Tag: Ortega

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A controversa luta da Nicarágua contra a ingerência estrangeira
A controversa luta da Nicarágua contra a ingerência estrangeira
September 1, 2024

Por causa da tentativa de revolução colorida em 2018 e da suspeita de que algumas associações religiosas teriam tido participação, chegou-se a uma situação de extrema tensão entre a Nicarágua e o Vaticano, com diversas prisões e expulsões de diversos membros do clero.

La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
August 29, 2024

Los eventos en Nicaragua siguieron un modus operandi bastante típico, por ejemplo, del Maidán o de la Primavera Árabe, en el que los mismos tipos de actores son utilizados como herramientas de adoctrinamiento y manipulación.

La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
Debunking Myths About Nicaragua’s 2021 Elections, Under Attack by USA/EU/OAS
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Debunking Myths About Nicaragua’s 2021 Elections, Under Attack by USA/EU/OAS
November 13, 2021

The US, EU, and OAS are launching a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, refusing to recognize its 2021 elections. The Grayzone observed the vote on the ground, and dispels myths aimed at discrediting the process.

US Foments Regime Change in Nicaragua
August 5, 2018

Any replacement of Ortega would be more, not less, neoliberal, oppressive, and authoritarian. When the Nicaraguan people, held hostage to the US-backed Contra war, first voted Ortega out of office in 1990, the incoming US-backed Violeta Chamorro government brought neoliberal structural adjustment and a moribund economy.

US Foments Regime Change in Nicaragua
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The Upcoming Nicaraguan Election Will Be a Test
The Upcoming Nicaraguan Election Will Be a Test
August 19, 2016

After three Americans from the US embassy were accused of espionage and tossed out of Nicaragua, a protest was lodged in Managua against this «unwarranted» decision, and the Nicaraguan government was warned that the relationship between the two countries would suffer inevitable damage in tourism, trade, and investment from the US. The State Department issued notice that Americans might face threats in Nicaragua. The war of propaganda waged against Daniel Ortega’s regime has become so ferocious that political commentators are drawing conclusions about Washington’s plans to «end the dictatorship» in Nicaragua once and for all…

The U.S. Counterattack in Central America
February 11, 2014

…Costa Rica has become part of a strategic zone created by Washington for the purpose of maintaining control over a large territory rich in hydrocarbons, mineral resources and water. Strategic points of this zone are located in Florida, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, and the islands of Curacao and Aruba…

The U.S. Counterattack in Central America
The Great Nicaraguan Canal, or the Chinese puzzle for America
The Great Nicaraguan Canal, or the Chinese puzzle for America
January 23, 2014

The idea of building an interoceanic canal through Nicaragua, similar to the Panama Canal but deeper and wider, has inspired the Nicaraguans for decades… In July 2012, the National Assembly of Nicaragua passed a law prepared by the government «On the legal status of the Great Interoceanic Canal and the creation of its management structure»… It has become known that the project’s investor is Empresa Desarrolladora de Grandes Infraestructuras S.A. (EDGISA). The Authority of the Great Interoceanic Canal and EDGISA have signed a contract with the Chinese company HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment, which has been given the authority to develop the project… The operator company HKND Group Holdings Limited, which was registered on the Cayman Islands in November 2012, is managed by experienced Chinese businessman Wang Jing, who enjoys support at the highest state level… 

A Channel to Link the Oceans, or the Ortega Syndrome
October 21, 2012

Early this year, Nicaraguan president D. Ortega signed into law the project to construct a canal linking the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans… Washington displayed no emotion in connection with Ortega's plan… With the US ambitions to maintain undivided control over the Asia Pacific region, the US Administration deems it necessary to oppose the initiative aimed at creating  a transit route outside of its control, even if a different approach could prove to be more practical…

A Channel to Link the Oceans, or the Ortega Syndrome