Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

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U.S. hastening the shift to a multipolar world
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U.S. hastening the shift to a multipolar world
December 19, 2024

Nothing speaks of the US applying double standards when it comes to respecting international law and UN bodies than its reaction to the International Criminal Court’s issuance of arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on war crime charges. The Biden administration was quick to reject the ruling, arguing lack of jurisdiction by the court. President Joe Biden called the decision “outrageous.”

Trump and Israel can’t wait to start bombing Iran
December 18, 2024

Both Israel and the incoming Trump administration are reportedly eager to start bombing Iran ASAP now that Assad’s out of the way.

Trump and Israel can’t wait to start bombing Iran
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EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
EEUU e Israel destruyeron Siria y lo llamaron paz
December 17, 2024

La ambición de Netanyahu de transformar la región mediante la guerra, que se remonta a casi tres décadas, se está desarrollando ante nuestros ojos.

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire?
December 2, 2024

When it is set up by Washington and Israel is involved

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire?
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A week from hell
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A week from hell
November 28, 2024

The United States attacks Russia and is complicit in Israeli war crimes

Today in imperial recklessness and insanity
November 22, 2024

Everywhere you look it’s powerful criminals getting away with far too much while the people who are supposed to be resisting them do far too little.

Today in imperial recklessness and insanity
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What comes next for the Palestinians?
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What comes next for the Palestinians?
November 12, 2024

Well, it’s over…or is it? Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States backed by a GOP controlled Senate and possibly even a majority in the House of Representatives. And one should not discount the advantage derived from having a largely conservative Supreme Court, but much depends on who Trump appoints to key cabinet positions, a weakness in the first Trump presidency as he tended to select ideologues rather than candidates with relevant knowledge or experience.

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”
November 9, 2024

Anyone who wants to find out what is happening in the Middle East already knows that the Netanyahu government is guided by the goal of Greater Israel, which is so cherished by religious Zionism.

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”