Tag: Nicaragua

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A controversa luta da Nicarágua contra a ingerência estrangeira
A controversa luta da Nicarágua contra a ingerência estrangeira
September 1, 2024

Por causa da tentativa de revolução colorida em 2018 e da suspeita de que algumas associações religiosas teriam tido participação, chegou-se a uma situação de extrema tensão entre a Nicarágua e o Vaticano, com diversas prisões e expulsões de diversos membros do clero.

La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
August 29, 2024

Los eventos en Nicaragua siguieron un modus operandi bastante típico, por ejemplo, del Maidán o de la Primavera Árabe, en el que los mismos tipos de actores son utilizados como herramientas de adoctrinamiento y manipulación.

La controvertida lucha de Nicaragua contra la injerencia extranjera
A multilateralist, but not a multipolarist: Lula shows his true face
A multilateralist, but not a multipolarist: Lula shows his true face
August 21, 2024

By creating tensions with Venezuela and Nicaragua, Lula creates serious geopolitical problems in South America

The Political Theatre of UK Sanctions
July 15, 2023

Britain and its partners such as the US are imposing economic sanctions on dozens of governments they don’t like, but some individuals in Nicaragua are being targeted on the basis of little or no evidence. ❗️Join us on Telegram , Twitter , and VK . The […]

The Political Theatre of UK Sanctions
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The Summit of the Americas Could Be Biden’s Next Foreign Policy Embarrassment
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The Summit of the Americas Could Be Biden’s Next Foreign Policy Embarrassment
May 16, 2022

The grandly named Summit of the Americas is due to be held in Los Angeles next month, if the Biden administration can decide who to invite and what to talk about if they turn up. As things stand, Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, Honduras and most of the Caribbean states have said they will not attend if Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are not included.

Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister: We’re Resisting a ‘Pandemic of Neo-Colonialism’
November 28, 2021

The Grayzone’s Ben Norton sat down for an interview with Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister Denis Moncada to discuss the country’s decision to leave the OAS, attempts to build an international alliance against US unilateralism, and what an anti-imperialist foreign policy looks like.

Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister: We’re Resisting a ‘Pandemic of Neo-Colonialism’
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Debunking Myths About Nicaragua’s 2021 Elections, Under Attack by USA/EU/OAS
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Debunking Myths About Nicaragua’s 2021 Elections, Under Attack by USA/EU/OAS
November 13, 2021

The US, EU, and OAS are launching a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, refusing to recognize its 2021 elections. The Grayzone observed the vote on the ground, and dispels myths aimed at discrediting the process.

Meet the Nicaraguans Facebook Falsely Branded Bots and Censored Days Before Elections
November 4, 2021

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter suspended hundreds of influential pro-Sandinista journalists and activists days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, falsely claiming they were government trolls. The Grayzone interviewed them to reveal the truth.

Meet the Nicaraguans Facebook Falsely Branded Bots and Censored Days Before Elections
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