomes Banana Skin for Cameron
April 10, 2016

The Panama Papers on global tax evasion – described as the biggest media leak ever – were obviously primed for yet another political smear against Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was just the latest in a series of Western media campaigns to besmirch the Russian leader going back several years. 

CIA’s Putin Smear Becomes Banana Skin for Cameron
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The Panama Papers: Oozing Slime
Editor's Сhoice
The Panama Papers: Oozing Slime
April 9, 2016

The Panama Papers, a one-year investigation by over 100 reporters worldwide (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalism) of offshore money hiding/laundering/taxation avoidance, is a cause célèbre of underhandedness seldom, if ever, revealed to the world’s public. It is comparable to lifting a rotting log in the woods and finding an active nest of millipedes, red worms, and cockroaches scampering about to escape the bright sunlight. They can’t stand the sunlight because darkness is their life.

«Cherry picking» Leaked Documents: a CIA Art Form
April 8, 2016

The US Central Intelligence Agency, rather than attempt to deter massive leaks of sensitive documents, including classified US government materials, has figured out it is much more advantageous to «cherry pick» certain information and then release it as «major news» to a corporate media eager and willing to run with what they are handed. Such has been the case with the so-called «Panama Papers».

«Cherry picking» Leaked Documents: a CIA Art Form