Tag: Neo-Ottomanism

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The Pendulum Swings Again: the Desecration of Hagia Sophia
The Pendulum Swings Again: the Desecration of Hagia Sophia
July 18, 2020

The second forced reconversion of the Orthodox cathedral of Hagia Sophia into a mosque is part of a larger design of the current rulers to reconfigure Turkey back from a secular republic to a resurgent neo-Ottoman state.

How Putin Saved Erdogan From Himself
March 8, 2020

This is how a true world leader tells a regional leader, to his face, to please refrain from positioning his forces as jihadi supporters – incognito, in the middle of an explosive theater of war.

How Putin Saved Erdogan From Himself
Editor's Сhoice
Empires of the steppes fuel Erdogan Khan’s dreams
Editor's Сhoice
Empires of the steppes fuel Erdogan Khan’s dreams
March 6, 2020

Erdogan Khan has proclaimed, “Idlib is mine.” Syria and Russia are responding, “No, it’s not.” Those were the days, when turcophone empires of the steppes could just advance and capture their prey.

An ‘Awareness’ Question: What Business Does Turkey Have in Syria?
February 17, 2020

If jihadist gangs create “emirates” and radical religious militants swarm on our borders as a result of the policies you have implemented and the interventions you have staged in the name of ensuring the country’s security, we are entitled to say, “What business do we have in Syria?”

An ‘Awareness’ Question: What Business Does Turkey Have in Syria?
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It’s Time to Reclaim Syria’s Road to Recovery
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It’s Time to Reclaim Syria’s Road to Recovery
February 15, 2020

But if not through the perspective of neo-Ottomanism, how to explain the fact he is de facto supporting al-Qaeda remnants in Syria while facing two unsavory options – a humiliating retreat from or total war against the Syrian Arab Army?

Neo-Ottomanism Surges in Middle East Politics
October 15, 2018

Clearly, the US-backed alliance between Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel and Egypt to contain Iran does not make a new regional order. Erdogan will now assert Turkey’s leadership role in the Muslim Middle East.

Neo-Ottomanism Surges in Middle East Politics
Turkey’s Erdogan in the Shadows of the Ottoman Empire
Editor's Сhoice
Turkey’s Erdogan in the Shadows of the Ottoman Empire
February 3, 2018

Through his efforts to implement a police state and restore the Ottoman Empire, President Erdogan of Turkey has squandered his once-strong position as a regional leader, argues Alon Ben-Meir.

Is America’s Alliance with Turkey Doomed?
April 17, 2017

The U.S.-Turkey alliance, originally forged because of a common external threat, has become exceedingly fragile since the fall of the Soviet Union. Both states criticize each other rather than sweep aside their differences. More troublingly, they harbor mutual mistrust, which colors their perceptions of each other. While it is difficult to predict the future of the U.S.-Turkey alliance, it has clearly suffered from severe alliance fatigue and needs extensive restoration. Resuscitating the relationship will demand investment and concessions from both parties.

Is America’s Alliance with Turkey Doomed?
Editor's Сhoice