Tag: Pakistan

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The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
July 24, 2024

Russia is beginning to be seriously affected by the processes taking place in the Middle East and higher up in the Pacific region.

How Pakistan and Iran Neatly Tackled Their Terror Threats
January 23, 2024

There was no escalation. In just 48 hours, Islamabad and Tehran found diplomatic common ground on shared security concerns, disappointing external adversaries seeking a sectarian-flavored, all-out war.

How Pakistan and Iran Neatly Tackled Their Terror Threats
Editor's Сhoice
Hostilidades entre Irã e Paquistão não devem afetar as relações bilaterais
Hostilidades entre Irã e Paquistão não devem afetar as relações bilaterais
January 21, 2024

Os movimentos recentes parecem ter sido previamente orquestrados, porém, mesmo que não tenham sido, há sinais de que a situação permanecerá sob controle.

Regional Opinion Urges Iran-Pakistan Amity
January 20, 2024

Iran and Pakistan have a troubled history of relations, which bear  similarities with the Pakistan-India relationship in some ways, where too issues of national sovereignty and territorial integrity lie enmeshed with backlogs of history and culture and complicated by geopolitics. 

Regional Opinion Urges Iran-Pakistan Amity
Editor's Сhoice
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Iranian-Pakistani Hostilities Unlikely to Affect Bilateral Relations
Iranian-Pakistani Hostilities Unlikely to Affect Bilateral Relations
January 20, 2024

Iranian-Pakistani Hostilities Unlikely to Affect Bilateral Relations

O dilema da India com o BRICS se aprofunda
November 29, 2023

O inevitável está finalmente, inexoravelmente, acontecendo à medida que a estratégia de 9 anos do governo para isolar, demonizar e marcar o Paquistão como um estado que patrocina o terrorismo desmorona diante da comunidade global. O Paquistão acabou de mostrar o dedo do meio para Nova Délhi ao ao se candidatar formalmente para se tornar membro do BRICS.

O dilema da India com o BRICS se aprofunda
Rename the Secretary of State the Secretary of Hypocrisy
Editor's Сhoice
Rename the Secretary of State the Secretary of Hypocrisy
August 19, 2023

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken tweeted in celebration of Pakistan’s preparations for “free and fair elections” on Wednesday, a week after it was revealed that the US pressured Pakistan to oust its popular democratically elected prime minister Imran Khan last year.

Pakistani Politics Is Just Not Cricket
August 18, 2023

Although the Pakistani military have claimed that they are the upholders of the Pakistani constitution and sovereignty, the truth is that they and their CIA and MI6 playmates have been a cancer at the heart of Pakistani society for decades now.

Pakistani Politics Is Just Not Cricket