Tag: Neocons

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Neocon Nikki signs Israeli bombs urging Israel to kill Palestinian civilians
Editor's Сhoice
Neocon Nikki signs Israeli bombs urging Israel to kill Palestinian civilians
May 29, 2024

Just when you thought “Neocon Nikki” could not sink any lower, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has posted on Twitter/X a deeply disturbing photo of former Republican presidential candidate – and reportedly in the running for Trump’s VP pick – in Israel signing bombs destined for Palestinian refugees living in tents in Rafah with the slogan, “FINISH THEM!”

The Vietnamization of Ukraine
May 21, 2024

As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside Russian territory.

The Vietnamization of Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
The Debate Over Israel as ‘U.S. Aircraft Carrier’
Editor's Сhoice
The Debate Over Israel as ‘U.S. Aircraft Carrier’
March 13, 2024

Diana Johnstone responds to readers’ comments on “The Myth of Israel as ‘US Aircraft Carrier,” an article she recently co-authored with Jean Bricmont.

After Two Years, Neocons Desperate For More War in Ukraine
February 27, 2024

In a recent CNN interview, the normally very confident US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland sounded a little desperate. She was trying to make the case for Congress to pass another $61 billion dollars for the neocons’ proxy war project in Ukraine and she was throwing out the old slogans that the neocons use when they want funding for their latest war.

After Two Years, Neocons Desperate For More War in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
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Nakba 2.0 Revives the Neocon Wars
Nakba 2.0 Revives the Neocon Wars
October 30, 2023

The Israel vs. Arab Children War is veering totally out of control, writes Pepe Escobar.

Washington Loves War Criminals
June 27, 2023

It is generally accepted in government circles as well as in the media that covers Washington politics that both major political parties now embrace foreign and national security policies that are both aggressive and brutally conducted, essentially products of the so-called neoconservatives, or neocons for short.

Washington Loves War Criminals
Editor's Сhoice
Unipolar World in Retrospect and the Onset of Multipolarity
Unipolar World in Retrospect and the Onset of Multipolarity
May 19, 2023

The U.S. managed to establish dominance by resorting to soft power, after they have destroyed each and every country by use of hard power.

John Bolton’s Prominence in the Media Proves Our Entire Society Is Diseased
March 22, 2023

We are ruled by murderous tyrants, and we are propagandized into accepting their murderousness by mass media which elevate bloodthirsty psychos like John Bolton as part of that propaganda.

John Bolton’s Prominence in the Media Proves Our Entire Society Is Diseased
Editor's Сhoice