Tag: NPT Treaty

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A Russian wrench in Vienna halts U.S. dash for the finish line
Editor's Сhoice
A Russian wrench in Vienna halts U.S. dash for the finish line
March 8, 2022

The fate of the NPT may now hinge on the US response. For, if the Biden administration rides the high horse, that will almost certainly be a deal-breaker for the current negotiations in Vienna to broker the US’ return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

On the Brink… U.S. Self-Projects Criminal Nuclear Malignancy on China
August 22, 2021

The U.S. is pushing the world to the brink of catastrophe. Everything it says about China is self-projection of its own criminal malignancy, says Prof. Karl Grossman in his interview for the Strategic Culture Foundation.

On the Brink… U.S. Self-Projects Criminal Nuclear Malignancy on China
Tipping the Nuclear Dominos
Editor's Сhoice
Tipping the Nuclear Dominos
June 19, 2020

Early in his term, President Trump asked why the US can’t use its nuclear weapons. If Washington successfully torpedoes START II and re-starts testing, he may get to do exactly that.

Nuclear Lies and Broken Promises
December 4, 2019

It is easy to blame the current resident of the White House for world tensions, except that the major nuclear powers have been ignoring their commitments on nuclear weapons and disarmament for over 50 years.

Nuclear Lies and Broken Promises
Editor's Сhoice
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US-Iran Conflict – Europe Indulges Washington’s Aggression
US-Iran Conflict – Europe Indulges Washington’s Aggression
May 10, 2019

Rather than admonishing Iran for its intended suspension of the JCPOA, the EU should be siding with Russia, China and the UN in fully backing the JCPOA and expressing its condemnation of the US for making a mockery of international diplomacy and law.

On the 50th Anniversary of the Non-Proliferation Treaty: the Bedrock of International Nuclear Security
July 1, 2018

The United States could do much more to make the global non-proliferation regime more effective. Hopefully, the issue will be addressed in a constructive way at the US-Russian summit in Helsinki scheduled on July 16.

On the 50<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the Non-Proliferation Treaty: the Bedrock of International Nuclear Security
US Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal Undermines Non-Proliferation Regime
US Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal Undermines Non-Proliferation Regime
May 13, 2018

The erosion of NPT will greatly complicate the prospects for strategic arms agreements between the US and Russia. Global control over nuclear weapons is essential for making progress. The America’s non-compliance with the NPT commitments is an issue serious enough to be put on the agenda of the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.

Another Russian Superweapon to Enter Service: President Putin Did Not Bluff
March 24, 2018

Technological breakthroughs are the key to success in economics and national security. Moscow recently unveiled its achievements in military innovations that are bringing forth a new paradigm in modern warfare.

Another Russian Superweapon to Enter Service: President Putin Did Not Bluff