Tag: Organization of American States

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Los observadores electorales “independientes” en Brasil son financiados por EE.UU
Los observadores electorales “independientes” en Brasil son financiados por EE.UU
August 19, 2024

Si las elecciones en Venezuela no son confiables porque sus observadores son “amigos del chavismo”, ¿qué pasa con las elecciones en Brasil?

Corte Internacional de Injusticias
December 28, 2023

Si las apariencias de los humanos engañan, con mayor razón lo hacen cuando se trata de instituciones. Por ejemplo, la OEA que en Venezuela y para un sector de la política era una institución justa y poco dada a escándalos, desde la llegada del inefable Almagro tiene menos credibilidad que el Tren de Aragua.

Corte Internacional de Injusticias
GIEI Report Confirms Human Rights Violations in the 2019 U.S.-Backed Coup in Bolivia
GIEI Report Confirms Human Rights Violations in the 2019 U.S.-Backed Coup in Bolivia
August 23, 2021

Bolivia’s victims are victims of a U.S.-backed coup, and U.S.-funded political violence should equally share the spotlight now highlighting Anez’s short-lived legacy of human rights violations in Bolivia.

Ending Regime Change – in Bolivia and the World
November 4, 2020

Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power.

Ending Regime Change – in Bolivia and the World
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Trump’s Encircling of Venezuela: A Fool’s Errand
Trump’s Encircling of Venezuela: A Fool’s Errand
May 8, 2019

For Bolton, Abrams, and the CIA to have chosen May 1 – the international holiday of socialist and labor solidarity – to launch a coup against the Bolivarian socialist government of Venezuela was truly an insane decision.

Bienvenidos PROSUR: a Return to Fascist Oligarchies in South America
April 4, 2019

Trump and his team of neocons will now concentrate their efforts on overthrowing Maduro and subjecting his last remaining allies to regime change operations, Wayne Madsen writes.

Bienvenidos PROSUR: a Return to Fascist Oligarchies in South America
How the Organization of American States Became an Agent of Regime Change
Editor's Сhoice
How the Organization of American States Became an Agent of Regime Change
January 28, 2019

Almagro has been far more interested in anti-democratic regime change than in facing these critical challenges. The region has an opportunity to restore regional cooperation on shared priorities. But that will require a change in leadership.

US Comes Up With New Defense Concept
October 26, 2012

The USA has come up with a new Americas defense concept. On October 4 the Western Hemisphere Defense Policy Statement saw light outlining the major security vision for the next decade or longer… There is a certain background the Concept came out against… The US intelligence is making systematic efforts to energize the political opposition in Latin American countries deemed unfriendly in Washington. The US influenced media in Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are full of acrimonious anti-government propaganda. The USAID, the agency told to leave Russia this month for meddling into the country’s internal affairs, is notorious for serving as a cover for intelligence efforts many a time aimed at undermining legitimate governments in a number of Latin American countries…

US Comes Up With New Defense Concept